Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 626 Looking for Lucheng

Chapter 626 Looking for Lucheng
Because of Mo Han's status, Hua Jin's exposure has skyrocketed, and many fans have turned from black fans to fans. Hua Jin's disgraceful black history, along with the exposure of her relationship, was completely buried and covered up.

As for the fake Mo Han, because he disclosed his relationship with Hua Jin and also successfully proposed to Hua Jin, the internal shareholders of the Fahrenheit Group unanimously decided to push Mo Han to the position of President of Fahrenheit.

So far, Fahrenheit has completely stabilized the situation because Mo Han took the position of president.

Ling Yi was so angry that he scolded the fake Mo Han, and was even more annoyed that he smashed the porcelain and valuable antiques in the study room. Gu Yuan's expression was calm, and he only opened his mouth quietly after letting Ling Yi lose his temper.

"Boss's leg, now it's a critical moment, we let those people jump slowly for the time being. The current situation is also expected by the boss, and we don't need to pay too much attention. As long as the boss's leg injury is cured, as long as If the boss can return to Liangcheng safely, then that fake Mo Han will definitely have nowhere to hide."

Ling Yi was so angry that his face was livid, and he directly cursed: "Those scumbags, why are they so shameless, using Mo Han's identity to clean up for themselves. I said, are all the Mo family trash? Don't they have any? Can you see that this person is not Mo Han?"

Gu Yuan sighed slightly, and recounted to Ling Yi the news he had inquired during this period of time.

"This fake Mo Han is very cunning. He has been looking for various reasons to avoid meeting with the Mo family. Now that the boss is in a situation, we must be cautious, so even if I am in a hurry, I can't reveal any news to the Mo family... ..."

Ling Yi's brows were sullen, and he always felt that the anger in his heart could not be swallowed.

He pinched his waist and walked back and forth in the study, his thoughts turned.

In the end, he frowned and looked at Gu Yuan: "Let's go abroad to see how Mo Han's leg injury is recovering..."

Gu Yuan lowered his eyes to think, and finally shook his head slowly: "Too many people are easy to attract people's attention, we should focus on finding Lu Cheng now..."

Ling Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number: "Call out some people and search for Lu Cheng's whereabouts with all our strength."

Because of Ling Yi's joining, many things seemed to open the door of convenience.

For example, the Beicheng police who have been procrastinating and refusing to do their best, because of the intervention of the Ling family, they had to intensify their search efforts day and night, turning Beicheng upside down.

The police force in Beicheng penetrated into every suspicious place and corner.

At that time, Yun Lingguang was sitting in a tea room, fiddling with tea sets leisurely.

In the past few days, he has been secretly manipulating all the actions of the fake Mo Han. He has spread his nets one by one, using the power of the Mo Group to do things, and it is really getting twice the result with half the effort.

Although there are many resistances secretly competing with him, but he has no pressure at all.

As long as this fake Mo Han is active in Liangcheng for a day, the world of Liangcheng can only be held in the hands of Yun Lingguang.

He had just brewed a good pot of Lushan Yunsha, when Yun Ya hurriedly pushed open the door of the tea room and walked in.

With a sullen and delicate face, she threw her handbag on the table viciously, and the tea that Yun Lingguang had just made spilled some water stains in a shock.

Yun Lingguang frowned slightly, poured a cup of steaming tea for her, and handed it to Yun Ya.

"What's the matter, Aunt Yun?"

(End of this chapter)

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