Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 627 I must find Ye Chuyang

Chapter 627 I Must Find Ye Chuyang

Yun Ya sat down, holding the teacup in her hand, her face was still extremely embarrassed.

"Ye Chuyang has disappeared in Liangcheng for five or six days. I sent someone to inquire, and the result was that she went abroad to relax. Fengying Company even issued a statement. I can't help but believe it."

Yun Lingguang lowered his eyebrows and took a sip of tea lightly: "Have you found out which country she has gone to and how long?"

Yunya snorted coldly, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: "From the air itinerary, she almost changes to one flight a day when she is abroad, and stays in one place for less than two hours. With such a busy itinerary, I guess it must be Someone is so suspicious."

"At first, we thought that Mo Han was dead, and it would be easy for us to use Meng Xing to control Ye Chuyang. But I didn't expect that she would lie to Meng Xing calmly that night, and successfully moved Gu Yuan from under his nose. Yuan brought someone with her at that time, and it is impossible to forcibly snatch her away."

"Since that night, we haven't been able to find a chance to make a move. Now she has left the country without anyone noticing? Ling Guang, when did this Ye Chuyang become so smart?"

Yun Ling's eyes flickered slightly. He had only heard Yi Ren say that Ye Chuyang was mostly cowardly and introverted, and he didn't like to break up with strangers.

However, when he met Ye Chuyang for the first time, he had overturned Yi Ren's definition of Ye Chuyang without hesitation.

It seemed that the person he saw was completely different from the person Yi Ren described, not the same person at all.

The Ye Chuyang he knew was a woman with a keen mind, a clever mind, and a woman who would not be procrastinating in doing things.

For such a courageous, resourceful, and unparalleled woman, she was able to see through that Meng Xing was a fake Mo Han. To him, it really wasn't surprising.

Perhaps, she had already sensed that something was wrong, so she took precautions.

But Yun Lingguang always felt that there was some hidden force behind Ye Chuyang helping her.

This power made him dare not underestimate it. He sent people to investigate, but they found nothing.

"Aunt Yun, how is Yiren's situation now?" He thought for a moment, then asked in a deep voice.

When the Qiuyi people were mentioned, Yun Ya's face became even paler.

The recent series of blows made Yi Ren's condition worsen. Now she cannot leave the hospital all day, enduring the torment of illness every day.

Yun Ya's eyes turned red slightly, after all, she is her own daughter, how can there be a mother who doesn't love her children.

"I'm afraid I haven't found Ye Chuyang yet, Yiren...she may not be able to hold on..."

Yun Lingguang sighed slightly, reached out and patted Yun Ya's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Aunt Yun. I have already contacted a famous foreign cardiologist. I sent someone to look for other sources of the organs half a year ago. If we can't find Ye Chuyang by then, we can have a way out."

A vicious gleam flashed in Yun Ya's eyes, she gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "No... I must find Ye Chuyang, I must exchange Ye Chuyang's heart for Yi Ren. She took away that woman I will take the life of her daughter for everything that belongs to me. Even if she dies, I will let her die with regret. If she does not die, I will let her heartache go to hell."

Yun Lingguang hooked the corners of his lips contemptuously, and glanced coldly at the woman who was ridden with jealousy.

For so many years, she has been living in jealousy. Jealousy and hatred have made her unrecognizable. Once such a woman becomes ruthless, she is more terrifying than a man.

(End of this chapter)

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