Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 629 How dare you kidnap me

Chapter 629 How dare you kidnap me
Without Yunya planning outside, it would be impossible for Huashang to get out of prison.

He already had feelings for Yun Ya, and now he added the grace of saving his life, how could he refuse her request.

Naturally, he would do his best to serve Yun Ya with all his might.

"Yun Ya, my Chinese businessman's life has long been yours. As long as you say, I will do my best to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire..." The Chinese businessman swears by patting his chest.

The smile on Yun Ya's face became brighter, the corners of her eyes were slightly red, and then she slowly leaned into Hua Shang's arms.

"Fortunately, you have been with me all these years..."


Hua Shang had already been distracted, he suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, stretched out his arms and hugged Yun Ya tightly.

He even lowered his head, moved closer to Yun Ya, and kissed her.

The two of them hugged and kissed at the corner of the crowded street. Such presumptuous and unscrupulous behavior was secretly photographed by a man in black hiding in the dark.

Then quietly, sneaked away.

That night, the Chinese businessman took a few people on a flight to a foreign country.

Although Yunya couldn't find Ye Chuyang's whereabouts, she used her determination to let Chinese businessmen go to the cities where she stayed, and spent a lot of money to hire famous detectives to conduct a carpet-like search in every place. Ye Chuyang's whereabouts.

Once they found her trace, the Chinese merchants immediately sent someone to kidnap her and bring her back to the country.


That night, Yun Lingguang received news that Feng Yi's whereabouts were exposed, and a group of unknown people took Feng Yi away. ,

Yun Lingguang was shocked, and hurried to Beicheng by car.

When they arrived at Feng Yi's residence, it was already empty.

The room was a mess, messy.

There were traces of fighting all around, and even a trace of blood stained the white floor.

The bodyguard squatted down and touched a little blood with his fingertips. The blood had already solidified. It was conceivable that Feng Yi had been taken away for a long time.

Yun Lingguang suppressed the turbulent waves in his heart, hurriedly added manpower, and rushed to an unknown small island in the sea area of ​​Beicheng.

He ordered them to be on strict guard, not a single fly should come near.

The disappearance of Feng Yi made Yunling Guang take precautions. He guarded Beicheng himself, not allowing anyone to rescue him under his nose.

That's right, as early as Feng Yi used An Xiaowan to contain Lu Cheng, Yun Lingguang sent someone to send Lu Cheng and An Xiaowan to the small island in the sea.

Cutting off all external connections, those two people stayed on the island, it can be said that the heavens should not be called the earth.

He sent people around to defend 24 hours a day, even if they had wings, it would be difficult for them to fly.


The person who took Feng Yi away was none other than the people sent by Ling Yi.

Ling Yi didn't ask someone to take Feng Yi back to Liangcheng, but put Feng Yi in an old house in a desolate suburb of Beicheng.

After getting the news, Ling Yi and Gu Yuan rushed to Beicheng overnight.

The two of them rushed to this old suburban house in Beicheng night and night, got out of the car, neither of them said a word, with gloomy faces, they walked into Feng Yi's room.

An old house with mottled walls, a courtyard full of fallen leaves, and dilapidated doors and windows.

Dust and cobwebs were all over the room full of dirt, Feng Yi was bound hands and feet, and tied to a chair.

He growled loudly and loudly: "Who the hell are you? How dare you kidnap me in broad daylight? Don't even look at who is behind me. Who borrowed your courage to let you do this? Let me go quickly, or the people behind me will definitely not let you go..."

(End of this chapter)

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