Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 630 You Are Just One of Yun Lingguang's Dogs

Chapter 630 You Are Just a Dog Under Yun Lingguang
Feng Yi was still roaring arrogantly inside, but he didn't seem timid and scared.

Ling Yi stood outside the door, shaking the frost on his shoulders, and sneered at Gu Yuan: "It's really interesting, what is this called, a thief calling catch a thief? Lu Cheng is your brother, I think he should be handed over to you for interrogation? "

Gu Yuan nodded with a gloomy face, kicked open the dilapidated door, and stepped into the room.

Feng Yi's voice stopped abruptly with the sound of his kicking the door, and he turned his head in a daze to look at the handsome and cold Gu Yuan who kicked in the door.

As if the lights were dim, Feng Yi only saw Gu Yuan's tall figure, but couldn't see the outline of Gu Yuan's facial features clearly.

"Who are you? Why are you kidnapping me?"

Gu Yuan snorted coldly, and took out a sharp dagger from his arms.

The dagger shone with a cold light, refracted on Gu Yuan's face, and Gu Yuan's eyes were full of bloodthirsty and hostility in the darkness.

"Feng Yi, you kidnapped Xiaowan and Lu Cheng, don't you know who I am? Ever since you got close to Xiaowan, you have a thorough understanding of the people or things around her, otherwise how would you dare to hold Xiaowan hostage?" , lure Lu Cheng out of Liangcheng? Lu Cheng is my brother, if you have the guts to kidnap him, why don't you know me?"

Feng Yi's body trembled, his face turned pale, and then he forced a smile, and said triumphantly: "Gu Yuan? Ha... It's really interesting, that idiot in Lu Cheng would even disregard his own life for a woman As for Mo Han, he even lost his life because of a woman. No matter how high your status is, you brothers are still heroes after all, and one or two of you are dragged down by women..."

"Now, those two people are on death row and the other is in prison, and you are left as a wimp. What else do I have to worry about? If you dare to touch a hair on me, then Lu Cheng will not even want to live. I warn you, you'd better Let me go quickly, or you will wait to collect Lu Cheng's body?"

Gu Yuan's handsome face suddenly became cold and fierce. He smiled slightly, and then gradually approached Feng Yi. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Feng Yi's palm fiercely. Feng Yi has long and beautiful fingers.

Feng Yi exclaimed in fright, he wanted to struggle, but his hands and feet were bound, and he couldn't move an inch.

Watching helplessly, the cold blade pressed against his fingers, panic and panic welled up in his heart, he swallowed his saliva, looked at Gu Yuan with a trembling voice and asked: "You... what do you want to do? Don't you care Has the safety of Lucheng been affected?"

Gu Yuan's deep eyes flashed a cold light, he sneered and said: "Do you think you are a few catties, do you think Yun Lingguang will trade Lu Cheng for your life? You are just one of Yun Lingguang's subordinates. Dog, your life is worthless to him."

"Only you can save yourself now. I leave this opportunity to you. You should cherish it. If you refuse to obey, or even be loyal to Yunlingguang to the end, then don't blame me for being rude. Say, Lu Cheng is now Where was it locked up?"

Feng Yi's face was extremely pale, and his body trembled uncontrollably. He lowered his eyes and looked at the fingers that were placed under the blade, struggling in the battle between heaven and man in his heart.

If he betrayed Yun Lingguang, his fate would be miserable. He had always known Yun Lingguang's ruthless methods.

As for Gu Yuan, he knew very little about him.

I only heard that Gu Yuan was obsessed with Fengyue, and he was kind and gentle to everyone. There were very few rumors in Liangcheng about his cruel methods, almost none.

(End of this chapter)

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