Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 634 Leave the Chinese merchants to me to deal with

Chapter 634 Leave the Chinese merchants to me to deal with
During these days, Chuyang felt like a dream, this dream was too sweet, so sweet that she worried about gains and losses.

All of this was not easy to come by. She felt as if she was holding a fragile glass in her hands. She had to be careful not to let this dream shatter easily.

However, this dream will not last long after all, and troubles will come to you automatically.

At noon this day, Chu Yang and Mo Han had just had lunch when they saw An Ming walking in hastily from outside.

Chu Yang hurriedly added more bowls and chopsticks for An Ming, but An Ming stopped him.

"Ma'am, don't be so busy, I've already had dinner, and now I have something very important to say to Mr. Mo..."

Mo Han knew that something serious must have happened, he rarely saw An Ming panic like this.

He shook Chu Yang's hand, and then led An Ming to the study.

Chu Yang was worried, and after ordering the servants to clean up the dining room, he made a pot and went to the study.

The study door was ajar, and she pushed it open with a light push.

An Ming was standing in the middle of the study, reporting solemnly.

"Yunya sent a Chinese businessman to go abroad to find out the whereabouts of his wife. I sent people to deal with the Chinese businessman for a few days, but I didn't expect this fox to be too cunning. He even used a clue to find it here..."

Hearing this, Chu Yang frowned slightly, approached the two of them, put down the teacup, and looked at An Ming.

"Oh? Did you find out here? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to seize Chinese businessmen..."

Anming was startled, looked at Chuyang and asked in confusion: "Ma'am, what do you mean? Let's act first?"

Chu Yang smiled slightly, and looked at Mo Han. She handed a cup of tea to Mo Han, tilted her head and smiled at him: "Mr. Mo, it's time for me to fight hard, right? My adoptive parents lost their lives. Since the fake Mo Han managed to get him out, then I will try to keep him in a foreign prison. I will make Yun Ya and the others powerless, and they will never be able to rescue him... "

Mo Han's brows were slightly dark, and he looked at Chuyang with some worry: "How sure are you?"

Chu Yang leaned against him flatteringly, and said with a low laugh, "What if I'm not sure at all?"

"That's nonsense..." Mo Han smiled softly for some reason.

An Ming was taken aback, and quickly denied Chu Yang's proposal: "Not at all sure? Mrs. Hua Shang is not easy to deal with. You'd better not intervene and leave it to me. In case of time, not only can't subdue him, but let him If he found out about your whereabouts, that would be bad."

Chu Yang took a piece of paper from the table, then slowly crumpled a ball of paper, raised his hand and slammed An Ming's forehead fiercely.

Then she raised her eyebrows and smiled: "I'm really worried. Even if I stab someone, wouldn't you, Mr. Mo, cover me up? Besides, I never feel uncertain, so don't worry, the Chinese merchants will be left to me to deal with. Let him atone for his sins."

(End of this chapter)

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