Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 635 Are You All Right?

Chapter 635 Are You All Right?

The tall man whispered darkly, curled his lips in displeasure, rubbed his forehead that didn't hurt, and looked at Mo Han with some mourning.

"Mr. Mo, don't let your wife mess around..."

Mo Han smiled slightly, bent his index finger, and gently scratched Chu Yang's small nose bridge, then reached out to hug Chu Yang, raised his eyebrows and smiled at An Ming.

"What are you afraid of? Don't you still have me? Let her make trouble. I want to see how she sent Chinese businessmen to prison."

Chu Yang blinked at Anming, and smiled wantonly: "Did you hear that? You, Mr. Mo, are very capricious about my abilities..."

An Ming scratched his head, looked at his boss and his wife, flirting with each other like no one else, throwing dog food.

At this moment, how much he envied Li Chong who stayed in the village.

He even misses the low-key and ordinary life in the past, at least he doesn't have to worry about eating dog food.


After an unknown period of time, I fell into a groggy state.

Xiao Wan felt cold all over her body, she shivered, curled up her hands and feet, and nestled in Lu Cheng's arms.

Her fingers tightly grasped Lu Cheng's clothes, and whispered: "Lu Cheng, I'm so cold, so cold..."

Perhaps her abnormality gave Lu Cheng some perception. His closed eyes trembled slowly. After several times of struggling and turning, the eyelids finally opened slowly.

His eyes were dizzy and black for a while, but he didn't care, his teeth bit his lip, trying to wake himself up with tingling pain.

The trembling movement in his arms made his eyes flash, and he lowered his eyes to look.

Then she saw that Xiaowan's face was pale, her eyebrows were gray, her lips were so dry that the skin was torn, with flesh and blood protruding faintly.

Lu Cheng was startled, he quickly held Xiao Wan's face with his big palm, and called out anxiously: "Xiao Wan, Xiao Wan, wake up..."

Xiao Wan felt it, and gradually opened her eyelids amidst his shouts, and her eyes were instantly covered with tears.

She choked up in a low voice, and grasped Lu Cheng with her fingers forcefully, for fear that everything in front of her was a dream.

"Lu Cheng, are you awake? Are you all right?"

Looking at her like this, Lu Cheng's heart ached so badly, he brought his thin lips to her forehead, kissed her lightly, then patted her back with his palm, and said in a low voice.

"I'm the one who worried you. I'm fine. Now you don't have to say or do anything. Leave everything to me."

Xiao Wan curled up in his arms, crying happily.

Lu Cheng coaxed her softly, then he slowly stood up, enduring the dizziness in front of his eyes, staggered to the dining table where the food was placed, took some milk and bread, and stumbled back.

"Come on, drink some milk to fill your stomach..." He helped Xiao Wan up and stuffed the food into her arms.

Xiaowan shook her head, grabbed the corner of his clothes with her fingers, lifted his clothes, and said firmly: "There are medical supplies in the bathroom, you should bandage your own wounds first, then take the medicine before eating..."

Lu Cheng couldn't bear to see her worry anymore, so he nodded without any objection. He staggered to his feet, brought back the medical supplies, quickly bandaged his wound, and then took some anti-inflammatory drugs to swallow.

After everything was sorted out, Xiao Wan let go of her tightly held heart.

Once this energy is dispersed, she is like a kite with a broken string, she leans back and completely passes out.

Lu Cheng was startled, and quickly stepped forward to hug her.

He called her a few words in a low voice, but there was no response.

(End of this chapter)

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