Chapter 644
As soon as he heard that his salary was going to be deducted, he secretly cried out: "Boss, you can't deduct my salary. I'm a paycheck, so you can't just leave me alone..."

Only then did Mo Han look up at him, and sneered, "Moonlight clan? I pay you no less than six or seven figures a month. Tell me, how did you become a moonlight clan?" There are no women, no children, and no parents to support them, what about the money?"

Both An Ming and Li Chong were orphans with no relatives or friends. They grew up with Mo Han. They were also the most beneficial helpers that Mo's father chose for Mo Han. One was in the light and the other was in the dark. Mo Han's black and white shadow accompanies him to grow up, like a brother, more like a family member.

"Money, the money is naturally spent..." Anming's scalp was numb, and he touched his nose in embarrassment. Suddenly, the dark face of the tall and thick man turned red, and finally hesitated and murmured gradually, and he didn't dare to ask for forgiveness.

Seeing An Ming's deflated appearance, Chu Yang immediately laughed softly, and fell into Mo Han's arms, laughing softly, and the gloomy mood before gradually dissipated.

Now she found that this dark voice was much more interesting than Li Chong, Li Chong was old and cunning, and it was difficult to get him.

But this Anming, looking tall and tall, but with a thin face, is very fun to tease.

Mo Han looked at Chu Yang and smiled, and the gloom in his heart was swept away, and he also smiled.

The boss and the boss's wife laughed very happily, only Anming was left with a bitter face, and had to plan the next good show.

Heart is so tired, being treated like this every day by them, he will definitely lose weight within half a year.

Mingming bitterly, according to Mo Han's order, contact the police here, abuse his name and report the commercial vehicle with the license plate of ***, with dangerous objects hidden in the vehicle, he also revealed to the police that this group of people may be Terrorists, they are rushing towards the airport.

The police here attach great importance to terrorist incidents. They immediately set up a task force, dispatched the most senior military forces to be fully armed, and dispatched a large number of police personnel to the airport to rob people.

But I'm afraid it's one step too late, and these terrorists will murder and kill innocent people.

After An Ming made the call, he debited the card in the phone very calmly, and threw it out of the car window.

Then An Ming asked the driver to drive the car and drive them to the airport.

Chuyang wanted to see the Chinese businessman go to jail with her own eyes, maybe she hoped that the Chinese businessman would be shot dead by the foreign police on the spot, so that he would not even have a chance to complain.

Chu Yang leaned on Mo Han's shoulder, her palms interlocked with Mo Han's. She looked sideways at the slowly receding scenery outside the car window, and her eyes gradually became cold.

This time, don't say she is cruel, she can't wait, not even a moment.

Since the law cannot give her a fair explanation for the murder of her adoptive parents and the tragic death of those innocent people, she can only personally dig a hole for the Chinese businessman to let him fall.

She closed her eyes slightly, buried her head in Mo Han's arms, and said in a muffled voice, "Mo Han, am I being too cruel?"

Mo Han sighed slightly, and gently stroked the hair on the top of her head with his palm, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes: "He owes you, and he will have to pay the price in the end, he is a person full of evil, this kind of punishment is right for you." He deserves what he deserves..."

Chu Yang raised his head, his eyes were full of watery light shining brightly, staring at Mo Han.

(End of this chapter)

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