Chapter 645
Then she pursed her lips and smiled, stopped talking, wrapped her arms tightly around Mo Han's waist, sucked her sore nose, and gently rubbed against his chest.

That appearance and movements, like a well-behaved puppy, made Mo Han's heart flutter.

His eyes flashed, and he hugged Chuyang's waist tightly.

"Chuyang, I'm sorry, I couldn't help you with your adoptive parents back then, and I didn't get justice for them early. It was my negligence that caused you to suffer so much." Whether it was in the previous life or in this life, he owed you a lot. She is a lot.

Chu Yang said nothing, his thoughts drifted far away.

Thinking about it carefully, Mo Han treated her very well no matter in the past or present, so good that even when she hated him, she still couldn't forget her love for him.

Her previous wish was really simple, to live an ordinary life with Mo Han.

Her happiness has always been simple, and she doesn't have too many extravagant demands.

However, some people can't see them well. In their previous life, they calculated that she and Mo Han would be separated from each other. Not only did they murder her, but they even charged Mo Han with killing his wife for her heart.

Because of this hatred, Mo Han almost died because of her, and he escaped from death again and again to protect her.

She and Mo Han endured too much.

This hatred, this enmity, how can Chuyang bear it?How can I swallow it?

The current disaster of the Chinese merchants is only the first step of her revenge.

Hua Jin, Qiu Yiren, Yun Ya, Yun Ling Guang, none of them can escape.

Finally, she said in a low voice: "How can I blame you, after all, this is a fatal disaster, and I can't escape."

She was reborn on the eve of her marriage, when her adoptive parents had died four years earlier, and now thinking about it, it was doomed.

Fate is destined to be a matter, how can manpower reverse it, and how can she blame Mo Han?
When Chu Yang and Mo Han arrived at the airport, the airport was already under the control of the police. Some police officers were dispersing the crowd outside, and even pulled up the cordon to prevent the outsiders from entering.

They waited in an unobtrusive corner, quietly waiting for the final result.

Half an hour later, the police won a complete victory and successfully subdued the Chinese merchants and others.

When the Chinese businessman was escorted into the police car, he seemed to feel it, and a pair of angry eyes shot in their direction.

At this moment, the unwillingness and anger in his eyes were so real and so embarrassing.

The Chinese businessman has done evil things all his life and killed so many innocent people. In the end, he reaped the consequences and was tricked by others. There is no chance of turning over.

I thought that I went abroad just to catch Ye Chuyang, but I didn't want to successfully put myself in it.

He clearly knew that Ye Chuyang must be responsible for this, but the dangerous items hidden in the car were the most real existence, and those items had his Chinese businessman's fingerprints on them, so he couldn't deny it even if he wanted to deny it.

This battle was over before it even started.


That night, Yun Lingguang didn't close his eyes. He took the man in black and searched Beicheng secretly, but he still couldn't find any trace of the person who rescued Lucheng.

He was so angry that he went back to the room where he lived, and crazily broke everything in the room that could be broken.

At dawn, another news came that Feng Yi had been sent to the police station by Gu Yuan.

With conclusive evidence, Feng Yi's pawn was completely useless.

In order to find this chess piece, he has wasted a lot of manpower and material resources, but in the end, it was all in vain.

Yunling was furious, but he couldn't vent his anger.

This breath was suffocating in his heart, and he was so hot that he couldn't sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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