Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 779 She Was Stupid As A Pig

Chapter 779 She is stupid like a pig
Jiang Yu immediately asked, "Then how did you get out?"

Mo Youyou squeezed the earrings in her hand, and said with some hesitation: "Someone opened the door secretly... I guess it should be Hua Jin? She should be afraid that I will blame her, so she didn't dare to see me. I let it go and left secretly again."

Jiang Yu suddenly sneered, joke, how can a dead person open the door for Yoyo?
She stood up immediately, pursed her lips without saying a word, and walked slowly back and forth in the living room.

Mo Youyou looked up at Jiang Yu, and said hesitantly: "Mom, I decided to go to Hua Jin later, I want to ask her why she locked me up? When she locked me up, she took away My bag and my mobile phone were taken away from me. I don't understand why she did this. After seeing her, I must ask clearly, what is she doing for..."

Jiang Yu's eyes were cold, she turned her head to look at Mo Youyou, the corners of her lips curled up slowly, and said with a sneer, "See her? Everyone is dead, where are you going to see her?"

Mo Youyou trembled, looked at Jiang Yu in disbelief, and stood up suddenly: "Mom, what are you talking about? How could Hua Jin die?"

Jiang Yu's expression gradually calmed down, and she walked slowly to Mo Youyou's side.

He reached out and held her arm, intending to tell Mo Youyou all the cause and effect.To prevent her from causing any unforgivable disasters in the future.

"Come on Yoyo, let's sit down first, mom will tell you everything..."


Mo Youyou lied to Jiang Yu, and finally ran out of the Mo family secretly.

She was full of doubts and couldn't relieve them, let alone understand how Hua Jin and Qiu Yiren could become completely strangers to her.

If Jiang Yu had told her this in the past, she might not have believed it. She didn't believe that Yi Ren actually planned to frame other people's lives for the sake of her own health.

If not, Hua Jin locked her in a small dark room the day before, then she wouldn't be completely awake.

She became a stupid pig, was sold by others, and was still foolishly counting the money for the enemy.

Heh, Mo Youyou finds it funny even thinking about it.

As she walked, she raised her head to stop the tears from overflowing her eyes.

Looking at the pitch-black night sky, she just thought how could people's hearts be so dirty, what did she do wrong, she gave them her sincerity, and what she got in exchange was actually a deception?
After listening to Jiang Yu's so-called truth, she felt that her whole body was covered with frost.

It was really cold, so cold that her heart was gradually frozen.

She never expected that they wanted to win Ye Chuyang's heart, so as to extend Yi Ren's life.

Moreover, the most outrageous thing is that in order to successfully win Ye Chuyang's heart, they actually planned to murder her third brother?
During that time, the third brother disappeared for a while. She was puzzled and asked Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu replied that the third brother was only on a business trip abroad and would be back soon.

At that time, she didn't think much about it and believed it was true.

She still visits Yi Ren every day, always concerned about her physical condition, and seeing her suffering from illness, she has been praying, hoping that good people will be rewarded.

At that time, the third brother was designed by them to fall off the cliff, and his life and death are unknown.

Her third brother was hovering on the verge of life and death, and almost never came back.

When her third brother fell into darkness and fell into a desperate situation, where was she, she was still foolishly surrounding those enemies who killed her third brother, worrying and praying for them.

(End of this chapter)

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