Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 780 Mo Youyou, We Are All Fools

Chapter 780 Mo Youyou, We Are All Fools
She was so stupid, so pitifully stupid, she raised her hand and slapped herself fiercely, gritted her teeth and growled: "Mo Youyou, you are so stupid, you are the most stupid idiot in the world."

After so many years, it turned out that all their closeness was just to take advantage of.

They use her ignorance, her simple kindness, to achieve their goals.

She will never forget that when Hua Jin took her bag and turned to leave, Hua Jin was standing at the door with those cold eyes like sharp knives, shooting at her fiercely.

What did Hua Jin say at that time, she raised her head and laughed, her voice was full of ridicule and sarcasm.

"Mo Youyou, we are all fools. You are stupid, and I am also stupid. But you are luckier than me. You have a mother who loves you, brother. But I have nothing left. My mother passed away when I was a child. The only one who can protect me My father, he will never be able to return to me. I know that I am about to embark on a road of no return, but I cannot turn back..."

"Even if I want to turn back, they will not allow me to back down. At this moment, I really understand that the most hurtful thing in this world is never the sword, gun, stick, but the heart..."

"Take care, I locked you up just to protect you. If I succeed, then we will become enemies completely, because I will overthrow your Mohist group."

"If I fail, I will send someone to let you go from here. At that time, we should be separated from Yin and Yang, right? Tonight, if you don't succeed, you will die. I am too tired and don't want to continue struggling, so you take care... ..."

At that time, Mo Youyou felt that Hua Jin was abnormal, she hurried forward, trying to hold Hua Jin, but only grabbed her earring, she pulled it off, blood dripping from the earring.

But still, unable to stop Hua Jin from leaving.

There was only water in the area of ​​more than 50 square meters, and she stayed there for a full day and night.

She screamed, and felt the fear and despair that she had never felt before.

At that moment, no matter how ignorant and stupid she was, she vaguely guessed the turbulent undercurrent hidden under the calm appearance.

Only then did I realize that at some point, the Hua family, the Qiu family, and the Mo family were completely on opposite sides.

Mo Youyou squatted on the ground, buried her head in her knees, and cried loudly.

For so many years, she has been well protected by her family, and she has never known the warmth and coldness of human relationships and the coldness of the world.

She only knows that if she treats others with sincerity, then others will also treat herself with sincerity.

The heart-piercing pain, one after another, things that she couldn't accept, swept through her mind one after another.

She was in pain, hesitant, and at a loss.

There was pain in her heart, she thought this was the price of growth, right?
Betrayal and deceit finally pushed her to grow into an adult.

She will also be in pain, mourning for such a fresh and young life.

After years of friendship, she couldn't hate Hua Jin, but they couldn't get back together.

As for the Qiuyi people, she thought, she hated them.

If it wasn't for her, none of this would have happened, Third Brother would not have been in danger, and Hua Jin would not have embarked on a path of no return.

Mo Youyou cried for a while before she raised her head and wiped the tears off her face with her sleeves. She picked up the phone and dialed a number to go out.

"..." She just kept choking up and crying, without saying a word.

Until the person on the other end of the phone, after asking countless questions about who it was, was about to hang up after still not getting an answer.

With a hoarse voice, Mo Youyou said three words in a low voice: "I'm sorry..." Then he hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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