Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 862 The Creepy Feeling

Chapter 862 The Creepy Feeling

"Mr. seems to be becoming more and more cold recently. Only when facing his wife, he has a rare tenderness. But facing other people, he is like a block of ice that will never melt for thousands of years. It can freeze people to death."

"That's right, although I used to be unsmiling and serious, but that would only make people feel awe and dare not be presumptuous. Now, I don't dare to look at Mr. more, his eyes are like knives, making people shudder..."

"Do you still remember the cat brought back by the wife that day? After one night, the cat died, and the cause of death was unknown. Early the next morning, the husband asked the bodyguard to deal with it, and no one was allowed to mention this to the wife. thing."

"I remember, thinking about it now, I feel a creepy feeling."

What the servants said made Chu Yang feel a little dazed for a moment.

She remembered the scene of Mo Han's nightmare a few days ago. Since that day, every time she wakes up, either she can't see him, or he has already woken up.

During these days, she gradually discovered that Mo Han has become very strange, often moody, and extremely easily moved, especially when it concerns her, he is extremely sensitive.

For example, a servant accidentally touched her the day before yesterday, and Mo Han immediately turned cold and dismissed the servant directly, letting her pack up and leave.

Another example, yesterday when he came to pick her up, she met a stray cat. She picked it up and wanted to bring it home. The cat seemed a little uneasy seeing strangers, so the cat scratched her. .

She immediately let out a low cry, startled, but not hurt.

Immediately, Mo Han threw the cat to Li Chong. Later, she didn't know what happened to the cat. Every time she asked him, he would change the subject and talk about it.

After a long time, she gradually forgot about it, and now she actually heard the servant say, this cat is dead?

Chuyang's heart tightened slightly, and a strong uneasiness hit her brain, making her uneasy.

A servant suddenly found Chu Yang, and immediately turned pale. She reminded the other servants.

Everyone was terrified, and quickly ran over from the window and stood in front of Chuyang.

"Ma'am, you're awake. What do you want? Even if you tell us to do it, you're still injured, why don't you go upstairs and rest?" One of the bold servants stepped forward and smiled and told Chu Yang Go upstairs and rest.

Chu Yang glanced at the window lightly and asked, "Did something happen in the small darkroom in the yard?"

The direction they were peeping just now was the small dark room where nothing was usually kept.

The servant quickly shook his head: "It's nothing, madam, you should go upstairs and rest."

Chu Yang glanced at the servant and asked, "What about him?"

The servant naturally knew who Chu Yang was talking about, and the servant quickly replied: "Sir, he still has some things to do, please don't worry, Madam, he will be back in a while."

Chu Yang let out an ooh, then pushed open the door without saying a word, and walked into the yard.

The servant's face changed when he saw it, and he hurriedly stepped forward to stop him with a smile: "Madam, it's windy outside, you'd better not go out, be careful of catching a cold."

Chu Yang's complexion changed, and his soft complexion became cold and attractive: "Get out of the way..."

The servant was taken aback. When had they ever seen a wife who was always pleasant and had such an awe-inspiring side? How dare they stop her? They took a step back nervously and got out of the way.

(End of this chapter)

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