Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 863 Mr. Mo, Don't Kill Me

Chapter 863 Mr. Mo, Don't Kill Me

Chu Yang pursed his lips, walked out of the gate, and walked towards the small darkroom.

Before she got close, she heard faint cries and begging for mercy.

"Mr. Mo, I beg you to let me go. I really didn't do it on purpose. I just slipped for a while. There is no conspiracy, and no one ordered me."

"Okay, since there is no one, let's go on the road, Li Chong will do it..."

"Ah...don't...don't kill me, I said, I said..." Soon the man begged for mercy and confessed.

"Say..." Mo Han only uttered one word in a cold voice.

The trembling voice poured into Chuyang's ears intermittently.

"Yes... she is a new contracted person from Fengying Company. Her name is Han Shuishui. She gave me a large sum of money and asked me to pretend to be slippery and throw the prop on them on purpose. This matter It was Han Shuishui who instructed me to do it, I really just took people's money, I didn't want to harm people."

"Even if this prop hits someone, it's only a minor injury at most. It won't be life-threatening after lying in the hospital for ten and a half months. My family is in urgent need of money, so I had no choice but to take the risk and agreed to help her do it. of."

"Mr. Mo, I beg you, please forgive me, I don't dare anymore, please don't kill me." As soon as the man finished speaking, there was the sound of kowtow.

After the silence in the room, Mo Han's incomparably cool voice came in a low voice.


"President Mo, he's not guilty of death..." Li Chong's voice came faintly, with a lot of hesitation.

"Kill, don't let me say it a third time..." Mo Han's voice without a trace of emotion came slowly again, and the word "kill" established the life and death of that person.

The word "kill" was as heavy as a thousand catties, and Chu Yang's heart ached from the weight.

In the past, even if someone offended Mo Han, he would hand over the evidence of the crime, along with the person, to the police, and let the law punish their crimes.

Shen He, Huashang, Feng Yi, these former enemies, Mo Han didn't let his hands be stained with blood. Even though these people were guilty of heinous crimes and their hearts were to be punished, he sent them to prison and did not take their lives. Life.

Even the deaths of Meng Xing and Hua Jin were their own fault. They were the ones who had embarked on a road of no return, and they could not turn back step by step, so they fell into a dead end.

But now, Mo Han actually wants to kill this person, this person is not guilty of death.

Mo Han, is he crazy?No matter how powerful he is, he can't kill people casually. He's not trying to push others into hell, but he's trying to push himself into the abyss of evil.

Chuyang's back was gradually soaked in cold sweat, and his hands and feet began to gradually become colder and colder.

", Mr. Mo, don't kill me, don't kill me..." In the room, the voices of panic begging for mercy grew louder.

Chu Yang raised his hand and pushed open the door suddenly. The lights in the room were brightly lit. Chu Yang saw two men in black who were about to stab the man with sharp knives.

With a bang, the door was pushed open, Mo Han turned his head, and shot towards Chuyang with eyes like ice skates.

When it was clear that it was her, the man's cold eyes gradually eased a bit.

Then he frowned slightly, walked towards the door, and held her hand: "Why are you here? Your hands are so cold, don't you know how to put on some clothes?"

Chu Yang didn't look at him, she just focused her eyes on the bloody man, who had already fainted from fright, and his bruised body could no longer bear another fatal injury.

(End of this chapter)

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