Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 935 You don't understand anything-

Chapter 935 You don't understand anything-
She glanced at Qiu Yiren coldly, turned around and left.

Qiu Yiren thought that Ye Chuyang was so frightened by what she said just now that she ran away.

So, behind Chuyang, she laughed wildly: "Haha, Ye Chuyang, you are scared, are you scared?"

Chu Yang paused, turned around slowly, and looked at Qiu Yiren with cold eyes against the light.

Qiu Yiren couldn't stop laughing wildly, until the tears came out of the corners of his eyes.

She didn't seem to care about her gaffe, and she was very happy at this moment.

Chu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, clenched his fists, loosened and clenched, clenched and then loosened.

After going back and forth for several rounds, she raised her footsteps and walked back to the Qiuyi people.

Qiu Yiren stopped smiling, looked at Chu Yang warily, and stepped back a few times.

As soon as Chu Yang grasped her wrist, he was so strong that he wanted to pinch the blood in her wrist. Qiu Yiren shuddered in pain and shouted for her to let go.

The assistant wanted to break Chu Yang's hand away, but Chu Yang pushed back and pushed the assistant away.

Gu Yuan dodges and blocks the assistant.

In terms of skill, Qiu Yiren, who has been bedridden all year round, is no match for Chuyang even though she has recovered from her illness.

Chu Yang only needed one hand to break one of her arms.

"Qiu Yiren, please remember, don't disturb Mo Han's life, what kind of woman he married, what kind of life he lives, you are not allowed to disturb him, do you understand?" Chu Yang gritted his teeth, and approached Qiu Yiren In his ear, he whispered a warning.

Qiu Yiren was taken aback, obviously not understanding what she meant.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you mind that he marries and has children with other women? Don't you resent that he abandoned you and stayed with other women? Ye Chuyang, don't tell me, you don't mind."

Chu Yang stared at her surprised eyes, then sneered: "What do you know, you don't know anything."

"Don't you want to know where Yunya is? Do you want to know whether she is alive or dead? If you don't want her to die, you'd better be honest with me and don't play any tricks."

At the mention of Yunya, Qiuyi's nerves exploded.

She grabbed Chuyang's hand instead, and asked anxiously, "My mother, where is she? What did you do to her?"

Chu Yang snorted coldly, threw Qiu Yiren away suddenly, turned around and left.

How could Qiuyi let her go, her eyes were red, and she wanted to throw herself on Chuyang's thigh.

Chu Yang kicked her away, and warned in a cold voice: "Be quiet for me, she will be safe, if you keep ignoring good and evil and trying to make trouble, then she will die soon."

Qiu Yiren prostrated herself on the ground, tears streaming down her face, she gritted her teeth and growled angrily: "Ye Chuyang, don't hurt her, don't...don't go, tell me, where is she?"

Chuyang didn't want to talk to her at all, and left without nostalgia.

Gu Yuan glanced coldly at Qiu Yiren who was crying and collapsed, and said in a low voice that he deserved it, then turned around and left.


Gu Yuan sent Chu Yang back to the crew, and comforted Chu Yang a few words. Seeing that her expression did not change much, he also let go of his heart and drove away.

But Chu Yang didn't join the crew, but took a taxi and headed towards the Mo Group.

This time I went to Mo's Group, and my mood was very different from the last time I came.

She entered the first floor of the hall, and the girl at the front desk was shocked.

His eyes widened, and he stammered in greeting: "Too...too..."

Chu Yang pursed her lips and smiled, and reminded appropriately: "Call me Miss Ye..."

The president's fiancée is someone else, and everyone in the company knows about it.

Many people still like Ye Chuyang very much. They feel that Ye Xiaoyang is not as good as Ye Chuyang in any case in terms of appearance or demeanor.

But they didn't understand, in such a short period of time, what was this Ye Xiaoyang who replaced Ye Chuyang and succeeded in taking care of the president.

The little girl at the front desk quickly restrained her thoughts, and looked at Chuyang with some sympathy: "Miss Ye, what happened between you and the president? Last time we came, we could all see that the president's feelings for you are not fake Yes. The secretary who accidentally burned your hand was mercilessly kicked out of the Mo family by the president. He used to be so kind to you, why is someone else now the president's fiancée?"

Chuyang smiled slightly, and replied lightly: "You also said that it was once, the past is over, it's nothing. I'm here today, and I need to find Mr. Mo for something, can you help me ask for instructions?"

Seeing that Chuyang didn't want to talk more at the front desk, she didn't dare to talk too much, so as not to cause trouble to her upper body.

So, she nodded quickly and dialed Li Chong's landline: "Tezhu Li, Ms. Ye is here, and she said she has something to see the president."

The answer there was quick, the front desk hung up the phone, and asked Chuyang to sit in the reception room for a while.

After Chuyang sat down, the front desk was busy, handing her magazines to relieve her boredom, and pouring water for her.

After a while, Li Chong came down from upstairs.

He rushed out of the elevator in a hurry and went straight to the reception room.

Chu Yang stood up from the sofa, glanced behind him, but did not see Mo Han's shadow.

"What about him?"

Li Chong's face was a bit ugly, he looked at Chu Yang with some worry, and replied in a low voice: "President Mo will be there drink water first, wait a moment."

Seeing that Li Chong's expression was not right, Chu Yang didn't ask any further questions, she nodded slightly, and sat down again.

Li Chong sat on the side with some anxiety, looking at her expression from time to time.

They were silent for a while, Li Chong couldn't help it, and said, "Chuyang, you don't want to ask, why did Mo Han lose his memory? Why did he not remember the past two or three years? Why did he wake up so suddenly?" , Has my feeling for you faded?"

Chu Yang lowered his eyes, clutched the glass, and smiled faintly at the corners of his lips.

"Then has he become normal now? He doesn't get angry easily? He doesn't have nightmares anymore, he doesn't even lose his mind, and he kills innocent people indiscriminately?"

Li Chong's heart trembled, he didn't want to admit it, but he still nodded.

President Mo's situation is much better than before. It can even be said that the current President Mo has returned to his previous state.

Even if you get angry again, you will not implicate the innocent, and you will not easily decide a person's life or death.

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, at this moment, she only felt bitterness in her mouth.

The unspeakable bitterness is like Coptis chinensis, so bitter that she wants to cry, so bitter that she runs away far away.

However, she has always been sober, knowing what she should do, how to face her and Mo Han in the future, and what kind of ending will happen.

"I'm here this time to apply for a divorce certificate with him. Now that he and that girl have announced their engagement to the outside world, it's not good for me and him to continue this marriage. If it breaks out one day, it will be a trouble Something." Chuyang suppressed the moisture in his eyes, and said calmly.

Li Chong looked at Chu Yang in amazement, unable to believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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