Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 936 Chapter 950 A mosquito landed on your face just now

Chapter 936 Chapter 950 A mosquito landed on your face just now

At this moment, she was so calm and rational that she even took the initiative to seek a divorce from President Mo. Li Chong was in a daze for a moment. He didn't even know whether Ye Chuyang had ever truly loved President Mo.

If you really love someone, how can you face your lover's betrayal and find a new love so calmly?

She was too calm, unbelievably calm, and even more eerie and terrifying.

"Chuyang, are you okay?" He swallowed and asked anxiously.

Chu Yang blinked, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter: "Of course I'm fine, I'm fine."

There was no trace of sadness in her eyes, it was as calm as if she had never been in love.

Li Chong suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles, he felt extremely uncomfortable, and his eyes were slightly red.

How did the two people who were so in love once get to where they are now? After all, it's just a trick of fate.

The two waited for 10 minutes, but Mo Han still didn't show up.

Chu Yang was not in a hurry, he read magazines when he was bored, and drank some water when he was thirsty.

Li Chong stood up abruptly, and said in a low voice, "I'll go and see, why Boss Mo hasn't come down yet."

"It's okay, I have plenty of time now, but you should take a look, so as not to delay things when the Civil Affairs Bureau is off work later." Chu Yang said lightly without even lifting his eyelids.

Li Chong responded indiscriminately, and fled away.

When the elevator reached the top floor, he got out of the elevator and walked to the office.

The door of the office was closed tightly, and he raised his hand and knocked lightly a few times.

"Enter..." Mo Han's deep voice sounded slowly.

Li Chong turned the doorknob and stepped inside.

There was no sign of President Mo at the desk. He faintly heard President Mo's voice coming from the suite inside.

"Hey, have a good sleep. When you wake up, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Mo Han's gentle voice sounded slowly.

"I'm a little sleepy, please put me to sleep, or I won't be able to sleep." The little girl acted coquettishly, her voice soft and sweet.

"Okay, I'll coax you to sleep, you lie down first..."

"I want to sleep in your arms..."


Li Chong listened to the conversation inside, and his heart couldn't help convulsing slightly.

Such a gentle President Mo should have belonged to Ye Chuyang.

But now, all of this is given to a woman named Ye Xiaoyang.

It's not fair, it's so unfair. Ye Chuyang and President Mo have gone through so much. He thought they would be together forever, but he didn't want him to guess the beginning and not the end.

At this moment, he only felt a sharp pain in his heart, and he could hardly hide the wetness in his eyes.

The palm of his hand hanging on the hem of his clothes was slightly clenched into a fist.

He walked to the door and knocked lightly: "President Mo, Miss Chuyang is waiting for you downstairs..."

"Let her go out first..." Mo Han's indifferent voice slowly came from the room.

Hearing such an indifferent tone, Li Chong's heart trembled. He didn't understand, even if Mr. Mo had forgotten everything about the past, how could the cute imprint, the madness engraved in his bones and blood, disappear all in one day? ?
He didn't dare to disobey President Mo, he responded lightly, then turned around, tried to stabilize his emotions, and walked out the door step by step.

The moment he was about to close the office door, he heard Ye Xiaoyang coquettish again, pestering President Mo to coax her to sleep.

With trembling palms, Li Chong slowly closed the door. He leaned his back against the door, slowly tilted his face upwards, and smiled teasingly with pursed lips.

No matter how deep the love is, there will be a day when it will be forgotten. Forgetting someone is so simple.

President Mo forgot about Ye Chuyang and left the pain to her alone, letting her bear the cruelest and cruelest pain at this time. Why is God so cruel?
After about 10 minutes, Mo Han opened the door of the office, took a coat and walked out.

He glanced at Li Chong, who looked embarrassed, and instructed him while putting on his coat.

"You stay here to guard Xiaoyang well. If she wakes up, you tell her that I have something to do, and when I'm done, I'll come back to accompany her immediately."

Li Chong could see clearly that President Mo's tenderness when he mentioned Ye Xiaoyang was the tenderness of a man towards a woman.

But this kind of warmth made Li Chong feel dazzling and particularly ironic.

However, the world is tricky, and now that it has come to this point step by step, no one can turn the tide and reverse the ending.

After Mo Han explained to Li Chong, he entered the elevator and walked to the first floor.

Chu Yang waited for him for half an hour, and finally saw him.

She watched, fighting against the light, Mo Han, who was so handsome, was in a daze for a moment.

As if, he hasn't changed, hasn't forgotten everything about the past, he still loves her and treats her like a treasure.

But, just for a moment, Chuyang suddenly came back to his senses, the water was hard to stop, everything could not be turned back, she and him passed by in the end.

She put down the magazine in her hand, stood up slowly, carried her handbag, approached him, raised her head and smiled and said: "You are really busy, I have been waiting for you for half an hour. I am not here for anything else, Instead, I plan to get a divorce certificate with you. Your engagement to her should not be far away. If our marital status is found out by others, it will be a trouble for you and me."

"It's better to cut the mess quickly and solve this matter as soon as possible."

She said it calmly and didn't care, even that smile was decent and gentle.

Mo Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and nodded lightly: "Okay, then I'll go back to Mo's house to get a marriage certificate..."

So, the two of them went back to the Mo family first.

Chu Yang sat in the car and didn't get out, so as not to be embarrassed when he met the Mo family and didn't know what to say.

After a while, Mo Han took the marriage certificate and walked out.

He got in the car, started the car, and headed for the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Along the way, the two of them didn't speak. This kind of silence made Chuyang feel a little suffocated. She opened the window slightly, and the cool wind blew on her cheeks, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Han, who was driving the car, turned his head and glanced at her lightly.

His palm gently gripped the steering wheel.

Then he retracted his gaze and focused on driving ahead.

After half an hour's drive, we finally arrived at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

After the car came to a slow stop, Mo Han turned his head to look at Chuyang. He saw her eyes slightly closed, her head leaning against the window and falling asleep.

A ray of sunlight happened to shine on her face, making the skin on her cheeks white and translucent. A kind of heart-pounding beauty made Mo Han's breathing tighten slightly.

Unexpectedly, he slowly reached out and touched her cheek.

The moment the skin touched, Chu Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and her eyes met his.

Mo Han was startled, retracted his hand in embarrassment, and explained with a low cough: "Just now a mosquito landed on your face, I chased it away..."

(End of this chapter)

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