Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 966 Whether it is true or not, one test will tell

Chapter 966 Whether it's true or not, you can tell it by inspection

Yun Tinghai narrowed his eyes to look at Yun Lingguang, and said in a low voice: "Only by letting the Han family transfer the object of hatred, Yiren's situation will be easier. You find a way to find a breakthrough from Mo Han, and let him admit that Han Shuishui was sent by him." people killed."

Yun Lingguang raised his eyebrows slightly, twitched the corner of his mouth, and smiled mockingly: "Father said it's so simple, you have to do it yourself. What kind of person is Mo Han? How can he be so easy to deal with? I guess this time the Han family's relationship is so simple. So knowing the truth, Mo Han must have taken the initiative to expose it. His methods are so deep, and few people are his targets. I am not sure how to control him, so why let him offend the Han family?"

"You... Yun Lingguang, your wings are stiff now, so a father can't help you, right?" Yun Tinghai was so angry that his face turned blue, he gritted his teeth and glared at Yun Lingguang.

Yun Lingguang smiled indifferently, and said in a low voice: "When did you think I was your son? Over the years, you have used all the value of me that you can use. What am I in your eyes? Only you know it. Actually, you never loved my mother at all, the person you loved from the beginning to the end is Yun Ya, the younger sister who grew up with you. "

"Now that Qiuyi has been hurt, you clearly know that this matter will bring great consequences to our Yun family, but you still took the risk to protect her and put our Yun family on the stove to barbecue."

"Yunya, she did so many evil things back then. She completely offended the Ling family. The Ling family and our Yun family are completely at odds. Now, her daughter has committed the same crime as her. Her mother, however, is young and out of blue, offending two great families at once."

"Heh, this mother and daughter are really beautiful women. It must be God who specially sent someone to harm our Yun family, right? Now the Yun family is under the enemy's back and forth. There was the Ling family before, and then the Han family and the Ji family. Father, This matter is too big, I really helped, if you insist on saving the Qiuyi people, then you can do it yourself."

Yun Tinghai was so angry that his face turned blue, he pointed at Yun Lingguang with trembling hands, trying to refute his words, but found that what Yun Lingguang said was all the truth.

He had no way to refute, and didn't know how to justify.

In the years between father and son, because of his father's affairs, the two have always been separated by a thorn.

This thorn cannot be pulled out, let alone disappear. Every time this topic is touched, the thorn will pull out a scarred flesh and blood.

"You rebellious son..." In the end, he could only point at Yun Lingguang tremblingly, and said these words through gritted teeth.

Yun Lingguang felt that he also needed to waste words with him, it was unnecessary, really unnecessary.

As long as he thought of the tragedy of his mother's death, he couldn't help hating him.

He didn't look at Yun Tinghai again, and said lightly: "Since you want to save Qiuyi people, then you can find a way by yourself."

After speaking, Yun Lingguang didn't look at Yun Tinghai's face any more, turned around decisively and left.

Yun Tinghai cursed angrily, and walked back and forth in the corridor with his hips akimbo.

Finally, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly, "I don't believe I can't handle Mo Han..."

He immediately took out his phone and told his assistant: "Go and check Mohan for me, and find out who he cares most about?"

An hour later, the assistant called back.

"Mr. Yun, Mo Han just got engaged to a girl named Ye Xiaoyang a few days ago. The engagement banquet was a sensation, and the scene was extremely grand."

"In order to be with this Ye Xiaoyang, he abandoned his wife who had been married for many years. Everyone in the Mo family opposed him being with Ye Xiaoyang. Mo Han insisted on going his own way. Despite all the opposition, he was still engaged to Ye Xiaoyang." .” The assistant reported the investigation to Yun Tinghai.

Yun Tinghai knew about the marriage a few days ago. At that time, he wondered, wasn't Mo Han and Ye Chuyang a couple?How did it take so long for Mo Han to find another new love and completely abandon Ye Chuyang?
"Is that Ye Xiaoyang beautiful? Compared to Ye Chuyang, who is more beautiful?" Yun Tinghai frowned and asked.

The assistant pondered for a moment, then replied in a low voice: "In terms of beauty, she is still Ye Chuyang, but this Ye Xiaoyang is also good-looking, and she is a very timid woman who likes to rely on men. All men will inevitably treat her more She loves the fragrance and cherishes the jade, and takes good care of her."

"And I also found out that Mo Han seems to have forgotten some things, and his memory of Ye Chuyang is quite blurred. This should be the reason why Mo Han finally chose Ye Xiaoyang..."

"Forgot something? So, he forgot Ye Chuyang?" Yun Tinghai's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked.

"Well, this matter is a secret after all. It took me a lot of effort to find out. There are even people who have met Mo Han indifferent to Ye Chuyang in the restaurant. Ling Yi, the young master of the Ling family, even He also beat Mo Han severely. This matter cannot be false, it is true in all likelihood." The assistant said hastily.

Yun Tinghai narrowed his eyes slightly, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and put it on his lips.

He thought for a while, and then said in a low voice: "Whether it's true or not, you'll know once you test it..."

After he sneered, he whispered to his assistant to do some things.

It's not that difficult to pinch Mo Han's weakness, she's just a woman, he doesn't believe that Mo Han can escape his grasp.


The movie "Green Cherry Blossoms" has already been finished, and Chu Yang also wanted to deal with Qiu Yiren before, that's why the movie "Mother Yi Tianxia" appeared.

Now, the Qiuyi people have completely collapsed and cannot get back up.

There was no need for her to rush the crew because of her fight with the Qiuyi people.

Therefore, she told Ke Mi that the crew of "Mother Yi Tianxia" could take a longer time to prepare, and everything must be perfect.

This TV series was prepared by mistake, and she was very satisfied after reading the script, so the next work is this harem drama.

Taking advantage of this free time, apart from studying the script every day, Chu Yang met with Liang Qi once when he was free.

Before, she had been cooperating with Liang Qi, and several successful cases won Chu Yang a lot of money.

Liang Qi's gratitude to Chu Yang is self-evident.

The two met in the booth of the coffee shop, and Liang Qi told Chu Yang straightforwardly that his company's annual profit has doubled several times.

Soon after, his company will expand, recruit talents, and open several more branches.

Before Chuyang suggested that he unconditionally trust in which piece of land he would develop and build residential shopping malls to make money. As a result, each of these sites became a golden lump, attracting countless people to loot them.

(End of this chapter)

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