Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 967 I Have Money, Spend It As You Want

Chapter 967 I Have Money, Spend It As You Want
These locations are so tight that they are simply golden zones.

Therefore, wherever Chuyang pointed, Liang Qi would strike. He admired Chuyang's business vision.

Facing his praise, Chu Yang couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly. It's not that she has a unique vision, but she just took advantage of her rebirth.

The two drank coffee, chatted about some things, and arranged everything. Liang Qi left first because he still had things to do.

Yun Lingguang appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yang, sitting opposite her.

Chu Yang was stunned for a long time, and looked at Yun Lingguang with some surprise: "When did Mr. Yun come?"

"It's been a while..." Yun Lingguang put his coat on the back of the chair, leaned lazily on the chair, and looked at Chu Yang with a smile on his lips.

Chu Yang frowned, since he has been here for a while, he must have understood what she and Liang Qi said just now.

"Does Mr. Yun like to listen to other people's corners so much?"

Yun Lingguang didn't answer immediately, but called a waiter over and ordered a cup of coffee.

When the coffee was served, he took a sip before slowly answering: "If you are short of money, you can come to me, I will satisfy you unconditionally, and I am willing to be your ATM. I have enough money, you can do whatever you want flower……"

What Yun Lingguang said was a little ambiguous, which Chuyang was not used to.

"Farewell, you have nothing to do with me, why should I ask for your money? Mr. Yun can really joke..." Chu Yang deliberately distanced himself from him, and said indifferently.

Yun Lingguang reached out and grabbed Chu Yang's hand that was on the table. Chu Yang was startled and quickly withdrew his hand.

"What is Mr. Yun doing?"

Yun Lingguang's eyes were burning, and he put the finger that had touched Chu Yang's palm under his nose, and took a deep breath.

"Smooth to the touch, lingering fragrance, Ms. Ye has really haunted me these days..."

Chu Yang: "..."

Yun Lingguang's sudden move made Chu Yang somewhat confused.

This ambiguous word, this Meng Lang's behavior, made Chuyang already restless, okay?

She clenched her palms, looked at Yun Lingguang in a deep voice and asked, "Mr. Yun, what does this mean?"

Yun Lingguang approached Chuyang, and said seriously, "I mean, I like Ms. Ye, can't Ms. Ye feel it?"

Chu Yang trembled, and looked at Yun Lingguang in disbelief.

To be able to hear the word "like" from Yun Lingguang's mouth in his lifetime is simply shocking, isn't it?
She twitched the corners of her lips and smiled softly: "Mr. Yun, stop joking, let alone tease me like this."

Yun Lingguang suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and said very seriously: "I'm not joking, every word I said is true. Do you remember our previous transaction? I told you about the Han family and the Qiuyi people. Conspiracy, you also successfully prevented their plan, so are you going to fulfill your promise now?"

"Lend me a day?" Chu Yang asked uncertainly.

Yun Lingguang smiled so much that his eyes gleamed, and the bottom of his eyes shone with colorful brilliance. He nodded slightly and said, "Be my girlfriend for a day..."

Chuyang's face suddenly became ugly, and he looked at him angrily: "Mr. Yun is cheating? You only said that I would lend you a day, but you didn't ask me to be your girlfriend?"

Yun Lingguang shrugged helplessly, and asked directly: "But you didn't ask."

"You..." Chu Yang's angry face turned pale, and he glared at him through gritted teeth.

This man is too cunning, almost too insidious.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything too much to you during this day, I just ask you to do me a favor and go to a banquet with me..." Yun Lingguang smiled happily and replied softly.

Chu Yang's complexion gradually improved. If she had known this man's meticulous thoughts, she would not have to be angry.

But she had to figure out what Yun Lingguang was planning, otherwise she would be confused if he sold himself.

"I need to know what kind of banquet to attend..." She pursed her lips and asked.

Yun Lingguang had no intention of concealing Chuyang, and he gave a very honest and complete account.

"This banquet is in the capital. I want to use your identity and the power of your Ling family to win my grandfather's favor. You haven't always wondered. I have been in trouble with Yunya for so many years, and I have done a lot of bad things for her. What is it?"

"Then I will tell you everything today, because I want to be the head of the Yun family, I want to control the Yun family, and I want to take away my father's power. The current head of our Yun family is still my grandfather. The first Patriarch is the choice between me, my father, and my cousins."

"My grandma has always loved Yunya the most, and my grandfather has always obeyed Yunya's words. I used to help Yunya with things so that she could influence my grandfather's decision and pass on the position of Patriarch to me."

"But now, Yunya has suffered a crushing defeat, and even her life and death are unknown. I have already given up on her. At present, my grandpa doesn't want to make too much trouble with the Ling family. If I take you to a banquet at this time, let my grandpa see I think he must be impressed by me and believe that my ability to handle affairs is better than my father's."

After listening to Yun Lingguang's words, Chu Yang felt a little touched in her heart. She never expected that Yun Lingguang would be so frank and fully explain the cause and effect.

She looked at him with some doubts, pondered for a long time and asked: "Why do you compete with your father for the position of head of the family? Isn't his position yours? The position of head of the family that he has been sitting for decades will naturally be passed on to you. "

Yun Lingguang's face suddenly became gloomy and frighteningly cold. He threw the coffee cup on the table, gritted his teeth and said with a sneer: "His may not be mine. As for mine, it must not be his. His If I take the position of head of the family, is there still a place for me, Yun Lingguang? How can I not know how many illegitimate children he has raised outside, but he is afraid of his grandparents, he dare not let those illegitimate children recognize their ancestors, that’s all. Once he takes over the position of Patriarch, the situation will be reversed immediately."

"So, even if I try my best, I can't let him get what he wants. He has to pay a heavy price for the sins he committed, and he will get retribution one day."

Chu Yang looked at Yunling Guang's cold gaze, her body trembled slightly, she squeezed her sleeves lightly, and asked in a low voice: "Do you hate him?"

Yun Lingguang didn't answer, he just moved his gaze out of the window, staring at the various people coming and going through a piece of glass in a daze.

hatred?Of course he hates, all his nightmares and hatred are bestowed by his father.

Yun Tinghai did not give him any affection and warmth, Yun Tinghai's love and father's warmth were all given to others.

(End of this chapter)

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