Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 968 I Will Never Hurt You Again

Chapter 968 I Will Never Hurt You Again

Yun Tinghai only gave him seriousness and orders to his legitimate son.

The love between father and son is pitiful, but the hatred has long been deeply rooted in the heart, has taken root and sprouted, and grown into a towering tree.

"It's not just hatred, I wish he could die..." Yun Lingguang finally gritted his teeth and paused.

He has never said these words to others. Today is the right time and place, and some words are blurted out naturally without thinking.

Chuyang is not a person who doesn't trust promises and doesn't follow the rules.

She inadvertently learned about Yun Lingguang's unknown side, and she didn't sympathize with what happened to him, because he was not a good person, the influence of his family and the influence of the environment made his life determined from the moment he was born pattern.

This is his fate, and it is also a life that he has no choice and no control over.

She has benefited from this deal, so naturally she won't back down and ruin the agreement.

Therefore, Chu Yang finally nodded to Yun Lingguang: "Okay, I promise to accompany you to a banquet, but it is not a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, but ordinary friends to the banquet. Also, I will go back and consult Ling Yi about this matter Let me know his opinion, if he thinks there is no problem, I will definitely agree."

Yun Lingguang naturally knew that based on what he had done to her before, it was normal for her not to trust him.

He didn't force it too hard, and nodded in response.

Before leaving, he got up, and there was light behind him, and he fought against the light, with a dignified and serious expression.

"Chuyang, I don't expect your forgiveness for the past, because I did do too many things that hurt you. But starting today, you and I are no longer enemies, and I will never hurt you again .”

Chu Yang didn't expect that he would say that.

If so, does she hate him?She thought, she hated it so much, if it wasn't for Yun Lingguang and Qiu Yiren's collusion in her previous life, she would not have ended up in such a miserable end.

But she will not choose to forgive him because of Yun Lingguang's change in this life.

She is not an enemy, but she is not a friend either. If there is a day, she will even personally send Yun Lingguang to hell.

What's more, the grievance between Yun Lingguang and Mo Han has already reached the point where either he or Mo Han will die.

She thought so, and blurted out the question: "What about Mo Han? Are you still going to die with him?"

"Why, he abandoned you and got engaged to another woman, and you are still worried about his safety, can't you forget him?" Yun Lingguang's expression was condensed, and his voice turned cold.

Chu Yang didn't expect that he would react like this.

"It's not your turn to question me about him..." She replied lightly.

Yunling's eyes were gloomy, and the palms hanging under the hem of his clothes were tightly clenched into fists. He smiled coldly and strode away without saying a word.

Chu Yang felt that Yun Lingguang was inexplicable, and muttered in a low voice: "A bad guy is a bad guy, and he can never get better."

She sat alone in the coffee seat and added another cup of coffee. She was drinking coffee from the cup, but by chance, she saw the two people she didn't want to see the most.

Ye Xiaoyang was the first to spot Chuyang, her eyes lit up, she let go of Mo Han's arm, and ran towards Chuyang.

"Sister Chuyang, are you drinking coffee here too?" She sat across from Chuyang, resting her chin with her hands, and asked with a smile on her face.

Chu Yang glanced at her lightly, and replied in a low voice: "If I don't drink coffee here, do I still have to drink water? It's nonsense..."

Ye Xiaoyang's smiling face froze immediately, and he froze in place.

Without even looking at her, Chu Yang took out a few banknotes from her bag and put them on the table, and slowly got up.

Coincidentally, Mo Han stood at her exit at some point, she frowned slightly and looked at Mo Han, and said coldly: "Let me go, is that okay?"

Mo Han pursed his lips and smiled, staring lightly at her icy little face.

"What's wrong? Who made Ms. Ye so bad-tempered?"

Chu Yang glared at him fiercely, and counterattacked in a cold voice: "Of course I'm in a bad mood when I meet someone I don't want to see. Mr. Mo, can you please let me go?"

Mo Han didn't speak, and quietly stared at her beautiful face for a long time, his eyes flickered slightly, and before Chu Yang could react, he grabbed Chu Yang's wrist and dragged her away.

Chu Yang was shocked, and said in a cold voice, "Mr. Mo, what are you doing? Your fiancée is still here. Why are you dragging me?"

Mo Han's eyes didn't fall on her, but he looked at Ye Xiaoyang and said softly, "Yangyang, you can order a cup of coffee first, and we'll go back as soon as we go."

Ye Xiaoyang didn't mean to be unhappy at all, she bit her lip and nodded with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh yes, Brother Mo Han."

Chu Yang looked at these two extremely strange people in a daze.

She tried hard to break away from Mo Han, but found that the more she struggled, the tighter the man's grip on her wrist became.

In a blink of an eye, Mo Han pulled her to the women's toilet. He didn't seem to worry about whether there was anyone there, so he directly dragged Chuyang into the bathroom, and locked the door behind him.

Mo Han pinned her on the door of the room, wrapped his arms around her waist, leaned close to her ear, and asked in a low voice, "We talked with Yun Lingguang for so long, what did we talk about?"

Chu Yang really didn't understand what Mo Han wanted to do again and again. He pulled her away in front of Ye Xiaoyang. Could it be that he didn't have to worry, would his little fiancée be jealous?
She gritted her teeth and pushed his chest, motioning him to stay away from her.

"Mr. Mo, what exactly do you want to do? I don't need you to take care of my affairs, you can open it for me..."

Mo Han put his hands around her chin, raised her cheeks, and met his burning eyes.

"Answer the question I just asked."

Chuyang: "Sorry, I have nothing to answer, it's my private matter, Mr. Mo is not qualified to know, right?"

Mo Han frowned, and squeezed her jaw harder.

Chu Yang let out a cry of pain, and grabbed his palm directly: "Mo Han, don't go too far? You blatantly dragged me here in front of your little fiancee. Aren't you afraid that she will be jealous? With you Trouble? I don't think there will be a woman who is not jealous or angry in this world..."

Mo Han loosened the grip on his palm, and held her hand behind his back.

"Don't get too close to Yunling Guang, do you hear me?"

Chu Yang's eyes were cold, and he looked at him indifferently: "In what capacity is Mr. Mo saying this to me? Don't you think you are too lenient? If you have time, I advise you to have a good time with your fiancée. Don't bother me..."

His body tensed suddenly, and the cold light in his eyes unconsciously radiated out. He pinched her jaw, gritted his teeth and growled: "We haven't divorced yet, at least you are still my wife now. Why should I? This is My reliance, as I said, won't let you get close to him, just be obedient and obedient."

(End of this chapter)

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