Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 977 You Did It On Purpose From 1

Chapter 977 You Did It On Purpose From The Beginning
"If Miss Ye doesn't know how to make tea, then I'll make it myself. Wait for me, I'm really thirsty."

After Yun Lingguang finished speaking, without waiting for Chu Yang's reaction, he quickly stood up and walked towards the bedroom with big strides.

"Hey, hey... You, Mr. Yun, don't you think of yourself as an outsider too much?" Chu Yang was speechless to the extreme. In terms of thick-skinned, Mr. Yun is not usually thick.

Chu Yang felt that the world was as black as crows, and this man was really thicker than the other, as thick as a city wall.

Yun Lingguang didn't pay attention to Chu Yang at all, as if he didn't hear her. He was tall and long-legged, and he walked into the bedroom after taking a few steps, and took the kettle and tea from it.

Then I went into the kitchen again, got some water, connected the electricity and boiled the water.

While boiling the water, he dug out another set of tea sets from the kitchen. Chu Yang was shocked. God knows how he found the tea set. She didn't even know that the presidential suite was so complete that even the tea set Everything you need.

Chu Yangsheng had nothing to love, so in order not to embarrass herself and make the scene embarrassing, she had to close the door with her head drooping, changed her slippers, put her bag at the entrance in a very depressed mood, and sat down with a bad face. Go back to the couch.

Yun Lingguang looked at Chuyang's incomparably depressed little face, and the smile in the corner of his eyes deepened a little. He took apart the tea set and rinsed it several times deftly.

At this time, the water is almost boiling.

He scalded the teacup with some hot water, opened the disposable tea bags, put them in the teacup, and poured boiling hot water.

After everything was ready, he sat next to Chuyang with two teacups in hand, one in front of her and the other in his palm.

Chu Yang didn't move the cup of tea in front of him, but looked at Yun Lingguang with the eyes of a monster.

Yun Ling was drinking tea, but suddenly his hand slipped, the teacup tilted, and a cup of lukewarm tea spilled all over his body.

Chu Yang was stunned, okay?What the hell is this man doing?You can drink tea as long as you drink tea, but you still want to imitate a woman's hand-swipe operation and successfully wet your clothes?
Chu Yang didn't say anything, but the man looked at her helplessly, and said helplessly, "I'm completely wet, I'll call my assistant to bring the clothes over, and then I'll borrow your bathroom. "

Chu Yang suddenly felt dizzy. It was enough for the two of them to be in the same room, but this man wanted to take a bath in her room?
If he was wearing a bathrobe and wandering around the room, she would want to die.

"Hehe...Mr. Yun, why don't I spend some money and open a new room for you?" Chu Yang really had no choice but to suggest with a smile on his stiff lips.

Yun Lingguang waved his hands, shaking his soaked shirt and trousers, and said without any embarrassment: "Don't be so troublesome, what a waste, I'm so embarrassed to let you spend money. I just rushed out in 10 minutes. Miss Ye is really sorry to make you laugh."

Chu Yang stood up quickly, and was about to refuse again, but Yun Lingguang didn't give her a chance to object at all, this man is extremely cunning.

He turned around and walked to the bathroom, calling the assistant while walking, asking the assistant to bring him clothes.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately opened the bathroom door and went in.

Chu Yang stared at the bathroom door amusedly, her teeth itching with anger, she felt that this Yun Lingguang was playing a scoundrel, it was really killing people.

She clenched her fist and hit her head.

Standing up, walking around in the living room, in the end she had no other choice, so she dialed Ling Yi's mobile phone number, intending to ask her eldest cousin to solve her current predicament.

Unexpectedly, after she dialed several times, Ling Yi's cell phone was still in a state of being unable to get through.

Chuyang was so angry that he wanted to stomp his feet, he really wanted to drop his phone.

After 10 minutes, Chu Yang had gradually calmed down, and the soldiers came to cover him with water and soil, even Yun Lingguang didn't dare to play tricks.

As she was thinking about it, the bathroom door opened, and Yun Lingguang came out wearing a bathrobe.

His short black hair was wet, and water droplets slowly fell on the white bathrobe along his neck.

Due to the heat and fumigation, his cheeks were slightly red, and the color of his thin lips was as delicate as a rose.

Chu Yang couldn't move his eyes from seeing the picture of a beautiful boy coming out of the bath so vividly.

In fact, Yun Lingguang is really handsome. After all, his whole face is usually gloomy and cold, always giving people a kind of indifference that cannot be approached and rejects people thousands of miles away.

Now, his cheeks are rosy, and his complexion is gentle, which is different from usual, with a little more fireworks and a more gentle and jade-like temperament.

"Ahem..." After being stunned for a while, Chu Yang quickly looked away, and coughed a few times in a low voice to cover up his embarrassment.

Yun Lingguang took a dry towel and casually wiped his wet hair a few times. When he heard Chuyang cough, he threw the towel and walked towards Chuyang.

Chu Yang immediately stood up and distanced himself from him.

"Mr. Yun, it's embarrassing enough for a lonely man and a widow to be in the same room, we'd better keep a distance."

Yun Lingguang curled his lips into a faint smile, stopped in his tracks, and looked at Chu Yang with a slightly teasing look.

"Miss Ye, are you afraid? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Chu Yang trembled, then his expression turned cold, and he said in a low voice, "What nonsense are you talking about? When will your assistant deliver the clothes?"

Yun Lingguang: "Hurry up, I'll be there in about half an hour, right?"

Chu Yang took a sharp breath of air-conditioning, what are you kidding, half an hour?Could it be that she was going to stay in a place alone for half an hour with this dangerous person, Yun Lingguang, or a Yun Lingguang who was wearing a bathrobe, maybe there was a naked Yun Lingguang in the bathrobe?
Chu Yang suddenly felt that she was about to be blown up.

She gritted her teeth slightly, stared at Yun Lingguang and said, "Mr. Yun, I think you did it on purpose from the beginning. You deliberately stayed to drink tea, wet your clothes on purpose, and then went into the bathroom to take a bath on purpose."

With his bathrobe in his pocket, Yun Lingguang sat down on the sofa slowly, poured himself a cup of tea again, the water temperature was suitable, and he drank a few sips.

Then, he looked up at Chuyang too, and smiled cunningly like a fox.

"That's right, I did it on purpose..."

Chu Yang was surprised by his frankness, she took a few deep breaths, and asked through gritted teeth, "What is your purpose?"

Yun Lingguang chuckled, and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall of the living room, it was exactly one o'clock in the afternoon.

"An hour ago, I got the news that Mo Han arrived at the Kyoto airport. Coincidentally, he also booked a room in this hotel. What's more, the room he booked is next to yours."

Chu Yang suppressed her panic, she forced herself to be calm and calm.

 [Update [-] first, and there are [-] words left, I will post it when I code it out~~ Dear friends, don’t wait, you can come and see it tomorrow, okay~~]

(End of this chapter)

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