Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 978 Shamelessly Wearing a Bathrobe

Chapter 978 Shamelessly Wearing a Bathrobe
Yun Lingguang's frankness made Chu Yang feel that his performance was too cowardly.

In just a split second, based on Yun Lingguang's words, Chu Yang guessed Yun Lingguang's purpose. This man still didn't believe Mo Han's amnesia, and the fact that Mo Han had forgotten her and was engaged to another woman.

He wanted to test Mo Han, whether he was acting or if he really forgot about Chu Yang.

Chu Yang took a deep breath, grabbed the fabric of the hem with his fingers, sat back on the sofa, and looked at Yun Lingguang with burning eyes.

"Mr. Yun, what do you mean? Do you think Mo Han and I are acting?"

"Isn't it? We'll find out in a while. We only need to wait for a minute..." Yun Lingguang smiled mysteriously, calmly holding a magic ticket.

Chu Yang sneered: "Mr. Yun, I advise you not to waste your energy, you are wasting your time."

"Shh... is it a waste of time, just try it out, if Mo Han really doesn't care about you, then whoever you are with has nothing to do with him. If he sees me in the same room with you, and I'm You took a shower in your room and wandered around in your bathrobe. If he remains indifferent in the end, it means that the separation between you is real, and this man will not have you in his heart. "

"You can just give up, completely forget about him, and start a new life." Yun Ling's eyes were light, and he whispered with a smile all the time.

Chu Yang thought of the previous few times, Mo Han's abnormal behavior, and the domineering for not allowing her to get close to other men, this moment seems to be Fu Ling's heart, and Yun Lingguang's words are like pushing away the blurred haze in front of her eyes , let her see something clearly.

Her heart was beating suddenly, and she gritted her teeth to suppress the turbulent waves in her heart. In front of Yun Lingguang, she tried her best to control her turbulent emotions.

Suddenly, she felt a slight stabbing pain in her heart, which made her want to cry. She wanted to find Mo Han to question him, to dismantle the deepest secret hidden in his heart.

Chu Yang's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and her palms were wet, so she slowly let go.

She pursed her lips and looked at Yun Lingguang: "Do you want it to be true or not?"

Yun Lingguang's fingertips slowly rubbed against the rim of the teacup. He pondered for a while, then raised his eyes to Chuyang and replied faintly: "I hope it's true..."

The sight he looked at her was burning hot, which made Chu Yang unbearable, so he smiled slightly, avoiding his sight and not looking at him.

Yun Lingguang is as cunning as a fox, Chu Yang couldn't believe it if he asked a fox to give his heart and love an enemy.

Boom, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Chu Yang's heart suddenly lifted, and he subconsciously looked at Yun Lingguang.

Her gaze happened to meet Yun Lingguang's.

Yun Lingguang smiled deeply, and called Chuyang's name in a low voice: "Ye Chuyang, why don't we take a gamble?"

"How to bet?"

"Test Mo Han's sincerity, test whether he still cares about you. You have known him for so many years and experienced countless life and death hardships. Are you really willing to give him up to other women? Are you really willing to let him go from here on out?" Are you a stranger to him?"

"Heh... how can manpower reverse a predestined matter? I believe in fate, but I don't compromise like fate. The relationship between me and him is exhausting. Since we have worked so hard for each other, we might as well forget each other in the rivers and lakes. "

"You seem free and easy, but why don't I believe it?" Yun Lingguang smiled, squinting at Chu Yang.

The contest between two people depends on whose mind is being pryed into and who is the best at hiding his emotions.

Chu Yang is an actress, so she knows how to bury her emotions in her heart. She doesn't want others to see, so even if that person has three heads and six arms, he may not be able to pry into her inner thoughts.

In this round, Yun Lingguang is doomed to fail miserably.

The door was still ringing, and the knock on the door seemed to be getting louder.

In order to prevent it, the people outside broke down the door, Chu Yang frowned and stood up, walking towards the door.

The moment she touched the doorknob, she looked back at Yun Lingguang.

"It's not that easy to see through me..." Chu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, smiling coquettishly and brightly.

A beam of light just happened to shine on her delicate face. Against the backdrop of the light, the skin on Chu Yang's face looked even more white as snow and creamy.

Yun Lingguang was slightly taken aback, staring at her beautiful cheeks for a few seconds.

The throbbing in the chest, uncontrollably running around in the body.

He squeezed the teacup, tried his best to stabilize his thoughts, raised his head and drank the slightly cold tea in one gulp. The cold tea entered his stomach, but after all, he couldn't extinguish the fire in his heart that was lit by Chu Yang.

Chu Yang opened the door, and saw Ling Yi's extremely dark face.

"Knocked for a long time, but didn't open the door, why?"

Chu Yang was taken aback for a moment, obviously he did not expect Ling Yi to appear, and the heart she raised suddenly fell to the ground.

Yun Lingguang was really taken aback when he saw Ling Yi.

Seeing that Chu Yang's expression was not right, Ling Yi stepped inside, his eyes fell on Yun Lingguang.

He looked at Yunling Guang wearing a bathrobe like a devil dog, sitting on the sofa like a master, Ling Yi's anger suddenly surged uncontrollably, this Yunling Guang The skin is really thicker than the city wall.

Fuck, he felt itchy.

Ling Yi looked at Yun Lingguang with a sneer and said, "Mr. Yun is so elegant, when did you and Chu Yang know each other so well that you could shamelessly put on a bathrobe and blatantly rely on her?"

After Yun Lingguang was stunned for a while, he immediately realized that he didn't defend himself, nor did he feel annoyed at his harsh words.

"Mr. Ling misunderstood. I just drank tea and spilled a glass of water on my body. My assistant will deliver the clothes right away. I'm really sorry to disturb Ms. Ye. I will definitely come to the door to apologize..."

"Hey, don't come, Mr. Yun's apology, we really can't bear it. My room is next door. It is really inappropriate for Mr. Yun to stay in Chuyang's room. Please move to my room and wait for the assistant, right? "Ling Yi made an invitation gesture, but Yun Lingguang couldn't help but refuse.

Yunling's complexion was still calm, he flicked the dust on the bathrobe, looked up at Chuyang, and said in an ambiguous tone: "Miss Ye, I think you like the roses today. Yes, next time I will definitely send you flowers that are more beautiful and worthy of you."

Chu Yang frowned, and politely refused: "Mr. Yun, don't bother, thank you."

"No trouble, no trouble at all, I'm so happy." Yun Lingguang seemed to really not understand Chu Yang's refusal, and said with a cheeky smile.

Ling Yi rolled his eyes angrily, thinking that Yun Lingguang is really thick-skinned, and the city walls probably won't be able to support his face.

(End of this chapter)

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