Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 103 Hong Fist and Palm Fist!

Chapter 103 Hong Fist and Palm Fist!

After such a toss, the time is almost reaching seven o'clock.Ye Wenxuan hurriedly changed his clothes and put on a clean white ancient costume.After changing his clothes, Marven Ye stood there as if he really had the feeling of traveling through time and space, like a young ranger, handsome and extraordinary.

"Wow, Master. You are so handsome, you are so cool! Wow! Master, you are so handsome!" Leng Feng surrounded Ye Wenxuan and flattered him, how did those disgusting words come from.

Hearing that Ran Yirou, Nie Qian and others were about to commit embarrassing cancer, Ye Wenxuan also had black lines all over his head.

You said that you are not a girl, and you have a salivating look all over your face.really...

Ye Wenxuan looked at Leng Feng with a helpless expression, but Leng Feng still kept on flattering and couldn't help himself.

Ye Wenxuan was a little skeptical about life. Is this still the noble and glamorous young master of the Leng family just now!
This is clearly a joke, okay?
Marven Ye looked away from Leng Feng, out of sight and out of mind.

"Mr. Ye, it's time, please come out." A man walked to the door and said respectfully.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, straightened his clothes, and strode out of the room with his head held high.

At the moment, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang stadiums are full of people.

A huge competition arena was set up in the center of the stadium, and a big martial character was marked on the white arena.

Searchlights shone on the arena, making the arena particularly conspicuous.

Marven Ye came out from the backstage, and the audience cheered overwhelmingly when they saw Marven Ye.

Most of the audience in the arena came for Ye Wenxuan, as for Xu Dong, there were only a few fans.So Ye Wenxuan appeared on the stage, and the audience on the field cheered Ye Wenxuan very loudly, which greatly boosted morale.

As for Xu Dong who came out from the backstage, he was not treated so well, and he was greeted by overwhelming boos.

However, Xu Dong wasn't affected at all, instead he triumphantly waved to the audience around him, really thick-skinned.

Ye Wenxuan and Xu Dong also met face to face for the first time. The distance between the two was more than ten meters.

Xu Dong looked at Ye Wenxuan opposite, with a wolf-like gaze in his eyes, and a grinning grin on his lips.He stretched out his right hand and scratched at the neck, obviously provocative.

It means: boy, you are finished!

Facing Xu Dong's threat, Ye Wenxuan gave a contemptuous smile without paying any attention.He ignored Xu Dong's provocation at all, and was very contemptuous.

Seeing that Ye Wenxuan ignored him, Xu Dong felt aggrieved as if he had punched the cotton with his fist.The evil fire in his heart came up all of a sudden, and he secretly decided to teach him a good lesson in the ring.

The two were sitting in the audience for some warm-up activities, and some beauties appeared on the stage dancing modern dances. The lights on the stage were shining brightly, and the atmosphere gradually heated up.

Some cameras on the sidelines are also densely distributed around the ring, broadcasting the competition live.

Many concerned netizens are watching the live broadcast, waiting for the start of the game.Before it really started, more than 2000 million netizens watched the live broadcast, and the number is still rising.

The barrage on the live broadcast was updated rapidly.

"666, this beauty is really exciting!"

"The atmosphere at the scene was great, but it's a pity that we didn't get a seat!"

"Xuanxuan is so handsome! Destroy that big bear!"


At exactly seven o'clock, a man in a suit stepped onto the ring with a microphone in his hand.

"Hello, friends, welcome to the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Stadium to watch our game!"

"Mr. Ye Wenxuan initiated the challenge for this competition, and swore to the death to defend the dignity of martial arts. Challenge Mr. Xu Dong! Next, both parties are invited to play!"

Ye Wenxuan and Xu Dong stepped onto the ring from both sides, and passionate music sounded from above.

"Marven Ye!"

"Marven Ye!"

"Xu Dong!"

"Xu Dong!"


The fans of the two shouted loudly, cheering for their idols.

The host nodded slightly when he saw that the two parties were in position.

"Now invite lawyers from both parties to come on stage and sign the contract in duplicate!"

"This competition is an unlimited fight, there is no restriction on the hitting part, and the ring is the boundary. Those who leave the ring will automatically admit defeat. Once the opponent admits defeat during the period, they cannot continue to attack."

When Ye Wenxuan and Xu Dong signed the contract, the host quickly talked about the rules of the game.

"Now invite the referee to come on stage!" After the host finished speaking, he withdrew from the ring, and a man in a white referee uniform stepped onto the ring.

Marven Ye and Xu Dong stood together, one meter apart.



The referee swung his right hand and quickly withdrew from the middle to the edge.

But after the start, Xu Dong and Ye Wenxuan didn't do anything, they both looked at each other with great interest.

"Boy, you see that you have such a handsome face that you have to join this muddy water. Now, let's put yourself in it. It's a pity that you have such a handsome face, maybe you will need a few stitches today! "Xu Dong said with a sneer, looking at Ye Wenxuan with pity.

"Xu Dong, don't be too arrogant. Since you look down on Guoshu, you are doomed to have an extremely miserable ending. It's just that I am the one who stood up to implement this method. There are countless crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the land of China. Since you dare to challenge Guoshu dignity, then you will have to pay the price for it." Ye Wenxuan said lightly, his aura became stronger in the end, and his eyes became abnormally sharp.

The dark eyes became deep, staring straight at Xu Dong's eyes.

Looking into Ye Wenxuan's eyes, Xu Dong felt a great threat, and a coldness permeated his whole body.


Xu Dong looked at Marven Ye in front of him and instinctively felt the danger.

The first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

Xu Dong took the lead and exchanged steps.Originally, the distance between the two of them was very close, so Xu Dong raised his right foot directly, and yanked his right leg towards Ye Wenxuan's head like a whip, with great force.

Modern fighting, high whip and heavy blow!
Facing Xu Dong's attack, Ye Wenxuan suddenly moved.

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit is the best description for Ye Wenxuan, he escaped from Xu Dong's attack in an instant.

He ran to Xu Dong's side, made palms with his hands, and patted Xu Dong.

"Look, I'll show you how to fight Hongquan today!"

"Hong fists and palms!"

Ye Wenxuan pumped his dantian and shouted loudly, the business was extraordinarily loud, spreading throughout the stadium with the surrounding microphones.

When the words fell to the ground, Ye Wenxuan quickly slapped Xu Dong with his palms, and Xu Dong was dazzled by the dense palm shadows.

Before Xu Dong could react, he felt a pain all over his body and fell directly to the ground.

Ye Wenxuan didn't continue to move forward, but looked at Xu Dong who was on the ground.

"Stand up and continue!" Ye Wenxuan's indifferent voice sounded, calm as a pool of water.

"Today I want to show you the real Hong Fist style, and see if Hong Fist is as unbearable as you say!"

Ye Wenxuan put one hand behind his back, and pointed his right hand at Xu Dong.He looks like a master of martial arts, with an extraordinary bearing.

Many girls at the scene were so excited that they almost fainted when they saw this scene.

so handsome!It's so handsome!
This is the heartfelt voice of all girls, girls with spring in their hearts, longing for heroes.

But there is no such person in modern times, Ye Wenxuan's performance just now can't help infinitely overlapping the image of the young hero in the girls' hearts.

So they...

 Thanks to Qingyu 135, Yakumo's book Zimo, follow your heart, the most beautiful rabbit hug, and the reward from the former king, thank you.

  Also, I built a problem building, and I will refer to your opinions in the future~

(End of this chapter)

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