Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 104 Rectifying the name of Chinese martial arts!

Chapter 104 Rectifying the name of Chinese martial arts! (Thousand Tickets in the Book City Plus Changes)
And when I saw the scene just now on the Internet, I was also blown up.

"Who can tell me what Marven Ye's kung fu was just now, how did that man fly out in the blink of an eye!"

"It's amazing, Xu Dong must weigh more than 200 catties, yet he was blown away by Ye Wenxuan. Could it be that he is acting?!"

"Wow, Xuanxuan is so cool, I love him to death!"

"I said that Xuanxuan of our family is a person with real kung fu, but you still don't believe me, hum!"


Ye Wenxuan ignored the hustle and bustle in the arena, and looked at Xu Dong on the ground.

"Stand up and carry on!"

Marven Ye repeated what he said just now, his tone exuding endless indifference.

Xu Dong was a little confused, he had no idea what was going on just now and was sent flying out.Now my ribs are still aching, this kid is so wicked!

Anyway, Xu Dong doesn't believe that the so-called national martial art really exists in this world, and has always believed that it is a rumor.So just now Xu Dong thought it was just a coincidence of Ye Wenxuan, it was just a coincidence!
Xu Dong quickly stood up from the ground, and quibbled: "Boy, you were lucky just now. Now I'm going to do my best, and it's too late to admit defeat!"

Ye Wenxuan raised his eyebrows, Ye Wenxuan was really speechless about Xu Dong's current performance.


Marven Ye spat out a word, but his face didn't change at all.

Xu Dong's face turned green when he heard Ye Wenxuan's words.

This kid actually called me mentally retarded? ! !

"Ah!" Xu Dong shouted loudly, stepping on the offensive pace of modern fighting, and rushed towards Ye Wenxuan.

Coming in front of Ye Wenxuan, he punched Ye Wenxuan with a straight right fist.If this punch hits, Ye Wenxuan will definitely lose his appearance, which shows the weight of this punch.

Ye Wenxuan advanced instead of retreating, and quickly walked into Xu Dong's side.

Kick the legs, buckle the knees, close the hips, turn the waist, gather strength in the dantian!
The white tiger beats!
Ye Wenxuan's right hand is like a sledgehammer, his arm is like a handle, and his fist is like a hammer.

Hunyuan is one, swung towards Xu Dong's chest.


Xu Dong felt as if his chest was really hit by a sledgehammer, and the ribs in his chest obviously felt some cracking sounds.

All the strength in Xu Dong's body was exhausted, and his body flew backwards.

However, Ye Wenxuan did not intend to let Xu Dong go so easily, he stretched out his right hand to hold Xu Dong's left hand.

Pulling hard, Xu Dong's body came back again.

Qinglong hand!
Iron Fist!
Master Hong!
Meridian Hammer!

Ye Wenxuan collected his strength and used many famous boxing techniques of Hong Quan one by one.

Xu Dong was like a sandbag, unable to fight back at all.

The audience at the scene was silent, all staring at the situation on the field in a daze.

A 1.9-meter tall man weighing more than 200 kilograms was in the hands of Ye Wenxuan, who was 1.8 meters tall and weighed only about 140 kilograms.It's like a toy, playing with it casually, without the slightest ability to fight back.

In the end, Marven Ye sent Xu Dong flying with a punch, and looked at Xu Dong who was dying on the ground.

Ye Wenxuan said coldly: "I didn't waste your kung fu today, it's because your martial arts is not easy to practice. If I find out that you dare to insult Chinese martial arts from now on, I will definitely waste you! Absolutely!"

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he turned and left, intending to step down.

Xu Dong collapsed on the ground, his eyes were full of hatred.Seeing Ye Wenxuan's back, Xu Dong stood up vigorously and kicked Ye Wenxuan's back and spine.


"Wenxuan, be careful!"

"Xu Dong is despicable!"


Seeing Xu Dong's actions, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

Ye Wenxuan heard the screams at the scene, and turned around to see Xu Dong with a hideous face.

Ye Wenxuan's eyes were round, and a trace of anger flashed in them.

She let him go, but dared to attack her behind her back, she really didn't know her life or death!

Jeet Kune Do, turn around and kick sideways!
Ye Wenxuan turned around on the spot and kicked out his right foot quickly.

Ye Wenxuan exhausted [-]% of his strength in this kick, and it can be said that he was really angry.

This kick can be described as fast, precise and ruthless, extremely sharp.

Jeet Kune Do is a modern Chinese fighting technique formed by Bruce Lee, a master of modern Chinese martial arts, which is a popular Chinese fighting technique.

The true meaning of Jeet Kune Do lies in one word - cut!

Intercepting the opponent's attack, intercepting the opponent's counterattack, intercepting the opponent's approach, etc., can be understood as a fighting technique that kills all the opponent's attacks in the cradle and then counterattacks.

Although Jeet Kune Do is a modern boxing school, it is easy to get started, but it is very difficult to really practice it to a high level.It contains the essence of martial arts of many schools, so it has also been included in the encyclopedia of martial arts.

So at this critical moment, Marven Ye couldn't help but use this trick.

Marven Ye turned around very neatly and quickly.

A kick hit Xu Dong's chest, kicking Xu Dong three or four meters away.He spat out a mouthful of blood in the air, and after landing heavily, he was dragged back a meter or two.

After Xu Dong landed, his eyes were raised and sunken, and his whole body was curled up like a shrimp. The scene was very miserable.

Ye Wenxuan slowly lowered his legs, his eyes were cold and stern.

There was silence in the stadium, watching the dramatic scene in front of him, a little unresponsive.

The medical personnel beside the ring quickly stepped forward to treat Xu Dong, injected him with an analgesic, and then quickly lifted him off the ring.

Ye Wenxuan walked slowly to the center of the ring, raised his right index finger up, and raised his right hand high!

"Marven Ye!"

"Marven Ye!"

"Marven Ye!"


The scene instantly boiled!
Looking at the white-clothed boy in the arena, many old people even seemed to see Bruce Lee decades ago.It is also so heroic, saving the national art from fire and water.





There was another call at the scene, all shouting the word Kung Fu loudly.

In the past, they might have thought that Huaxia Kungfu was just a rumor, something illusory.

But today they all saw it, and it really happened in front of them.

Mysterious and ruthless but beautiful and atmospheric!

This is Chinese Kung Fu!
Ye Wenxuan defeated Xu Dong, and it has to be said that he defended the dreams of many people.People used to know that fighting is more practical than martial arts, but people still don't want to believe it.

Did that boy never dream of becoming a martial arts master?
That girl who has never longed for her future husband is a great martial arts hero?
This is a simple dream of Chinese sons and daughters, but Xu Dong openly challenged this beautiful dream a few days ago.And he successfully broke the dream, but people have no way to refute it, so they can only press it in their hearts, like a fishbone, deeply stuck in their hearts.

In this case, Marven Ye broke the situation.He saved everyone's dream, and naturally many people regarded Ye Wenxuan as a hero.

Ye Wenxuan waved his hands on the stage, and about 5 minutes later, Ye Wenxuan walked down the ring slowly.

As soon as he stepped off the ring, Ye Wenxuan was surrounded by Ran Yirou, Leng Feng and others.

"Wenxuan! You were so handsome just now!" Ran Yirou looked at Ye Wenxuan and said excitedly, her little face was flushed due to the excitement.

"Boss, you are so handsome. If it's over, I'm going to fall for you too. You're obviously not mine!" Nie Qian yelled in a funny way.

"Master, please teach me the unique knowledge of martial arts, I'm already hungry and thirsty!" Leng Feng circled Ye Wenxuan non-stop, yelling that he wanted to learn Kung Fu!


Looking at the crowd in front of him, Marven Ye was also in a good mood.Just after rectifying the name of the national art, I also felt a bad breath in my heart.

"Stop talking, let's chat while eating, I'm already hungry." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

"That's right, my master is hungry, let's go eat quickly. I've made an arrangement today! No one is allowed to compete with me!" Leng Feng said hastily.

After speaking, he turned around and took out the phone.

"Xiao Gu, let me free up the emperor's private room for a while. Where is my master going to eat? You treat me with the highest standard. If there is anything wrong, you will get out of here!"

"What? Was it booked?"

"I don't care who you are, give me a refund! Today I need the emperor's private room, we will go there in half an hour, you can figure it out!"

Leng Feng took out his mobile phone and said quickly, a kind of arrogance of young and old permeated Leng Feng's body in an instant, completely different from before.

After Leng Feng made arrangements, he turned around and resumed that funny state again.

"Master, Jiangdi Hotel is owned by my family, shall we eat there today?" Leng Feng asked cautiously.

Hearing this, others are secretly clicking their tongues, Jiangdi Hotel!

There are few five-star hotels in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. From the tone of the young master of the Leng family just now, they seem to be the rooms of emperors. This consumption...

But Ye Wenxuan didn't care about this, and said with a smile: "Then let's go, I'll go in and change clothes."

After speaking, he went to the backstage, and 10 minutes later, a group of people rushed to the Jiangdi Hotel.

But everyone knows that tonight is destined to have no sleep!

 Thank you Kuang, Wayne08 for your reward, thank you for your support.

  It is recommended to add more than [-], and the starting point seems to be almost [-]. Work harder, adding more is just around the corner~

  There is another update tonight, so stay tuned~

(End of this chapter)

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