Chapter 105 Young Master!

Ye Wenxuan and his group came to Jiangdi Hotel and entered the box.Everyone was stunned by the luxurious room in front of them.

In the more than 100-square-meter private room, there are two rows of waiters standing neatly. They are all beautiful young women, wearing classic cheongsams, smiling, standing straight on both sides.

After everyone enters, bow respectfully and say hello.

Ye Wenxuan was better, but he was also stimulated by the luxury in front of him.But Nie Qian and the others were terribly shocked, took out their mobile phones and took several pictures in a row, sat beside them happily and posted them on Moments.

Walking to the round table in the center, Ye Wenxuan and his party sat down one by one.

A chubby middle-aged manager behind Leng Feng immediately asked the back chef to serve the dishes after seeing everyone seated.

Fresh oyster sliced ​​abalone, arctic clam sashimi, double shrimp and sea cucumber stew, braised abalone and swallow's fin, stewed soft-shelled turtle soup, etc. are all cooked.

There are a total of 49 dishes with a variety of colors, flavors, and dishes. The table in front of you is just right, and it doesn't look crowded at all.

"Take it easy, everyone. I'm at the door. Call me anytime you need something." Experience said respectfully, bent slightly, and slowly exited the room.

The beautiful maids in the house came behind everyone one by one, poured wine for everyone, and served everyone.

Leng Feng picked up a glass of red wine and stood up first.

"Master, whether you recognize it or not today, I will call you Master anyway. From now on, you must call me Kung Fu!"

Leng Feng said with a playful smile, not at all the arrogance he treated the manager just now, very peaceful.

Marven Ye smiled and nodded.

"It's okay to teach you, but I just don't know if you can bear the hardship. I can tell you that I know a lot of martial arts. It depends on how many you can learn."

Ye Wenxuan agreed to Leng Feng to teach him martial arts, not because of his status.In fact, his identity really didn't attract Ye Wenxuan, what he liked was Leng Feng's heart of Xiang Wu.

Ye Wenxuan could see that Leng Feng's basic skills were very solid, which was definitely the result of long-term hard training.Ye Wenxuan couldn't help but love talents, and his character seems to be good so far.

Although he also has a bit of a dandy atmosphere, but the essence is very good, and he didn't do that kind of robbery.

Ye Wenxuan also followed suit and agreed to teach him some martial arts, and we will see his performance in the future.

When Leng Feng heard Ye Wenxuan's words, a trace of excitement flashed across his face.I have been looking for the real martial arts for so many years, and I can finally learn it.

"Thank you, master!" Leng Feng said with a smile, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After that, everyone started to eat with chopsticks. During the period, everyone chatted together, and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious.

"System task - young master: the host uses martial arts to subdue people, which is the proof of the national art. The national art is the essence of China for 5000 years, with a long history. The host carries forward the spirit of the national art and spreads the national art."

"Mission details: The host can conquer 500 million fans with martial arts, and the mission can be completed. Mission reward: Reward a small reward!"

"Mission Progress: 100049/5000000"

"Xiao Huan Dan: The ancient Shaolin's secret elixir, which has long been extinct. Taking a Xiao Huan Dan can improve the host's skill for five years without any sequelae."

Marven Ye, who was eating, heard a series of noises in his head.

Ye Wenxuan read it carefully, and a trace of joy flashed across his face.

The long-lost system task!

Ye Wenxuan was overjoyed when he saw the final mission reward.

Since entering the level of dark energy, the progress has been extremely slow.

According to the encyclopedia of martial arts, if you want to enter the next level, you need the dark energy in your body to be as strong as the river and the sea, and finally the Hunyuan will break through into the realm of transformation.

But the dark energy in Ye Wenxuan's body now is at best a stream, the kind that is about to dry up, it's pitifully tight.

The progress of practicing martial arts every day is slow, and the dark energy is increasing bit by bit.It's just grinding water, and it can only be made up for by long-term time.

Looking at Xiao Huan Dan on the system, Marven Ye swallowed.Make up your mind to win this task and get this small redemption pill.

But looking at the progress of the mission, Marven Ye was a little anxious.

It's only a little over 500, which is still far from [-] million.

It is estimated that after one night, there may be a blowout period tomorrow.But it is estimated that it will definitely not reach the point of 500 million people. It seems that we still need to find a way, Marven Ye thought secretly.

"What are you thinking? Don't eat." Ran Yirou saw Ye Wenxuan was in a daze, and pushed Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan withdrew from the system, said with a smile: "It's nothing, let's eat."

Ran Yirou glanced at Ye Wenxuan inexplicably, didn't say anything more, and continued to eat.

After eating a meal for nearly two hours, everyone did not drink too much wine, just a little bit of wine.

After the meal, everyone was sent home in a car by Leng Feng, and the arrangement was very good.

Silent all night.


The next day, the news pages of major newspapers were all occupied by the battle between Ye Wenxuan and Xu Dong yesterday.

It stole the headlines of Wang Feng's new album, and no one can match the limelight.

"Ye Wenxuan strongly defeated the fighting maniac Xu Dong!" "

"Ye Wenxuan or Young Master? "

"National Art! China Kongfu! "

"The Next Hero - Ye Wenxuan!" "


A series of reports appeared in various newsstands.They all introduced Ye Wenxuan's battle yesterday in detail, and the writing was full of enthusiasm, which instantly reversed some people's concept of Chinese kung fu a few days ago.

On the Internet, the number of hits on the video of Ye Wenxuan and Xu Dong fighting has risen rapidly. As of today's noon, the number of hits has reached hundreds of millions.

Everyone who watched was attracted by the battle, and had a clear understanding of Chinese martial arts.

Ye Wenxuan also took advantage of this opportunity to gain countless fans. The number of Weibo fans on the Internet has grown rapidly, successfully breaking through 500 million fans, and there are many comments.

Many female fans left messages calling for Ye Wenxuan to marry Ye Wenxuan and give birth to a son for Ye Wenxuan.

Of course, how could such a lively event miss our goddess Zhao Feier.

Zhao Feier reposted the video of Marven Ye fighting last night.

"Wenxuan is so handsome, if you don't cooperate with me again, I will fly over to catch you!"

Zhao Fei'er had shouted to Marven Ye many times, each time becoming bolder.Now it is estimated that it is a naked seduction, which has caused the fans of the goddess to be very sad.

And Ye Wenxuan's female fans saw Zhao Feier seduce Ye Wenxuan, scolded Zhao Feier as a vixen, and seduced her own male god.

The two groups were arguing endlessly on the Internet, but the two parties ignored it.


Zhao Feier, who is on vacation in the Maldives, is lying on the golden beach enjoying the sun.

Fiery figure, devilish delicate face.The men who came and went looked sideways.

Zhao Feier took the phone and played Ye Wenxuan's video from last night over and over again, Zhao Feier looked at the boy in white in the video.Slowly, a blush gradually appeared on her fair face, making her look even more alluring and lovely.

The corners of Zhao Fei'er's mouth slightly raised, looking at Ye Wenxuan's photo.

"Hmph, Marven Ye. I found out that I'm a little obsessed with you. It's so obvious to me. Are you a piece of wood..."

Zhao Fei'er murmured to herself, stretched out her small hands, and touched Ye Wenxuan in the video, she couldn't help but feel a little crazy.


Ye Wenxuan woke up the next morning and ignored the reports from outside.

Turn on the system and see the progress of the task.

Sure enough, the number of fans has increased a lot, but it is only about 100 million, which is still a lot of fans.

Marven Ye rubbed his head, feeling a little troubled.

Fortunately, there is no time limit, so let's talk about it later.

 Thanks to Qingyu135, Wayne08, Yaoyaoling for their rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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