Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 106 Company Site Selection!

Chapter 106 Company Site Selection!

(QQ group number: 635363342)

Ye Wenxuan got up from the bed, stretched his waist and washed up, then quickly packed his luggage.

At the dinner table yesterday, Ran Yirou asked Ye Wenxuan to go to Beijing with her.

Ran Yirou has already found several places, and now she is waiting for Ye Wenxuan to make up her mind, so she asked Ye Wenxuan to go with her.

Two hours later, Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou boarded the plane to Jingbei City.

After some ups and downs, Marven Ye stepped into Jingbei City again.

The two went straight to the first location, Dadong Commercial District.

This office building was built a few years ago in the Dadong business district. It is located in the center of the business district, and the location is very good.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou went up for a stroll, Ye Wenxuan was a little dissatisfied, although the location here is very good, but it is too noisy.

There are too many people coming and going, and most of the surrounding areas are entertainment facilities such as shopping malls.

Ye Wenxuan was not satisfied with this place, so he and Ran Yirou went to the next place.

Next, Ye Wenxuan hummed to Ran Yirou and ran to several places one after another.Finally at the fifth location, Marven Ye was quite satisfied.

This is a comprehensive development zone located in the third ring road of Beijing, which was newly developed and built recently.

It was built in response to the call of the state to build an integrated ecological city.

The central area is a huge building covering an area of ​​12 square meters, and the building adopts a very trendy design.

Like a huge bow, there are about fifteen floors in total.

Centered on the building, surrounded by greenery and fountains.Many plants are neatly arranged, beautiful and generous.

Afterwards, many business circles have been established in the periphery, with everything from gourmet shopping to leisure and entertainment.But there is still a long distance from the building in the center, and there will be no sense of crowding.

Ye Wenxuan stood at the door of this building and nodded in satisfaction.

"Sister Yirou, this place is not bad. You should lead me here directly. This is the best place to work."

"Okay, let's go in and have a look. Now this place has been pre-purchased by many companies, we can still talk about whether there is still space..."

Ran Yirou said with emotion while pulling Ye Wenxuan inside.

When going up, Ran Yirou contacted the person in charge of the office building, and when Ran Yirou and Ye Wenxuan arrived at their office, she also appeared in front of Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou.

"Hello, Miss Ran. We met again. Is there any intention this time?" The lady in charge asked with a smile, holding a folder in her arms.

Ran Yirou stretched out her hand and shook it.

"Hello, Miss Gao, this is my boss. This time he is here to investigate. If he is satisfied, it may be you."

Ran Yirou pointed to Ye Wenxuan beside her, and said with a smile on her face.

Gao Shuang looked at Ye Wenxuan who was wearing big sunglasses and was a little surprised.

Looking at Gao Shuang from his face, he could tell that Ye Wenxuan was not old at all, and could even be said to be too young.

The bosses that Gao Shuang received recently were not all bosses in their 50s and [-]s.

This couldn't be that idle kid from a rich family who came out to play, Gao Shuang secretly guessed.

However, out of excellent professionalism, Gao Shuang immediately greeted Ye Wenxuan.

"Hi, I'm Gao Shuang. I'm one of the persons in charge of the Bandung Development Zone of Tianxin Group. If you need anything, you can tell me."

Marven Ye smiled slightly and took off his sunglasses.

"Hello, Miss Gao. Marven Ye."

Marven Ye briefly introduced himself.

But in fact, Ye Wenxuan didn't need to introduce himself at all, because Gao Shuang recognized Ye Wenxuan at a glance.

"Ye... Ye Wenxuan! I... I am also your fan!" Gao Shuang was so excited that she was speechless when she saw Ye Wenxuan.The elegant and generous appearance just now disappeared without a trace, and she became a little fan girl.

"Miss Gao, can you tell me which positions are still available in the building?" Marven Ye asked the excited Gao Shuang with a smile on his face.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's question, Gao Shuang tried hard to calm down.

After a while, Gao Shuang returned to his previous appearance.

"Sorry, I lost my composure."

"There are still several places in our Wanlong Building that have not been sold."

"One is the central location on the first floor, but the area is relatively small, only [-] square meters, which belongs to a very small place. The second is the fourth floor..."

Gao Shuang took out the schematic diagram in his arms, and explained it to Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou while looking at it, so that they could have an intuitive understanding.Learn more about the distribution of the entire building.

Gao Shuang introduced for more than 20 minutes, and then introduced the rest of the places.The pros and cons of each position and their distribution are described in great detail.

After listening to Gao Shuang's speech, Marven Ye sat on the stool and began to think silently.

After thinking for a while, Marven Ye said, "Miss Gao, please lead me to the ninth floor on the tenth floor."

Gao Shuang gave Ye Wenxuan a weird look, but still agreed with a smile.

Gao Shuang led the way, and Ran Yirou walked up to Ye Wenxuan, and asked in a low voice, "Wenxuan, do you want to see No. [-] on the tenth floor? Which one has a full area of ​​[-] square meters, and you want a space that big?" What are you doing?"

Ye Wenxuan shook his head slightly, and said softly: "I have my own thoughts, I will tell you in detail tonight, you just listen to me now."

Hearing what Ye Wenxuan said, Ran Yirou didn't interrupt.

Ran Yirou knew that Ye Wenxuan was a very well-organized and assertive person, and would not act rashly.Since it's natural for him to do this, there is a reason for him to do so, and it's not good for her to intervene.

The two followed Gao Shuang to the No. [-] position on the tenth floor. This position is on the far right and will not be close to other companies, so if they work in the future, they can be very quiet and not too noisy.

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see many buildings outside, which is very eye-catching.

Ye Wenxuan walked around carefully, and nodded in satisfaction as he imagined the many departments he would need in the future.

"Miss Gao, I am quite satisfied with this place. Can you tell me about the price here now?"

Gao Shuang took out the folder and found the report at No. [-] on the tenth floor.

"Mr. Ye, the rent here is 800 million a year, and it needs to be rented for three years." Gao Shuang came out with a clean quotation.

Marven Ye nodded, the price was within his budget.After all, this is the third ring road in Beijing, and it is a newly built office building, so it is naturally expensive.

However, the price still needs to be discussed further, Ye Wenxuan showed no expression on his face, and looked very calm.

"Miss Gao, should we discuss this price again? Our sincerity is very high."

Ye Wenxuan asked softly, Gao Shuang couldn't see any intelligence from Ye Wenxuan's face.

Hearing that Ye Wenxuan had intentions, Gao Shuang couldn't help showing a tinge of joy.

"Why don't I call our manager tonight, let's invite Mr. Ye and Miss Ran to have a meal, and we'll talk about it in detail."

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou looked at each other and nodded.

Ran Yirou took a step forward with a smile on her face.

"Then we'd rather be respectful than obedient, and I'll trouble you tonight. But we still have to treat you to this meal!"

 A new week begins, ask for tickets~
  Everyone enjoyed watching the third watch for two consecutive days, today is still the third watch, and the recommended ticket for the starting point breaks [-] plus more!

  Thank you for the reward from Duxinliandi, thank you for your encouragement and support!

(End of this chapter)

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