Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 107 Planning for the future!

Chapter 107 Planning for the future! (It is recommended to add updates for the starting point of [-]!)

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou have been busy with this matter for the past few days, and they transferred Carter to act as legal counsel.

In the end, Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou finally lowered the price down to 700 million a year.

Ye Wenxuan could see that this price was really their minimum, so he didn't continue to lower the price.

Just now Ye Wenxuan finally signed a contract with Mr. Wan of Wanlong Development Zone of Fangtianxin Group, and successfully signed the contract for three years here.

Of course, Ye Wenxuan's capital has also shrunk by more than half, plus the investment of 2000 million a few days ago.

Now Ye Wenxuan only has around 7000-[-] million left in his hands. In addition to the company's decoration design in a few days and the normal salary settlement of the company's personnel, Ye Wenxuan's funds are barely enough now.

After several days of busy work, Ye Wenxuan finally had time to relax.

In the hotel room, Marven Ye sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and drank coffee slowly to calm down from the busyness of the previous few days.

Ran Yirou looked at Marven Ye and put down the cup in her hand.

"Wenxuan, now you should be able to tell me what you rented such a large space for?" Ran Yirou was curious for several days, and it stands to reason that if Ye Wenxuan just wanted to open a studio, he wouldn't need such a large space at all. .

Ye Wenxuan heard Ran Yirou's question, and slowly took a sip of the fragrant coffee in his cup.

"Sister Yirou, do you think that I really just want to create a studio? We will have a lot of work going on, so let me briefly tell you about it now."

Ye Wenxuan put down his cup, turned around and looked directly at Ran Yirou.

"Let me first talk about the business that our company will develop after its establishment. First of all, since it is an entertainment company, we will naturally recruit artists and train new people in the future. It is the first to continuously inject new blood into the company."

"Second, we want to produce our own variety shows. We broadcast and record them, and then sell them to TV stations for a profit. We film, record and produce ourselves."

"Third, we want to shoot TV series and even movies with our own investment. We may take the method of capital injection in the short term, but we will definitely take the lead in the future. We will shoot TV series and movies by ourselves, but we have no channels Issued, so this will be discussed later.”

Ye Wenxuan talked too much and took a sip of water.

Ran Yirou was a little dumbfounded when she heard Ye Wenxuan's long speech.

Although these are easy to say, they are extremely troublesome and troublesome to do, so Ran Yirou is a little dazed now.

Marven Ye ignored Ran Yirou's expression and continued.

"I just said a lot, now let's talk about recruitment."

"Since we are an entertainment company, the natural main body is to serve artists. Then with continuous development, agents, assistants, bodyguards, drivers, makeup artists, hair stylists, costumers and other personnel need to expand recruitment."

"Afterwards, we will have our own director, cameraman, lighting engineer, and post-production staff, etc. Many people need to be recruited."

"There is also a company that needs to recruit many of the most basic personnel. Now thinking about it, my head hurts."

After Ye Wenxuan said so much, he was a little dazed.

"Wenxuan, your plan is quite ambitious. Although I majored in management and media, I haven't worked in this field for so many years. I'm really unfamiliar. Wenxuan, why don't you find another professional manager? .”

Ran Yirou saw Ye Wenxuan staring at her, Ran Yirou quickly declined.

Marven Ye chuckled, and strung his stool forward.

"Sister Yirou, I believe in you. I'll hire someone to be your deputy first, and when you get familiar with the job, how about you being on your own?"

Although Ye Wenxuan said so, his expression was unquestionable. If you don't agree, I will kill you with ink.

Ran Yirou was also unconvinced and looked at Ye Wenxuan for a while, but in the end she couldn't bear it.

"Okay, okay, let's do it, my life is really hard..."

Seeing Ran Yirou agreeing, Ye Wenxuan beamed, very happy.

"Sister Yirou, we will split into two teams tomorrow. I will be in charge of the company's various registration procedures, and you will be in charge of the company's decoration. Let's find a better design company, and the design must be high-end and upscale." Ye Wenxuan make a suggestion.

Ran Yirou nodded.

"Okay, no problem. I happen to have an old friend who runs a decoration and design company in Beijing North. I'll go to his place tomorrow to have a look. But you register the company yourself, can you understand?" Ran Yirou's proposal to Ye Wenxuan I don't have any comments, but in the end I was still a little worried that Marven Ye would not understand.

Ye Wenxuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Carter just hasn't left yet. He is very familiar with these procedures. I'll let him come with me tomorrow. What's more, the rest of the staff will be transferred to Beijing North. There are not enough manpower. Everyone help!"

Ran Yirou nodded, chatted with Ye Wenxuan for a while, then turned and went back to his own room.

Ran Yirou was arguing that the dinners of the past few days had caused her to sleep well, so she went back to her room to catch up on her beauty sleep.

Ye Wenxuan is also rarely free, but the reason for Ye Wenxuan's long-term martial arts training is that he is in good spirits.I took out my laptop and continued to write "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

After finishing the group arena a few days ago, Ye Wenxuan started working on the second novel.

The second is naturally the book "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", followed by the book "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Ye Wenxuan's plan is to publish the book "The Legend of Condor Heroes" directly after the broadcast of The Condor Heroes.Taking advantage of the popularity of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Ye Wenxuan estimated that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" should not sell too badly.

Calm down to type, and carefully recall the plot of the previous life.Ye Wenxuan's hand speed is very fast, and the speed can now reach nearly [-] words per hour.

The sun, which was originally high outside, is now gradually setting.

Ye Wenxuan coded for nearly three or four hours, stood up and moved his body.

Wandering around the hall, relax your tired eyes.

Just when Marven Ye was relaxing, Marven Ye's phone rang suddenly.

Huh?Teacher Li Lu?

Ye Wenxuan answered the phone with some doubts, and greeted Teacher Li Lu with a smile.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter?"

"Marven Ye, it's fine. The school will hold your graduation ceremony next week, which is also your graduation party. During this period, you will be required to perform. I wonder if Marven Ye can sing a song?" Li Lu asked with a smile.

Hearing Li Lu's words, Marven Ye agreed without hesitation.

Putting down the phone, Ye Wenxuan was suddenly nostalgic for the three years of high school life when asked by Li Lu.

In silence, three years have passed.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the bright lights of Jingbei City outside the window, feeling a little sad in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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