Chapter 108 Graduated!
In the next few days, Marven Ye and Carter were busy handling various procedures for the company.Running around in Jingbei City, and socializing non-stop at night, so that the company's procedures can be handled more quickly.

From time to time, he would go to Ran Yirou's place to study the decoration plan with her and the design company she was looking for.

A week has passed in the blink of an eye, if Wang Shiyu hadn't called to remind Ye Wenxuan once, Ye Wenxuan would probably have forgotten it.

Ye Wenxuan finally boarded the plane back to Jiangsu and Zhejiang City in the afternoon of the graduation ceremony. Ye Wenxuan returned to Jiangsu and Zhejiang City after more than an hour.

When I returned to Jiangsu and Zhejiang City, I rushed to school non-stop, and I didn't even come home in time to go back.

At the moment of Jiangsu and Zhejiang No. [-] Middle School, many banners are hung in front of the gate and in the school.A large number of stylishly dressed boys and girls suddenly appeared in the school that only had school uniforms, and everyone had excited smiles on their faces.

Basically, they all walk together in groups, laughing and playing like they used to.

Marven Ye returned to the campus with a very relaxed smile on his face.

Ye Wenxuan was wearing a bright silver jacket today, with a white half-sleeve inside, a pair of very trendy jeans, and a pair of Martin boots.Wearing a big sunglasses, very handsome.

The return rate on campus can basically reach [-]%. Everyone knows that this is Marven Ye.

Many primary school girls rushed over, wanting to take a photo with Ye Wenxuan to sign.Because they knew that it might be very difficult to see Marven Ye after today, so they all came to look for Marven Ye as a souvenir.

Ye Wenxuan saw that there was still an hour left in the time, so he didn't refuse.One by one, the requirements of all elementary school girls are met, including some of Ye Wenxuan's classmates.Ye Wenxuan also took photos with all the visitors to satisfy them.

But as the news spread, more and more people gathered around.The school also had to dispatch security guards to organize to prevent accidents.

In the end, Marven Ye simply found a table and started signing.Ye Wenxuan looked strange, is this a fan meeting?
Well, Marven Ye doesn't care anymore, let's be happy today.

After more than an hour, Ye Wenxuan finally signed.

With some sore wrists, he walked towards his class.

Ye Wenxuan glanced casually and saw Wang Shiyu standing under a willow tree looking at him, Ye Wenxuan raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Shi Yu, what are you doing, standing and waiting for me." Ye Wenxuan leaned forward with a smile.

Wang Shiyu gave Ye Wenxuan a blank look, and muttered, "Ms. Li asked me to wait for you here. Everyone has gone to the auditorium. When you are done, let me take you directly to the auditorium."

"Then let's go." Marven Ye said.

"Let's go, hum. Look at your satisfied face, doesn't it feel good to be surrounded by so many beauties!"

Wang Shiyu said sourly while walking.

Ye Wenxuan gave a dry laugh, scratched his head, and pretended to be a little shy.

"It's okay, quite satisfied, not particularly satisfied."

Wang Shiyu originally wanted to run on Ye Wenxuan and play petty temper.But I didn't expect Marven Ye to say that, his face puffed up with anger.

"Hmph! Big pervert! Bad embryo! I've been waiting for you for so long!"

Wang Shiyu quickened her pace angrily, and ignored Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan saw Wang Shiyu's appearance, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and hurriedly chased after him.

"Shi Yu, wait for me..."


Intellectual Auditorium.

At this moment, the Zhixue auditorium is full of students, each class is a unit, and everyone sits together.

When Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu came, they were almost done.The two of them quietly found their seats and sat down with their waists bowed. Of course, they couldn't help laughing with their buddies for a while.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the voice in the auditorium gradually died down.

Qian Tao, the principal of Jiangsu and Zhejiang No. [-] Middle School, came out from the stage with the vice principal, the director of the student office, the grade director, and some teachers.

The light on the stage turned yellow, and Qian Tao stood in the center with a microphone in his hand.

Everyone knew that Principal Qian Tao was about to start speaking, and the students below remained very quiet.

"Students, how time flies! In three years, more than 1000 days and nights, I passed by without knowing it. Remember..."

Qian Tao didn't hold the speech script, and he was speaking completely out of the script.

No one made a sound in the venue, and listened attentively to the speech of the principal Qian Tao.All the students in the past hated Qian Tao's long speeches very much, and they talked for a long time.But this time, there was really no trace of boredom, listening to Qian Tao's narration.

Many girls and female teachers are also a little teary-eyed, three years!
In the three years of life, the life at school is even more than the time at home with parents.

The classmates and teachers who get along with each other day and night in the class, have had joy and been touched in the day and night together, and will be far away from everyone after today.

Everyone will have their own new starting point and their own new journey.

Principal Qian Tao talked for about 10 minutes, during which he talked about many interesting and joyful things in the school, which made everyone laugh from time to time.

"Children, if you go back to your alma mater, I won't be able to call you children. I will call you classmates and alumni. Because after you leave school, you are no longer children, and there are not always applause and flowers in your life. There is still wind, rain, bitterness, and pain, but no matter what time it is. I hope everyone will learn to be strong, learn to be grateful, learn to be tolerant, and face the sun, so that there will be no darkness in your eyes!"

"Children, congratulations, you today..."


When the principal Qian Tao said the last three words, many students shed tears.From time to time, there were many sobs in the auditorium, and most of the class teachers also shed their tears.

More than 50 students have been like their own children for three years.Although during the period, I will also make myself angry and unhappy.But no matter what, they are all my children, and the reluctance is beyond words.

Qian Tao stood on the stage and looked at the situation below, and Qian Tao was also filled with emotion.A batch of children are sent out every year, and it will be very touching to watch them graduate.

Wang Shiyu burst into tears, lying on Ye Wenxuan's lap and crying loudly.Ye Wenxuan also had some red eyes, and stroked Wang Shiyu's small head with his hands, comforting Wang Shiyu.

Many students in the class rushed to Li Lu and hugged each other.

After the scene was brought under control, each class went up to the stage one by one to receive their graduation certificates and the badges of their alma mater.

Everyone shook hands with these teachers and leaders in turn, and everyone would give some words of encouragement to each student.

The two-hour ceremony was finally over.

Next is the graduation party, which starts in an hour.Parents of many students can also come to the graduation party in a while, and the entire auditorium is completely open.

Many students who have programs also began to prepare in the background...

 Thank you for your hard work and perseverance, and thank you for your support.

  In the new week, Qingfeng really needs votes to hit the list, really needs it.

  The third update!And everyone is wondering what Ye Wenxuan will sing this time~

(End of this chapter)

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