Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 1059 A Bitch Matches a Dog!

Chapter 1059 A Bitch Matches a Dog!

"A model couple in the entertainment industry has a marriage change, and the woman is suspected of cheating!" "

"Add one more point to the cheating team, increase the strength of the players, Xiaohuadan Chen Zihan! "

"Shocked, the secret that Chen Zihan and Ye Wenxuan have to tell!" "

"Chen Zihan and Xu Yifan have long been divorced, and their marriage is in name only. It is suspected that Chen Zihan has climbed a high branch! "

"Chen Zihan left Guangfang Entertainment, crossed the river and demolished the bridge? "


After just one night, the next day many netizens found that the entire entertainment circle and Weibo were boiling.

Who is Chen Zihan, a famous actress in China, a female artist who has been active on the front line of the screen.Even now, the TV series starring Chen Zihan are still popular on Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, and the ratings have repeatedly hit new highs, and the popularity is extremely high.

But now it has been exposed as a scandal, and it's still cheating? !
This news is not unbelievable, it directly ignited everyone's gossip mentality.

Every microblog is well-founded, with pictures and truth.A photo of Chen Zihan and Ye Wenxuan having a "private meeting" in the Guangzhou Grand Theater; a photo of Ye Wenxuan holding Chen Zihan's hand with a "doting" smile on his face; a photo of the two "sweetly" embracing each other...

There are high-definition pictures of Chen Zihan and Ye Wenxuan, photos of Chen Zihan and Xu Yifan quarreling, and the divorce certificates of Chen Zihan and Xu Yifan, all of which are readily available.

Everything is so real, each seemingly "real hammer" evidence directly drove Chen Zihan into the abyss.

Yesterday, she was the goddess that everyone was looking at, but today she turned into a slut and slut that everyone shouted and beat, it was a world of difference.

Moreover, the cheating partner in this scandal is a superstar like Ye Wenxuan, so the uproar caused by it is even bigger, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a tsunami.

Ever since, Ye Wenxuan, Chen Zihan, and melon-eating netizens fought together in an instant. Regardless of each other, the flames of war spread from Weibo to major forums, then to major media clients, and finally even to people's circle of friends.

On this day, similar situations appeared in many circles of friends.

"You can go whoring, you don't have to study, you don't have to do business, but if you like Chen Zihan, I'm sorry, then we can no longer be friends!"

"Who will watch Marven Ye's movies in the future, please block me, thank you!"

"Chen Zihan and Ye Wenxuan are like a bitch and a dog. May the sky last forever!"

Statements such as these basically covered many people's circle of friends.

Of course, the fans of Ye Wenxuan and Chen Zihan, excluding the overlapping parts, add up to nearly [-] million fans. Once this power is awakened, it will be absolutely terrifying.

With just a few photos and a small composition, you want to slander our idol?

Hehe, let's go to war!

Amidst this monstrous public opinion, the entire network is in chaos.Originally, Marvel's "Ant-Man" was about to be released and was being promoted, but when Chen Zihan's cheating on Ye Wenxuan was disturbed, no one paid attention at all.

This breaking news directly put Marven Ye and Chen Zihan in a very dangerous situation.

If you are not careful, you will be doomed!

Times Building, the headquarters of Times Group.

Below the Times Building, reporters gathered around the entrance of the Times Building with long guns and short cannons, all wanting to go in and interview Ye Wenxuan.

The security department of the Times Group was dispatched to maintain law and order at the scene, preventing any reporter from entering the Times Building.

The atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic, and some melon-eating people who were not afraid of big things came to the gate of Times Building to shout and insult Ye Wenxuan.


Times Entertainment, all departments are now in full swing.

All the employees were so busy that they couldn't even answer the phone.

With Marven Ye's popularity and status, it would be fine if nothing happened, but once something happened, the chain effect would be extremely terrifying.

Ye Wenxuan's commercial performance investors, advertisers, and partners will call to inquire. After all, Ye Wenxuan's image is also related to the image of their company.

If Ye Wenxuan was cheated on by Chen Zihan, a married woman, his image would plummet, and Ye Wenxuan's endorsement would definitely be withdrawn. At that time, the issue of compensation would be extremely cumbersome.

But everyone is on the sidelines. After all, there is no final result yet, and everything is still too early.

Ye Wenxuan, who was on the 99th floor, was sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding a cup of tea in his hand, blowing the tea gently, and then sipping tea.

On Ye Wenxuan's right is Ran Yirou, while on the left is Chen Zihan.

At present, the two people in the Weibo public opinion center are sitting here drinking tea as if nothing happened, their calmness is almost outrageous.

"You mean, all of this was planned by Xu Yifan? Isn't he afraid that you will expose his cheating, and dare to fight back?" Ye Wenxuan asked a little puzzled after listening to Chen Zihan's narration.

Chen Zihan blinked her big eyes, and responded in a low voice: "Uh... Maybe I don't have any evidence, so... So he has nothing to fear..."

As soon as Chen Zihan's words fell, Ye Wenxuan, who had been drinking tea calmly, suddenly took a sip of water and put the teacup on the tea table in front of him, his face full of disbelief.

"What are you talking about? You have no evidence of his cheating?!"

Chen Zihan shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, the meaning was obvious.

"I'll go, you are really my ancestor, why are you so calm if you don't have evidence?"

Ye Wenxuan was beeping in his heart, he didn't know what to say, he revealed mmp in his smile.

There is no evidence, which means that they have no way to come up with a real hammer, if there is no real hammer to come back.Given the current situation, if they tell the truth, they will definitely be accused of beating them up. By then, they will be really dumb and unable to express their suffering.

"When I came here, I saw you were so calm. I thought you had a way, so I was so calm..." Chen Zihan said innocently.

Ye Wenxuan opened his mouth, and was really stifled by Chen Zihan's words. After holding it for a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "I thought you had evidence. As a woman, don't you have any evidence that your husband cheated? Impossible, as long as you are a woman, you will basically have it, not to mention that you two still have a huge amount of family property, and when the time comes to divorce, this evidence is also very important!"

"You are true or false, you are not kidding me, are you?"

In the end, Ye Wenxuan suspected that Chen Zihan was teasing himself, because it was totally unreasonable.

Ran Yirou, who was sitting on the right, couldn't drink tea calmly at this moment, so she put down the teacup...

(End of this chapter)

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