Chapter 1060 My People!
Facing Ran Yirou's and Ye Wenxuan's surprised eyes, Chen Zihan smiled wryly and said: "My marriage with Xu Yifan has long since existed in name only, but on the surface I have always wanted to treat each other as guests. If I hadn't gone home this time and bumped into his and her other I won't make up my mind to divorce him if my woman does that kind of thing at home."

Speaking of this, Chen Zihan's face turned slightly red, and a flash of shame and anger flashed across his face.

Even if she has lost her feelings for a long time, Xu Yifan is still the man she once loved.Seeing him flirting with other women, no matter who he is, he can't stand it.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou didn't say anything, they listened to Chen Zihan's narration silently.

"When I got home that day, after seeing the two of them having an affair, I packed my luggage as quickly as possible, and then moved out of the house. The next day I asked my personal lawyer to file a divorce application with him. .”

"But I was really ashamed and angry at the time, so I forgot to take a photo and leave a certificate. I thought Xu Yifan would not renege, but I didn't expect that he would actually beat him up now. He really knows people, knows his face, but doesn't know his heart, the scum of scum! "

There was a blush on Chen Zihan's face, obviously recalling what happened that night, he was very angry.

Ran Yirou sighed softly, Chen Zihan is also a poor person, being hurt like this by someone he loved so much, it would be unacceptable for anyone else.

"Forget it, let's discuss the present moment now. We should overcome the current difficulties together. Otherwise, not only you will suffer, but Ye Wenxuan will also be hard-pressed, and you will have to bear the reputation of seducing married women for the rest of your life." Ran Yirou Shen Sheng said.

Ye Wenxuan and Chen Zihan were both silent, and now no one can calm down.

Ye Wenxuan frowned, leaning on the back of the sofa with his legs crossed, his face full of seriousness, silently thinking about countermeasures.

There was no smile on Chen Zihan's face, and he was a little sad, and somewhat regretful in his heart.She, who has always been shrewd, would make such a negligence and cause such a big mistake.

For a moment, the three of them fell into silence, thinking hard about countermeasures.

The countermeasure is very simple, that is to obtain conclusive evidence, proving that Xu Yifan was the one who cheated first, so that the situation can be turned around in an instant.

But the problem is, this hard to find!

With Xu Yifan's shrewdness, he will definitely not mess around with his Xiaomi during this time period, and will not give anyone a chance.

They knew very well that they were the one who cheated, and Chen Zihan didn't cheat at all.

It is precisely because they know that Chen Zihan has no real evidence, so they spread rumors and create scandals that confuse the public. As long as they hold on for a while, they will win.

Not only took revenge on Ye Wenxuan for poaching people, but also ruined Chen Zihan's reputation, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Obviously, this is the joint revenge of Guangfang Entertainment and Xu Yifan, and the targets of revenge are Ye Wenxuan and Chen Zihan.

Time turned bit by bit, and the three of them still had no countermeasures.

At this moment, Ye Wenxuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a thought was faintly grasped in his mind.

"You mean... you ran into Xu Yifan and his Xiaomi applauding for love at your home when you were going home at night?" Marven Ye suddenly asked, breaking the tense atmosphere.

Chen Zihan was a little confused by Ye Wenxuan's sudden question.

Applause for love?

Chen Zihan is also a person who has experienced it. After a little turn in his brain circuit, he understood what Ye Wenxuan meant by applauding for love.

It was really embarrassing for him to say that kind of thing so euphemistically, Chen Zihan spat in his heart.

She gave Ye Wenxuan a shy look, then nodded, confirming Ye Wenxuan's statement.

Ye Wenxuan was stared blankly by Chen Zihan, feeling a little puzzled, touched his nose and continued to ask: "Then do you live in a community or a villa?"

"It's a high-end residential area on the third ring road in the north and south of Beijing. Our house is on the fifteenth floor." Although Chen Zihan didn't understand why Ye Wenxuan asked such a question, he still answered Ye Wenxuan truthfully.

Ye Wenxuan's eyes lit up, his face was a little excited, and he asked eagerly: "What's the name of your community? There should be complete monitoring equipment in the community, right?"

When Chen Zihan heard the words, he responded as a matter of course: "That's natural. Our community has to pay tens of thousands of yuan in property fees every year. The security is famously tight. The entire community is closely monitored, and there are basically no dead spots."

Hearing Chen Zihan's words, Ye Wenxuan snapped his fingers, let out a long breath, and felt relieved.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's appearance, Ran Yirou and Chen Zihan were a little puzzled.

"What? Could it be that you want to start with the monitoring and call out the monitoring of Xu Yifan and his Xiaomi that night?" Ran Yirou has worked with Ye Wenxuan for so many years, and they have long been connected with each other, and soon understood Ye Wenxuan's intentions .

Chen Zihan was overjoyed at first, and then shook his head with a wry smile: "Although this is a good way, it's so rare to call out the monitoring, it's a bit unrealistic."

"Isn't it realistic?" Ye Wenxuan chuckled, and continued: "As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts around, and a little bit can turn ghosts around. If this trivial matter can't be solved, then we, Times Group, don't mess around."

"What's more, this matter is not as troublesome as you think. As long as there are people in the public security system, the surveillance can be easily called out. It's just a trivial matter."

Both Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou didn't have the slightest pressure, and they didn't take the matter of being able to call out the monitoring at all.

"This matter should be done as soon as possible. Now I am most afraid that Xu Yifan and the others will also think about this. If they take the lead in deleting the surveillance video, they will be in big trouble." Ran Yirou added.

"Okay, I'll contact you right away, and I'll ask Xu Rou to come and bring back the surveillance video from that day."

After speaking, Ye Wenxuan turned his head to look at Chen Zihan.

"Now that you've caused us such trouble, do you think we've signed the contract first? I can rest assured only if you become mine. Otherwise, we'll lose our reputation and money. In the end, if you don't agree with us If we played, wouldn't we be at a loss?" Ye Wenxuan said with a smile, looking like a smiling tiger.

"It's from Times Group, not from you." Ran Yirou added blankly, and glanced at Ye Wenxuan with an inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"That's right, that's right, people from the Times Group made a mistake..." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

Chen Zihan looked at Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou in surprise, and felt that there was something wrong with these two people who couldn't tell, it was a woman's intuition.

But she didn't think much about it, so she took out the pen, raised her chin, and signaled that she was ready, and she could sign now...

(End of this chapter)

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