Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 1092 The Godfather of Korean Music!

Chapter 1092 The Godfather of Korean Music!

Hua Shao asked several professional judges in succession, asking professional judges to comment.

Those who were pointed out by Hua Shao were actually very helpless.

Although they are well-known musicians in their respective regions, they have a high ability to appreciate music.

But facing these two powerful singers on stage, they commented... chicken feathers!

The strength of these two people is far above their level, and asking them to comment is like a joke.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if they can't, they have to meet them.

The central idea is praise, open your mouth at the beginning, and make up the rest!
Each of the professional judges stood in line with Dragon King and Mu Jin, and they all spoke praises, praising them to the sky.

Even some professional judges, whose performance was so exaggerated, Ye Wenxuan who was praised by him, doubted themselves a little.

After about 15 minutes of comments, this issue has come to the final stage.

The audience was quiet. Hua Shao held a teleprompter with a serious expression on his face.

"Dear audience, the Masked Singer King of this issue is about to be voted by everyone. It is still the same sentence. The votes in the hands of everyone here are crucial votes for the two singers. I hope you will be careful. , Cast the vote in your hands cautiously and objectively!"

Hua Shao asked again, and then didn't say any more.

"Countdown 2 minutes..."

"The voting channel... is open!"

As Hua Shao's voice fell, two columns appeared on the huge LED screen behind him, and the number of votes climbed steadily.

Marven Ye stood there very calmly, with a smile on his face all the time.And Mu Jin beside Ye Wenxuan was also very calm, with a smile on his face.

The audience in the audience shouted the code names of Dragon King and Mujin respectively, calling for their idols one after another.

2 minute passed quickly.

When the result came out, there was a brief silence on the scene, and then many audience members stood up and cheered loudly.

"Dragon King!"

"Dragon King!"

"Dragon King!"


"Everyone, I now announce that the masked singer of the first episode of the first season of "The King of Masked Singers" is... Dragon King!"

Hua Shao's enthusiastic voice sounded, and the scene suddenly scattered golden ribbons from the overhead.

Hearing the result, Ye Wenxuan was slightly surprised, but not very surprised.Because the performance just now was definitely Ye Wenxuan's extraordinary performance, so it was within Ye Wenxuan's expectation to win the first round of championship.

This is just the first part of the Long March, and there are eleven more issues to follow.At that time, Ye Wenxuan will face the king of masked singers chosen from thousands of picks, and fierce battles will be inevitable.

Mu Jin, who was standing beside Marven Ye, turned around, stretched out his hand, and congratulated Marven Ye, "Congratulations, you deserve your name. I am convinced in this battle!"

Hibiscus is very magnanimous, generous, can afford to lose, and has a lot of backbone.

Faced with Mu Jin's congratulations, Ye Wenxuan smiled, held Mu Jin's hand tightly with his right hand, and responded in Korean: "It is also my honor to be able to fight with sir, thank you for your enlightenment!"

The two clasped their hands tightly, and there was a look of sympathy in their eyes.

Art has no borders. Since it is a matter of art, let's just talk about art.If other things are involved, it will inevitably tarnish the art.

The scene was jubilant for a while, and Hua Shao began to control the atmosphere of the scene.

"Please be quiet, everyone. Next, we will ask Mr. Mu Jin to reveal his face." Hua Shao comforted him.

Hearing Hua Shao's words, the scene gradually became quiet.Although Dragon King won the Masked Singer of this issue, it doesn't mean they don't like Hibiscus.

On the contrary, their love for hibiscus is no less than that of Dragon King.However, when they had to choose between the two, most people chose the Dragon King.

Because the touch brought to them by the Dragon King became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

Now that Hibiscus is about to reveal her face, they are also very curious about Mujin's identity.

The audience quickly fell silent, and everyone focused on Hibiscus on the stage.

Hua Shaojiang invited Mu Jin to the front of the stage, did not say anything, and made a gesture of invitation.

For Mu Jin, Hua Shao gave extremely high respect, in his opinion, this is definitely a singer worthy of respect.

Mu Jin walked to the front of the stage, and under the expectant eyes of everyone, slowly took off his mask...

When Hibiscus took off his mask, the audience erupted instantly, and even many famous musicians in the professional judging seats couldn't sit still.

"Han Jinghao, my god it's him!"

"Oh my god, the godfather of the Korean music scene, Han Jinghao is Mujin!"

"It's a frying pan. Let me ask why this person's singing skills are so good. He is actually Han Jinghao!"

"Idol, I literally grew up listening to his songs. I've heard it since I was a child. Hasn't he retired from the music scene for many years! He was born again!"

"The Dragon King actually defeated Han Jinghao. This Dragon King is really unbelievable. First, he defeated the British pop queen Jane and the American rock prince Atlee, and now Han Jinghao, the godfather of the Korean music scene, was defeated by him. It's going against the sky!"


There were bursts of exclamations from the audience, and everyone was scared to pee by Mu Jin's real identity.

Ye Wenxuan, who was standing behind Han Jinghao, looked at Han Jinghao's side face with shock in his eyes.

Han Jinghao, a figure at the godfather level of the Korean music scene.He debuted in CJ Group, and now he has become a director of CJ Group, and has become the chief music instructor of CJ Group, during which he has directed more than [-] Korean stars.

In South Korea, all Korean stars who can count on their names have basically received advice from Han Jinghao.

In South Korea, Han Jinghao is a godfather-level figure.Although he has retired behind the scenes for many years now, South Korea still maintains his countless records.

Various awards have been won, and various honors are countless.He has won the Asian King Award three times, nominated for the Grammy Award several times, and won the World Music Award for the highest sales in Asia twice...

She has countless honors, and her status in the world music scene is much higher than that of Janelle.

Marven Ye looked at Han Jinghao's back, with a flash of respect in his eyes.

On both sides of the stage, many Korean professional judges stood up and said hello to Han Jinghao, because almost all of them have been taught by Han Jinghao.

There was an uproar at the scene, but Han Jinghao, the person involved, stood in the center of the stage, very indifferent.

She didn't show any signs of being defeated, her face was frank, and the smile on her face never changed.

It can be seen that he is very happy, which is a kind of satisfaction in skills.

Faced with many judges who greeted him, Han Jinghao also responded kindly one by one...

(End of this chapter)

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