Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 1093 Eternal Battlefield!

Chapter 1093 Eternal Battlefield!
Hua Shao looked at Han Jinghao's profile, and was also shocked by Mu Jin's real identity, because his reputation was too great.

However, Hua Shao was only in a daze for a moment, then came to Han Jinghao's side, and said hello respectfully: "Mr. Han Jinghao, hello!"

Han Jinghao held Hua Shao's hand with a smile on his face: "Hello, hello."

Ye Wenxuan also recovered from his surprise, and stepped forward to say hello to Han Jinghao.

Han Jinghao is definitely a senior in the music scene, and he is more than 30 years older than Ye Wenxuan, so he deserves Ye Wenxuan's respect.

"Mr. Han, please tell me a few words."

Han Jinghao heard the words, took the microphone with a smile, and faced the audience, first bowed slightly, showing extremely good qualities.

"Hi everyone, I'm Han Jinghao, from CJ Group in South Korea."

As soon as Han Jinghao finished introducing himself, there was a burst of cheers at the scene, giving Han Jinghao a warm welcome.

"The show "The King of Masked Singer" is really irresistible to those of us who love music. I have retired for many years, but I was still attracted by this show, because facing the whole I couldn't bear the temptation of the world's top singer, so I came here."

"Facts have proved that I came to the right place. In the first period alone, I met three of the world's top singers. In this competition, I feel that I have gained a lot and benefited a lot."

"Stand still, what you get in return is standing still. Only by having the courage to communicate with outstanding musicians all over the world can you promote your own progress. I have learned a lot from Mr. Long Wang, and this trip is worthwhile .”

"Finally, I would like to borrow a sentence from Ms. Janelle and send it to all the people who love music all over the world. I hope everyone will not forget their original intentions and never forget that they are a singer!"

"The stage is our eternal battlefield!"

In the last sentence, Han Jinghao spoke sonorously and forcefully. At this moment, Han Jinghao's artistry was extremely strong, and his back became infinitely taller.

Marven Ye stood behind Han Jinghao, silent.

The stage is the eternal battlefield for singers!

This sentence, like a deafening sound, exploded in the ears of all the musicians present.

Once upon a time, when I stepped into the road of music, it was because of my love for music.

Today's achievements are all due to the love of music.

But now, for the sake of fame and fortune, everything has become eager for quick success.

In order to catch up with time, I just perfunctory at will, and then it all depends on the later revision of the sound.Too immersed in the fan economy, all I think about every day is how to make myself more popular.

Stirring gossip, brushing popularity, rubbing popularity...

The heart that loves music has already been covered with dust without knowing when.

They completely forgot that what made them what they were in the first place was precisely because of their music, and because of their music, their fans fell in love with them.

Obviously there is a broad road, but they have gradually embarked on another rugged path.

Han Jinghao's words were like a ray of light illuminating the road ahead.

They suddenly looked back and found that these seniors and superstars in the music world, without exception, all maintained a sincere heart for music, which is why they were able to skyrocket all the way and gradually became the existence they looked up to.

I am used to taking shortcuts, but I forget that no one in the world can achieve success for nothing.

The success of others is all made up of sweat and sweat that others don't know.

The scene was silent for a while, and the two hundred professional judges sitting on both sides slowly stood up, and then gave Han Jinghao the highest respect.


After nearly three hours of recording, the curtain finally came to an end.

Although the total time is as high as three hours, post-editing is still required, and the final product should only be two hours.

The audience exited the stage, and the professional judges also exited the stage one by one.

Ye Wenxuan walked off the stage, and many staff members looked at him with respect, and watched Ye Wenxuan disappear from their sight.

In the thinking of many people, the person who can beat the godfather of the Korean music scene must be a godfather-level music leader.

Walking towards the lounge, Marven Ye walked slowly, but he was in a good mood.

At this moment, a female voice suddenly called Ye Wenxuan, the voice was sweet and very familiar.

"Mr. Dragon King, please stop..."

Ye Wenxuan stopped walking when he heard the sound, and turned his head to look back.I saw Janelle in a red evening dress, with a bright smile on her face, walking towards Marven Ye slowly.There was a middle-aged woman by her side, who looked to be either Janelle's assistant or her manager.

"Ms. Jane, what's the matter?" Marven Ye responded softly.

"Mr. Dragon King, excuse me, I wonder if I have the honor to treat you to a meal?" Janelle invited.

But seeing the mask on Dragon King's face, he quickly added: "I mean, after the whole show is over, after the identity of Mr. Dragon King is exposed, can I treat you to dinner?"

Marven Ye looked at Janelle's sincere face, thought for a while, then nodded slowly, agreeing.

Janelle's status in the UK is unparalleled, if she can get Janelle's friendship, it will be of great help to Marven Ye in the future to enter the world.

Although Ye Wenxuan has many friends, most of them are artists within Huaxia. As for foreign friends, there are very few.

If you make more friends, you will have multiple paths in the future. Of course, Marven Ye will not waste time on meaningless social interactions. Naturally, Janelle cannot be counted as meaningless social interactions. On the contrary, Janelle is an extremely precious social resource.

When Janelle saw Marven Ye agreeing, the smile on her face became even brighter.The standard toothy smile sets off Janelle's beauty extremely well.

"It's like this, I will release an album next year. And Mr. Dragon King, your singing really shocked me. So I want to invite Mr. Dragon King to sing a song. There is a song in my album that is a male and female duet. I think it is very suitable for Mr. Dragon King, I wonder if Mr. Dragon King is interested?"

Janeer explained the ins and outs of the future in detail, and then looked at Marven Ye expectantly, waiting for Marven Ye's response.

Hearing Janelle's invitation, Ye Wenxuan was taken aback for a moment, then pondered for a while, and did not give an affirmative answer.

"I need to think about this. After the show is over, can I give Ms. Jane an answer?"

Janeer heard that, although she didn't get a positive answer from Marven Ye, at least she didn't refuse, which meant that the chances were still great.

Janeer believes that only the Dragon King in front of her can sing that song, which is the most suitable and perfect!
(End of this chapter)

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