Chapter 112 Fire!

Around six o'clock in the evening, the four of Marven Ye came out of the recording studio.

Wang Shiyu and the three of them felt very fresh in the first recording, so none of them complained of suffering or tiredness.After Ye Wenxuan treated the four of them to something to eat, Ye Wenxuan sent Wang Shiyu home, leaving Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei alone.

Sending Wang Shiyu back, when the two of them are alone, it is natural that some sweet words and sweet words are indispensable.

In short, it was past seven when Ye Wenxuan returned home. When he got home, Ye Wenxuan first handed over the music recorded in the afternoon to the people of Yunding Music.

However, Marven Ye did not intend to reveal himself in this piece of music. Marven Ye named a group, which is very simple, called Backlight Band!

All the songwriters, composers and singers belong to the backlight band. After telling the people who are good at Yunding music, Ye Wenxuan no longer cares about it.

The other party said to make arrangements and go online at [-]:[-] tomorrow night.Now Yunding Music has a very good attitude towards Ye Wenxuan, there is no other reason.

That is, working with Marven Ye is really profitable!

Every song by Ye Wenxuan is a big hit, with a minimum of several million downloads, and most of them have more than 1000 million downloads, which can be called terrifying.

Last time, various companies resisted and suppressed Marven Ye, which resulted in very low ratings for each of Marven Ye's songs, but now that Sui Jun has left, every song is well-received, and the ratings are slowly rising.

But Ye Wenxuan still didn't plan to use his own name, not because he was afraid of the other party.It was this song that Ye Wenxuan planned to launch alone, and the money he earned later, Ye Wenxuan decided to donate it to his alma mater in the names of the four of them, which can be regarded as a little repayment.

Looking at the song that is currently number one on the hot song list on Yunding Music, Ye Wenxuan's mouth slightly twitched.

The first song was surprisingly the song "A Kiss of Heaven" written by Ye Wenxuan to Li Guanghe, which is now loved by the majority of netizens.

Many people who have watched the TV series like this song very much, and they all say that this song fits the artistic conception of the TV series very well.

However, after seeing Ye Wenxuan wrote the lyrics and composed the music, many people were not surprised.

Produced by Wenxuan, it must be a high-quality product!
This is Ye Wenxuan's title, and it is also a great compliment.

Marven Ye closed the computer and packed his luggage.

Ye Wenxuan will fly back to Jingbei City tomorrow, let's not talk about the company's affairs that need to be dealt with.Tomorrow, "Special Mission" will release a press conference, and the drama will be broadcast on CCTV the day after tomorrow.

This drama will occupy the entire night of July. It is also a warm-up for the conscription activities and increases the enthusiasm of young people to join the army.

The trailers for the past few days have already been released, and several of the most classic scenes in the play have been shown.

Ye Wenxuan's perfect performance shots have conquered a large number of netizens.

Everyone is looking forward to this drama very much, but the man is attracted by the passionate scenes in it.The reason why the woman was attracted was very simple, she came here for Ye Wenxuan.

After packing up his luggage, he came to the hall and chatted with his parents for a while, then Ye Wenxuan returned to the house and fell asleep early.


The next day, Marven Ye spent the whole day very busy.

The company's affairs handling, press conference, fan meeting and other series of things made Ye Wenxuan busy and dizzy.

At the press conference, Ye Wenxuan, director Gu Xin, Lei Ming and other teachers met again, and after a short exchange of pleasantries, they made an appointment for dinner in the evening.

In the evening, after Ye Wenxuan finished socializing, he returned to the hotel where he was staying drunk.

Fall asleep deeply.

Ye Wenxuan was busy with work all day, but what he didn't know was that the "Don't Say Goodbye" he uploaded spread quickly on the Internet like a plague.


Zhao Zixin is a female white-collar worker in SH City, and she has graduated for almost three years.Busy with work every day, I slowly gained a foothold in this bustling big city.

He earns a lot of salary every month, and enjoys the envy of many people at work every day, but Zhao Zixin is not happy, and he is very tired, really tired.

At around [-]:[-] this evening, I got out of my busy work, dragged my tired body, and drove the car I bought on loan to my home.

As usual, turn on the music broadcast every day to listen to what new songs are pushed.


Enrolled thinking of graduating
Graduation but insomnia because of leaving friendship
some popular songs at that time

Became tears in the party ktv
The school uniform is hidden at the bottom of the wardrobe

Ugly but never got a chance to wear it to school again
March of the Games

Sometimes it's more memorable than old love songs


Ye Wenxuan's slightly brisk voice came from the radio, shocking the exhausted Zhao Zixin.

Sounds great!

Light and plain but with a little expression, Zhao Zixin fell into the song all of a sudden.

Listening to the lyrics in the song, Zhao Zixin couldn't help thinking of the scenes with her girlfriends and classmates many years ago, how carefree and happy we were at that time.

Once upon a time, once upon a time of youth.Zhao Zixin's memory was slowly opened by Marven Ye's singing.

"Drip drip!"

Suddenly there was a burst of trumpet sound from behind, which woke up Zhao Zixin, who was lost in memory.

Wiping the tears from his cheeks, he quickly put into gear and stepped on the gas to leave the red light.

After parking his car in a hurry, Zhao Zixin quickly returned to his apartment, and quickly turned on his computer.

After searching the Internet for a while, I found the song I heard in the car just now, and I learned that the song is called "Don't Say Goodbye".

Zhao Zixin quickly downloaded it and started the single track cycle mode.

While listening to this song, I searched for this backlight band.

A search on Du Niang really found a lot of posts, in which many netizens were discussing this issue, and some people posted a lot of very emotional music reviews. In short, this song... is on fire!
After listening for a while, Zhao Zixin couldn't hold back the impulse in his heart anymore.

In Feixun, I found the Feixun group that had already sunk to the bottom, and there was a small group of my ten good sisters in it.

Zhao Zixin silently sent the song "Don't Say Goodbye" here, with a sentence behind it.

"I miss you, how are you?"

About 5 minutes later, the Feixun group, which had already been silent, suddenly became lively again.

"Xin'er, I miss you too, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm getting married in a month. Where are you? I miss you so much!"

"Bebe, you are going to get married! Let's get together. After listening to this song, I really miss you so much now! (Crying emoji)"


Zhao Zixin saw his girlfriends popping up one after another, with smiles in his eyes.

Zhao Zixin silently thanked the backlight band in his heart, sincerely thank you!

No matter how long, how far apart.

do not say goodbye!

(End of this chapter)

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