Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 113 "Special Mission" starts broadcasting!

Chapter 113 "Special Mission" starts broadcasting!
Zhao Zixin is just one example. The song "Don't Say Goodbye" resonated with many people after it was uploaded.It has become the hottest song now, and it is almost a must-order song in KTV. Everyone likes to order this song very much.

Every time everyone sings this song together in KTV, they will feel a special heart-warming, special feeling.

Just when "Don't Say Goodbye" was hotly discussed on the Internet, at 07:30 in the evening.

Immediately after the news broadcast, China Central Television began the first broadcast of "Special Mission", and many long-awaited viewers were already sitting at home and waiting.


The first episode is about when Ye Wenxuan enlisted in the army. The character played by Ye Wenxuan is now a thorn in the side. He disobeys the superior squad leader and always fights against the squad leader.

Ye Wenxuan played this part very well, his expressions and body movements are very good.The audience who watched it laughed frequently, and they couldn't be happier.

Time is always short, and four 10-minute episodes pass quickly.Watching the ending song that appeared on TV, many viewers were a little bit unsatisfied.

But it doesn't matter, two episodes are played every day.There is another episode, and the hearts of many viewers are full of anticipation.

Taking advantage of the commercial break, many viewers took out their mobile phones.I posted some information on my circle of friends or Weibo, calling on my friends to watch it together.

And those Ye Wenxuan's female fans were also very excited, and they all ran to Ye Wenxuan's Weibo to leave messages.


Gu Xin, who was far away in SH City, was sitting in front of the TV with a cell phone in his hand, with a nervous expression on his face.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The phone rang, and Gu Xin immediately picked it up.

"Hello, how much?!" Gu Xin asked eagerly.

"Director Gu, 5.1%! An average rating of 5.1%!" An excited voice came from the opposite side, and the noisy and excited shouts from the other side could be vaguely heard.

When Gu Xin heard the news, he waved his arm fiercely.The flush on his face due to excitement showed Gu Xin's excitement at the moment.

"Okay, I'll invite everyone to dinner in two days!" Gu Xin put down the phone after finishing speaking, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Although Gu Xin is very confident in the "Special Mission" he produced, he also has a strong competitor at the same time!
That is "Empress Zhaoyang", which has been on the air for a week. This drama is also directed by Zhao Wuchun, a director of the same level as Gu Xin.And the investment is huge, it is said that the rumor is as high as 8000 million.The production scene inside is grand, and there are many well-known actors.

There are more than a dozen first-line actors alone, and Xiao Wei, one of the current four young actresses, participated in the show. It can be said that the stars are shining, and it was broadcast on Nanhu Channel.

In terms of broadcasting satellite TV, it is no worse than Gu Xin's "Special Mission".Besides, the investment and cast are much stronger than Gu Xin, and it was released a week earlier than "Special Mission". It can be said that Gu Xin is under a lot of pressure.

"Empress Zhaoyang" reached 5% of the ratings when it premiered for the first time, and it climbed steadily in the following week, and soon reached a super high rating of 8.9%. The ratings only reached 2%, far behind "Empress Zhaoyang".

However, the ratings just now came out, with 5.1% ratings, which greatly boosted Gu Xin's confidence.Although the ratings were only 0.1% higher than the opponent's initial ratings, it was enough to make Gu Xin full of confidence.

After all, Gu Xin is more confident about the plot behind him, this is a military drama.

Now many boys like to watch such military dramas, they are passionate and heroic.

Dressed in military uniform, a generation of soldier kings!
This is the dream of many boys. Gu Xin believes that his drama will become more attractive in the later stage.

Gu Xin sat on the sofa and thought about it to himself, and hehehe himself from time to time.

The wife who was reading the newspaper looked sideways frequently, wondering what was wrong with her husband.


On the second day, when the average ratings of "Special Mission" came out on the first day, many people were surprised.

5.3% ratings!
The fact that it achieved such a high ratings on the first day surprised many people.

And it has received rave reviews. I like the content and form of this drama very much, and I praise it again and again.

Originally, many people were very skeptical about Gu Xin's choice of Ye Wenxuan as the leading actor.

Because before Gu Xin's "Special Mission", Ye Wenxuan had no acting experience at all.This is the first time he appeared on camera, and he came up as the leading actor.Many people are very suspicious of whether there is any ulterior motive in this.

When Ye Wenxuan was filming, there were always people who brought up this question and made a lot of hype on the Internet from time to time, always saying that Ye Wenxuan's acting skills were not up to standard, and he got the role through the back door.

But after the first night of performances, many people changed their views.

Ye Wenxuan's performances in yesterday's two episodes were extremely exciting, vividly portraying the temperament of a new recruit to the fullest, without any sense of disobedience.

It was as if he was really a prostitute, and he couldn't find the feeling of a literary young man in Ye Wenxuan at all.

There is no overlap in the temperament between the two, which makes people's eyes bright.

In the following week, "Special Mission" began to exert its strength frequently, and the data gradually increased.

On the second day, "Empress Zhaoyang" rated 8.7%, and "Special Mission" rated 6.1%.

On the fourth day, "Empress Zhaoyang" rated 8.5%, and "Special Mission" rated 6.9%.

On the seventh day, "Empress Zhaoyang" rated 8.1%, and "Special Mission" rated 8.1%.

In just one week, "Special Mission" and "Empress Zhaoyang" had the same ratings.Successfully reached a tie with "Empress Zhaoyang", but everyone knows that it is a foregone conclusion that "Special Mission" surpasses "Empress Zhaoyang".

During this period, Gu Xin and Ye Wenxuan received a lot of praise.While the drama became popular, even the heroine of the drama, Yi Zimo, became popular and her net worth soared rapidly. It is said that Yi Zimo's net worth has reached the peak price of the second-tier.

At the same time as the TV series became popular, Ye Wenxuan's invitations to commercial performances and contracts such as commercials reached a peak again, and countless contracts came one after another.

Now Ran Yirou is running around at both ends, she can't keep busy at all.The three mobile phones were at a loss for answering in turn, Ye Wenxuan had no choice but to transfer Xu Rou to Ran Yirou to share some of Ran Yirou's work.

Ye Wenxuan was not idle during the period, and finally completed all the company's procedures.The license plate can finally be hung up, and the decoration of the company is more than halfway through, and it is estimated that the decoration will be completely completed in half a month.

Marven Ye has also decided on the name of the company.

just call...


(End of this chapter)

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