Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 114 Fengluan Bracelet!

Chapter 114 Fengluan Bracelet!

Marven Ye decided to call his company Times!
This also represents Ye Wenxuan's vision. From now on, Ye Wenxuan wants this era to be called - Ye Wenxuan's era!
After putting away some license plates, Marven Ye gave himself two days off to take a good rest.


Two days later, Huerhot Airport.

Marven Ye was wearing sunglasses and pulling a suitcase behind him.Shorts and short sleeves, completely dressed like a tourist.

Ye Wenxuan came to NMG, of course, not to play, but "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be launched today, and Ye Wenxuan came to participate in the opening ceremony.

From today, Ye Wenxuan will continue filming with the crew, officially starting his filming life.

As Wang Shiyu in this drama, because it is her first drama.So she has already come to the crew early, and has been busy with the director Zhou Changwen.

Ye Wenxuan followed the people sent by the crew to pick up the plane to the hotel where the crew stayed. Ye Wenxuan saw Director Zhou Changwen and Wang Shiyu whom he missed very much again.

Ye Wenxuan greeted Zhou Changwen, and Zhou Changwen asked Wang Shiyu to take Ye Wenxuan to his room to put his luggage.

When returning to the room, Marven Ye behaved well.But as soon as he entered the room, he left his luggage behind.

He picked up Wang Shiyu who was in front of him, and slapped Wang Shiyu's delicate face.

Being kissed by Ye Wenxuan, Wang Shiyu was a little shy.Gently patted Ye Wenxuan with his small hand, and said angrily: "I hate you, what should I do if people see it..."

Ye Wenxuan rubbed Wang Shiyu's little head, and said with a smile: "It's okay, who can see this."

Putting down Wang Shiyu, Ye Wenxuan took out a beautiful small box from his bag.

"Look, the little gift I prepared for you. It's very practical!" Ye Wenxuan said happily.

Wang Shiyu pouted, with some expectation in her eyes.This was the first gift Ye Wenxuan gave her after establishing a relationship with her. Wang Shiyu was a little curious.

Ye Wenxuan slowly opened the box in his hand, and a delicate pale yellow bracelet appeared inside. The phoenix and Qingluan were engraved on the bracelet, which shone beautifully under the sunlight.There is no trace of carving at all, as if formed naturally, the beauty is indescribable.

Wang Shiyu looked at the bracelet in the box and opened her small mouth slightly.He was obviously surprised by this bracelet, and his eyes were full of love.

Ye Wenxuan secretly smiled when he saw Wang Shiyu's expression.

This was exchanged by Ye Wenxuan from the system with 200 million popularity points, and it was not just beautiful.Beauty is just an incidental function, and the real function is more than that.

"Shi Yu, don't just look at the appearance. This is the latest technology I got from a super high-end laboratory. I can't buy it now. Let me introduce it to you." Ye Wenxuan made up nonsense and made up a reason for it.

Wang Shiyu looked at Ye Wenxuan with cute eyes, full of curiosity.

"Shiyu, this bracelet is an ultra-high-tech collection. Its anti-detection capabilities are extremely powerful, and it can scan all electronic products within ten meters of the wearer. For example, cameras, recorders, miniature cameras, etc. electronic video products."

"Not only that, but if someone is following you, or secretly taking pictures of you, the bracelet will give you a reminder, which can clearly point out the direction of the person following you. If the host needs it, you can call the police urgently, or even reverse record the other party, leaving evidence."

"If the host is in danger, this bracelet contains 99 anesthetic needles, the anesthesia power can bring down a tiger, absolutely powerful."

"And there are a lot of very practical small functions, there is an instruction manual inside, Shiyu, you can experience it slowly."

Ye Wenxuan talked a lot, his mouth was dry, and he took out mineral water to moisten his throat.

Seeing Wang Shiyu's bewildered face, Ye Wenxuan felt a little proud.I feel that my 200 million popularity is not in vain.

Ye Wenxuan took out the bracelet and put it on Wang Shiyu's hand.

Wang Shiyu recovered from Ye Wenxuan's introduction.

"Wenxuan, I'd better give this to you. You are very angry now, and you should have encountered a lot of paparazzi and other things, so you should use it." After Wang Shiyu finished speaking, she was about to take off the bracelet.

Ye Wenxuan hurriedly pressed Wang Shiyu, and said: "No need for Shiyu. You see, this bracelet is worn by women, and it doesn't fit me. I have already told my friend, and he will send me another one for men in the future. .”

Hearing what Ye Wenxuan said, Wang Shiyu thought for a while before nodding.

However, I still didn't believe it, and asked half-believingly, "Really?"

Ye Wenxuan looked affirmative, and nodded heavily.

Only then did Wang Shiyu feel relieved, playing with the bracelet on his hand, with a happy smile on his face.

When the bracelet was worn on her hand, it was icy cold, and the original hot feeling was swept away, which made Wang Shiyu gasp in amazement.

Seeing Wang Shiyu fiddling with the bracelet, Ye Wenxuan packed his luggage and put the clothes in the closet.

After lying on the comfortable big bed, Ye Wenxuan lay down for a while.

"Shi Yu, are all the actors from our crew here? Are they almost here?" Marven Ye asked while lying on the bed.

Speaking of this, Wang Shiyu suddenly recovered.

"Wenxuan, you don't know. I have seen many very famous teachers in the past two days, such as Li Chunli, Zhang Qiang, Xu Weisheng, Liu Fei, and many others, as well as many first- and second-tier stars. arrive."

As soon as Wang Shiyu said it, she was very excited. Stars that were basically invisible before now appeared in front of her eyes. Wang Shiyu was a little excited.

When Ye Wenxuan lay down and heard Wang Shiyu's words, his heart moved slightly.

This time the crew is much higher than the previous "Special Mission", and in terms of the cast, it is much higher than "Special Mission".

This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that this drama is invested by Marven Ye. A strong cast also means that the initial popularity is high, the ratings may be high, and Marven Ye's income will naturally be much higher.

The downside is that the cast is strong, which means things can get complicated.

This requires the director's adjustment ability, how to get along with all the actors under him in harmony without causing trouble.Maintaining the atmosphere of the crew is also a very important ability, but Ye Wenxuan believes that director Zhou Changwen should be fine and can handle this problem well.

Ye Wenxuan pulled back his thoughts, smiled and said to Wang Shiyu: "Your father is the chairman of Huanhai Entertainment, and your father has countless stars under him. There is one under the best actor, and there are many first-line stars. What is so strange about you?" of."

Since the two got together, Wang Shiyu thought about it and told Ye Wenxuan's family.But after knowing it, Ye Wenxuan didn't react, and was very calm.

This also made Wang Shiyu feel a little happy. Wang Shiyu was afraid that Ye Wenxuan would be under pressure when he found out. Now it seems that he is thinking too much...

"My father protected me and my mother very well since we were young, and never let us participate in any receptions or company affairs. I have only met a few of those celebrities. After all, they are not always in the company. They are all over the country. Fly." Wang Shiyu explained.

Marven Ye nodded, still admiring Wang Shiyu's father.In the entertainment industry, he can still protect his wife and daughter so well, and has never been picked up by the outside world, which is really amazing.

"Haha, okay. You don't have to envy them. After this drama is over, you won't be much worse than them. I guess you can reach the second-tier net worth at the very least. If you are better, it may not be difficult to reach the top of the second-tier." Ye Wenxuan smiled He said, the tone is very sure.

I don't know how many versions of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in the previous life have been remade, but no matter which version, none of the male and female protagonists in it is worth less than the second-tier, and most of them will soon reach the first-tier status if they work hard in the future.

That's why Ye Wenxuan dared to say so affirmatively, this is very powerful proof.

Wang Shiyu nodded and patted Marven Ye's thigh.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, you change your clothes quickly, the opening ceremony is about to start, you get ready." After Wang Shiyu finished speaking, she left Marven Ye's room, apparently also going to prepare her own clothes.

Ye Wenxuan left his comfortable big bed, found his own set of clothes from the closet, and after finishing dressing, he walked out of the room and turned back to the hall.

 It's going to be Saturday and Sunday soon, and it's not very enjoyable to have four days and three days in a row last week.Build a sign-in building, and two hundred sign-ins will be exchanged for one change.Starting point Bookstore is fine, no matter which one meets the conditions, it will be updated.The date starts from now and ends at [-]:[-] pm next Sunday. Everyone is tight on the tenth floor every day. Addition is just around the corner. Work hard!

  And don't worry everyone, even if there is only one person left, I will write it down. Don't worry, it's just a complaint in the morning, don't take it seriously...

  Thanks again, Gao, and the end of the song for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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