Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 115 Bonfire Dinner!

Chapter 115 Bonfire Dinner!

Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu came to the hall, and their appearance attracted many people in the hall to look sideways.

One is the male protagonist and the other is the female protagonist, and the male protagonist is Ye Wenxuan who is very popular at the moment.

Many seniors in the entertainment industry and some entertainers quietly looked at Ye Wenxuan to see what the young people who always appear on the front page of entertainment are like.

Marven Ye ignored the gazes of the people around him and searched among the crowd.Seeing Kodak beside the pillar, his eyes lit up, and he led Wang Shiyu to Kodak's side.

"Hi, we meet again. Why are you here by yourself?" Marven Ye greeted Kodak with a smile.

Seeing Marven Ye, Kodak raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and lightly hammered Marven Ye's chest.

"Xuanzi, you kid has disappeared since the last time we met, and you don't know if you have nothing to chat with me." Kodak was also very happy when he saw Marven Ye, and said to Marven Ye with a smile.

He glanced at Wang Shiyu next to Marven Ye again, and said with a smile, "Hi, Miss Wang. I'm Kodak, Marven Ye's good friend."

Seeing Kodak greeting him, Wang Shiyu responded politely: "Hello, Brother Ke. I have seen many of your works, and I like you very much."

Kodak smiled, didn't say much, and turned around to chat with Marven Ye.

Kodak is very cold and arrogant and has few friends.Of course, there are not many people of the same age that he likes, and it is for Ye Wenxuan's face to be able to say hello to Wang Shiyu. If Ye Wenxuan hadn't brought Wang Shiyu with him, Kodak would probably not have paid attention to Wang Shiyu.

After some people waited for a while, director Zhou Changwen hurried over and led a group of people.They were all crew members, and there were hundreds of people gathered in the hall, which looked rather spectacular.

Zhou Changwen took the lead and waved his hand.Everyone got on the car and went to the place where the opening ceremony was tonight, and everyone was a big guest, without exception.

Ye Wenxuan, Wang Shiyu, and Kodak followed the gang together. Ye Wenxuan rushed here today, not knowing what was going on, and asked Kodak, "Where are we going? It's getting dark today, where are we going?" ?”

Ye Wenxuan always thought that the opening ceremony was going to be at the back of the hotel, but he didn't expect to go to another place.

Kodak also shook his head. He also just arrived today, so he doesn't know much about the situation.

"We are going to the side of a big yurt on the grassland, and that side is already ready. And after the opening ceremony, Director Zhou directly prepared a bonfire party, saying that it is to promote everyone's feelings. It will be good soon. It's time to eat."

Wang Shiyu explained for the two of them, and quickly shared the information he knew.

Ye Wenxuan smiled and said to Wang Shiyu: "Hey, Shiyu. Does that mean that there is delicious food at night? I have been coveting the delicious food on the grassland for a long time..."

Wang Shiyu nodded helplessly, and muttered in a low voice about food.

A group of people got into the car and started the journey.After driving for about half an hour, the sky was already very dark, only a little white bump could be seen, and the group finally arrived at the designated place.

The grassland that was originally dark and dull was extremely bright at this moment.

A huge camp under the car, surrounded by torches.Inside, there are star-studded yurts and a [-]-meter-high bonfire in the center that is burning fiercely.At the gate of the camp, many reporters gathered at the moment, obviously they have been waiting for a long time.

The crew got out of the car one by one, and entered the camp in an orderly manner without changing their expressions when facing the reporters taking pictures in front of them.

Zhou Changwen led everyone directly to the bonfire in the center of the camp. At this moment, the things needed for the opening ceremony have been arranged here.

The altar, tribute, red cloth, video camera, incense burner, etc. have all been placed.

Zhou Changwen called the three of Ye Wenxuan over and arranged their positions.Zhou Changwen walked back and forth in the venue, arranging many matters.

About 10 minutes later, the power-on ceremony officially began!
Worship the gods and gods!
Zhou Changwen delivered his opening speech, and everyone offered incense one by one.Then Zhou Changwen took off the red cloth on the camera together with a group of respected old actors, and the opening ceremony was completed.

The reporters also took the photos they wanted, and the assistant director also gave each of these reporters a red envelope.It is said that it is a red envelope for the boot, but everyone understands that since you have been given a red envelope, you naturally have to say something nice and publicize it well. This is also some unspoken rule of the crew center.

After seeing off the reporters, the first bonfire party of the "Legend of the Condor Heroes" crew officially began.

Some Mongolians came out of the yurts and carried out the things they had prepared.The grill and some tools are also set up, and the production of the whole lamb is started.

Five whole lambs were roasted alone, and many grassland-style delicacies were served on people's tables one after another.

Hand-caught mutton, grassland milk tea, hada cake, mutton floss, grilled camel palm and other famous grassland-style delicacies were served on the table one by one.

A lot of blankets and small square tables are placed around the bonfire. A small square table can only accommodate four or five people, but each table is very close to each other. Everyone sits on the blankets and looks at some The Mongolian residents sang and danced around the bonfire, feeling extra relaxed.

Ye Wenxuan, Wang Shiyu and Kodak sat together, and the three of them watched the show together while eating the delicious food on the table.

Ye Wenxuan, a foodie, couldn't bear it long ago, and started eating quickly.He ate a roast leg of lamb in two bites, which surprised Kodak.

As for Wang Shiyu, who has long been used to Ye Wenxuan's appetite, she still muttered about eating.Even though he said so, he kept feeding Ye Wenxuan with food, like a little daughter-in-law.

Ye Wenxuan saw Kodak's weird eyes, and smiled naively: "I am a martial arts practitioner, and my appetite is much larger than ordinary people, just get used to it..."

Hearing Marven Ye's explanation, Kodak was also very interested.

"Basically everyone in the country knows your martial arts, and I naturally know it too. But having said that, this martial arts is really so powerful. I watched your video that day and it was so cool. Especially the last kick , I was kicked three or four meters away by that Xu Dong, it is simply inhuman!" At the end, Kodak was also a little excited.

"Haha, that's because I have restrained a lot of strength. If I exert all my strength, I'm afraid he will be kicked to death in the ring. The killing technique of Chinese martial arts is no joke." Ye Wenxuan said seriously.

Kodak hesitated when he heard it, but he still said: "Xuanzi, then...then you can teach me, I want to learn too."

But when he said it, Kodak felt a little abrupt.Although the relationship between the two is good now, they have only just met for a short time, and it is too much to ask each other to teach them kung fu. After all, this martial arts must be a secret that many people do not pass on. Asking will only increase embarrassment.

He quickly added: "I just said it casually, Xuanzi, don't take it to heart."

"Hey, what's the matter. It's true that I can't give you the advanced ones, but I can still give you some basic skills and simple ones." Ye Wenxuan waved his hands indifferently and said.

Hearing Marven Ye say this, Kodak was a little moved.Even some basic and superficial ones are very precious, not as casual as Ye Wenxuan said.The two had known each other not long ago, and Ye Wenxuan trusted him so much and entrusted him with his family martial arts. Kodak was really touched.

Seeing Kodak's expression, Marven Ye smiled.

"Don't be complacent, we won't go home if we're not drunk tonight, if I don't drink well, what I just said doesn't count." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

"Haha, I'm really not afraid of you when drinking, just come!" Speaking of drinking, Kodak responded in his mouth not to be outdone.

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  Thanks for the rewards of the sunset and the moon, the boat that grazes grass, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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