Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 117 Defeat Batu again!

Chapter 117 Defeat Batu again!

Batu took a break and stood up from the ground.He returned to the center of the field and moved his body.

Ye Wenxuan saw Batu stand up, and also walked out from the crowd.

After the short break just now, the competition between the two just now spread.Many people knew what happened just now, and people who were full of wine and food came to watch.

Among them, many big stars also stood in it, looking at the center of the field like ordinary people.

"Brother Ye, I've recovered. Let's do it again. I hope you will do your best." Batu said to Marven Ye with a serious face.

Ye Wenxuan patted Batu's shoulder, said with a smile: "That's natural, people who practice martial arts naturally understand this truth, and I will do my best!"

Ye Wenxuan understood what the other party meant, Mongolian warriors only believed in the strong, and respected the strong.If the opponent doesn't try his best, it will be the greatest insult to the Mongolian warrior, thinking that the opponent looks down on him.

Even if the other party has good intentions, the Mongolian warriors will not accept your favor.

The same is true of Mongolian customs, for example, the other party will give you a bowl of kumiss.You have to drink the maximum amount. If you just take a sip, the other party will be very unhappy.

Often after coming to XZ, the enthusiasm of the Mongolians makes you feel sad when you leave, which shows their enthusiasm.

The two of them stood up again, facing each other from a distance.Batu planned to use all his strength this time, and slowly surrounded Ye Wenxuan very seriously.

The two approached slowly, testing each other with their left hands from time to time, but neither of them attacked first.

The arena was very quiet, only the sound of flags being blown by the evening wind could be heard.

Ye Wenxuan also became serious, even though he had martial arts.However, the explosive power and strength of the opponent's nearly three hundred catties should not be underestimated.

This is wrestling and not fighting, so it's not that easy.

Batu didn't hold back, and took the lead.Although he was huge in stature, he was very flexible, and rushed to Ye Wenxuan's body in one fell swoop.

Stretching out his right foot, he grabbed Marven Ye's shoulder with his right hand, trying to throw Marven Ye down.

Ye Wenxuan saw Batu's movement, put his right hand against Batu's chest, and used his right hand to resist Batu's attack.

At that moment, Marven Ye sprang out like a spirit snake, with mysterious steps, he left the spot in an instant and came to Batu's side.

Ye Wenxuan just used the steps in the gossip, which is mysterious and unpredictable, and is best at confusing the other party.

Batu felt that the figure of Ye Wenxuan in front of him left his sight in a flash, and it was not good.

But after a long time of experience, Batu turned around and rushed to Marven Ye, hugged him, and restrained Marven Ye.

Batu's intention was to overwhelm him with his own weight, and Batu strode hard towards Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan felt that Batu's hands were like steel bars, extraordinarily strong.

The two looked at each other, and a gleam flashed in Ye Wenxuan's eyes.Batu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Tai Chi - four or two moves a thousand catties!

Batu felt that Ye Wenxuan in his arms suddenly became soft, as if it was like a pool of soft meat.

But then Ye Wenxuan in his arms erupted with a super explosive force, and Batu's two arms exploded like a small bomb.

Ye Wenxuan used the strength just now to wrap his arms around Batu's waist.

With a strong waist, Batu was thrown directly.

Batu was powerless to resist at all, and lay on the ground turned upside down just like before.

Marven Ye, won again!
"Wow!" There was warm applause from the sidelines, and the crew were very excited.

This picture is too impactful for them, visually it is no less than a child putting an adult into the general.

Marven Ye pulled Batu up again, and the two embraced.

"Brother Ye, you are really good at it, and I, Batu, am convinced!" Batu said boldly, not at all angry after losing.

Marven Ye smiled slightly. "Where, Brother Batu, you are also very good. I actually used some of the techniques in martial arts, so I won against you. Your strength is really strong!"

Just now Ye Wenxuan really used a lot of martial arts skills, which is why he won so easily. Otherwise, just wrestling, the two of them will not be able to win the other for a while.

Batu shook his head with a serious face.

"Brother Ye, it's your ability to win, and I, Batu, will obey you!" Batu held Ye Wenxuan in his right hand, with a look of enthusiasm on his face.

"Sa Ren, bring the things and I'll give them to Brother Ye." Batu shouted loudly to a woman in the distance.

"Okay!" The woman in the distance responded.

After a while, the woman came over with a white khata in her hand.

Batu took the khata and put it on Marven Ye's neck with his own hands. After wearing it.Covering his chest with his right hand, he saluted a Mongolian to Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan knew that this was a khata, the best gift the Mongolian people gave to guests, and it also represented the respect of the other party.

Ye Wenxuan quickly imitated the other party's appearance, and also saluted.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, and Ye Wenxuan would go to Kodak Zhou Changwen.

After getting down, Zhou Changwen looked enviously at the khata on Ye Wenxuan's neck.

"Xiaoye, do you know what the hada on your neck is?" Zhou Changwen said with a smile as he touched the hada on Marven Ye's neck.

Marven Ye was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding.Scratched his head.

"Director Zhou, I don't know much about this, what's the matter? Is it very precious?" Ye Wenxuan asked.

Zhou Changwen shrugged, and took a sip of the wine in his right hand glass.

"This is the special-grade neku hada, the special-grade hada among the hadas. It cannot be bought in the market at all, and only some of the purest Mongolian people can make it. It is not easy to make this kind of hada. Only in front of the most distinguished guests, They will only give it away, and the collection value is very high," Zhou Changwen said with emotion.

Ye Wenxuan was surprised and curious.It was relatively dark just now, so I didn't look carefully, but now I hold it in my hand and look carefully, and I found it is different.

Hada is wide and long, and has a fine texture.The weaving pattern on the edge of this hada is the pattern of the Great Wall, and the weaving pattern on the surface is the eight auspicious emblems and blessing words.And the material is extraordinarily soft, which can be clearly felt in the hand.

"Put it away carefully. This is something you can't come across. It's a good commemoration, and it's not in vain for you to come to the grassland for a while." Zhou Changwen patted Ye Wenxuan on the shoulder, and staggered away after speaking Marven Ye obviously drank a little too much here.

Wang Shiyu held the khata that Batu had given to Marven Ye with a curious look on her face.Kodak also studied it for a while and liked it very much.

The banquet is almost here, and another half an hour has passed.Everyone returned to the hotel in the big guest, washed up and went to sleep.

 Thanks to Jing 213141 and Mo Yu for their rewards!The third one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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