Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 118 Equestrian skill book!

Chapter 118 Equestrian skill book!

At nine o'clock the next morning, all the personnel gathered in the lobby.Today is the first official filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and Zhou Changwen plans to shoot a large-scale circus for the first scene today.

Zhou Changwen's idea is very simple, it is the first time to officially start filming.Everyone's morale is right now, so let's take down the most difficult circus first, and then the literary dramas in the future will be easier to handle.

A group of people got into the bus and drove to the designated place.But this time is different from yesterday. This time, there are many cars behind the two passenger cars, and each car represents a star.

Those who can ride alone must at least have to be second-tier stars.Such people have their own small teams, so there are quite a few of them.

And these cars are also very talkative. Second-tier stars and those who have just entered the first-tier can only make cars.Only seniors who are on the top of the first line or who are veterans can make RVs.

Of course, the money for these cars is paid by the celebrities themselves. Ye Wenxuan naturally made a big RV. The RV is not big, but it has all the internal organs. It's okay to take a rest.Moreover, the car has air conditioning and cooling, which is a good enjoyment on this grassland.

Xu Rou, Nie Qian, and Wang Shiyu were sitting in the car.The driver was Huang Tianlei, and Ran Yirou was still busy with company renovations in Jingbei City, so she couldn't leave at all.

Wang Shiyu was pulled up by Ye Wenxuan. This girl insisted on making a bus, saying that she was afraid of being criticized by others.Ye Wenxuan couldn't bear to let his girlfriend be a passenger car, so he pulled her up.

As for the criticism?

That was simply a joke, those little characters in front of Marven Ye would dare to chew their tongues.

If he dared to chew his tongue, Ye Wenxuan didn't mind playing a trick.Let him know what to say and what not to say.

Ye Wenxuan now has this position and this power.

According to the words of an actress in the previous life.

Only hot stars have the right to get angry and play big names!

The chassis of the RV is very stable, and it can't feel any bumps at all when driving quickly on the grassland.

Marven Ye and the others sat on the sofa, tasting the cold drinks in the small refrigerator.

Ye Wenxuan was studying his role, carefully reading the script.Wang Shiyu read Ye Wenxuan's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" over and over again, feeling Huang Rong in the original work again.

Ye Wenxuan had a lot of scenes on the grassland, basically every day.And Wang Shiyu's scenes on the grassland are very few, but Wang Shiyu still runs back and forth with the crew, studying hard.

Both of them had received admission notices from Jingying a week ago, and their culture scores had passed the line.

Ye Wenxuan scored 469 points and Wang Shiyu scored 496 points.And the second line is only 415 points, and both of them have exceeded the line by a lot.Successfully got the acceptance letter from Jingying, everyone is happy.

The atmosphere in the car was very quiet, and Xu Rou was handling her work while hugging her computer.

"Boss, since your last martial arts competition, you are very popular on the Internet now. Many famous fighting stars want to challenge you, and some martial arts masters also want to challenge you. The Internet is clamoring for you to fight What?" Xu Rou whispered to Marven Ye with a smile.

Marven Ye raised his head slightly and glanced at Xu Rou.He said casually: "Then let them quarrel, and we can solve it together when we find a suitable opportunity. We don't have time now, let's talk about it later."

After finishing speaking, he continued to study the script. The first scene in a while will be his play, so it can't be a mess.

After an hour's drive, a large group of people finally arrived at today's destination.

Ye Wenxuan and others got out of the car wearing sun protection clothing, sunglasses and a hat.

In XZ in July, the temperature is as high as forty degrees at noon.Ye Wenxuan and the others clearly felt a wave of heat rushing towards their faces, and the original cool feeling disappeared in an instant.

In front of Ye Wenxuan was a huge horse farm. From a distance, there were many fine horses. There could be more than 200 horses.

While Ye Wenxuan was watching, Zhou Changwen came from a distance wearing a hat.

"Xiaoye, can you ride a horse?!" Zhou Changwen's face was a little anxious. Zhou Changwen still forgot one thing in his plan that was foolproof.

That is, he forgot to ask Marven Ye if he could ride a horse!
After a while, Ye Wenxuan needed to film immediately, and he didn't need a double.Thinking of this incident, Zhou Changwen wanted to slap himself hard.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Zhou Changwen's eyes full of anticipation and anxiety, and swallowed the words that he didn't know how to blurt out.

"Director Zhou, don't worry, I learned to ride a horse when I was young, so it's fine." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

Can Marven Ye ride a horse?
Of course not, let alone riding a horse, I have never even seen a horse...

But this is a thing!We have a system!
Hearing what Ye Wenxuan said, the big stone in Zhou Changwen's heart finally fell to the ground.

"Oh, that's good. I'm scared to death. If you can't ride a horse, it will be a big joke."

Zhou Changwen waved the script in his hand, and said a word before leaving.

"You wait in the RV now. I will ask the clothing department to bring your clothes to you later. You can change them and stay in the car. Your clothes are very hot. At first I asked the field manager to call you."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Changwen left in a hurry, apparently to arrange matters.

Back in the car, Wang Shiyu asked curiously: "Wenxuan, when will you know how to ride a horse? Why didn't I know you still have this ability."

Marven Ye smiled mysteriously, and whispered mysteriously, "Come on, let me tell you quietly, this is a secret."

Wang Shiyu stared wide-eyed, with a cute face, and really lay down.

Ye Wenxuan held back his smile, leaned into Wang Shiyu's ear and said, "The secret is that I won't tell you..."

After speaking, Marven Ye lay down on the sofa and laughed heartily.

Wang Shiyu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was being tricked by Ye Wenxuan.He threw himself on Marven Ye angrily, and beat Marven Ye non-stop with a pair of small pink fists.

Not to be outdone, Ye Wenxuan turned over and scratched Wang Shiyu's itch, and the two had a quarrel.

Xu Rou and Nie Qian couldn't help but raised their eyebrows as they couldn't help but feel helpless at their childish behavior.

But it's really enviable, the two are talented and beautiful.

The man is full of talent, became famous at a young age and owns hundreds of millions of assets.The woman is beautiful and beautiful, and she comes from a wealthy family.

Many people met the best people at their age, but they failed to protect this beautiful capital, and had no choice but to leave it as a lifetime regret.

Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu are undoubtedly two lucky people. They met the best people at the best age. It would be a lie to say that they are not envious.

Xu Rou and Nie Qian could only sit on one side, out of sight and out of mind.Let the two of them quarrel over there, child temper...

The two quarreled for a while, and Wang Shiyu felt a little weak.He looked at Ye Wenxuan viciously, as if he wanted to bite him, it was really cute.

Ye Wenxuan took advantage of the break, adjusted the system, and entered the interface of the skill book in the mall...

 Everyone signed in at the sign-in floor. One person is on the tenth floor. Now the book city is only a hundred floors away from the starting point. Ten people can handle it. Come on, it’s even closer~~~
(End of this chapter)

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