Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 119 Galloping the Prairie!

Chapter 119 Galloping the Prairie!

Equestrian elementary skills book, priced at 1 popularity points!
Intermediate equestrian skill book, priced at 10 popularity points!
Equestrian advanced skills book, priced at 100 million popularity points!

Ye Wenxuan searched for equestrian skill books, and soon found many skill books about equestrianism.

The elementary equestrian skill book is to let a person initially know how to ride a horse, can ride a horse freely, and will not fall off.

After learning the intermediate equestrian skill book, he instantly possessed some experienced riding skills like an old herdsman, and he could play very smoothly on the horse.

The equestrian advanced skill book is about the same level as some equestrian world champions.

As for the master class behind, just one sentence later.

Temujin can't compare to you in equestrian skills in this world, you are innocent, you are worth having...

Ye Wenxuan thought for a while and bought the intermediate equestrian. After all, the probability of becoming a circus performer in the future is not too small. If you want to learn, you have to learn a similar one.

Intermediate equestrian skills are enough. As for advanced equestrian skills, although Ye Wenxuan is also very greedy, he gave up because of the price.

Ye Wenxuan was reluctant to spend so much popularity to buy it, after all, it was worth 100 million popularity!

Ye Wenxuan now only has more than 1000 million left, and there are still many things that cannot be bought. Ye Wenxuan is saving money.

After purchasing it, the intermediate equestrian skills book in front of him turned into a stream of light and shot into Ye Wenxuan's mind.A lot of profound knowledge and experience flooded into my heart, and Ye Wenxuan gained a lot.

In about 10 minutes, Ye Wenxuan successfully absorbed this knowledge.

At this time, the clothes were successfully delivered.Ye Wenxuan looked at this costume, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he must have been too hot to wear...

But if you want to be famous in front of others, you have to suffer in the future.

The superficial beauty of a star, in fact, you have to grit your teeth in the face of this situation, otherwise why do you enjoy more than others, and the pay and reward are often directly proportional.

The costume is a light blue Mongolian gown, which is very Mongolian.A dark blue cloth belt, a pair of Mongolian boots, and simple attire.

This scene was filmed when Guo Jing was young in Mongolia, and he and Tuo Lei competed in riding and shooting on the grassland.

This scene requires many horses to run with the two actors, creating a feeling of galloping horses.

The scene of this scene is a grand and spectacular visual impact, so I don't particularly pursue the performance of the actors, but mainly focus on micro-expressions and other details.

After Ye Wenxuan changed his clothes, he got out of the car.

Now the scene has been set up, and the teams and photographers are all in place, ready to shoot at any time.

Ye Wenxuan walked to Zhou Changwen's side and patted Zhou Changwen who was bending over to check the equipment.

"Director Zhou, I'm here, when shall we start?" Marven Ye said with a smile.

Seeing Marven Ye coming, Zhou Changwen pulled Marven Ye away.As he walked, he said, "You came just in time. We picked some horses for you, and you find one to be your horse."

Ye Wenxuan followed Zhou Wenchang to the other side, where there were several racecourse staff leading the horses.Among them was another young man, already on a horse and slowly getting used to it, also in a costume.

"That's the actor who plays Tuo Lei. His name is Meng Ge, and he is a Mongolian. He is also very good at equestrianism. You two will play against each other in a while, so let's get to know each other first. I'll go first. You choose it and go after you get used to it." Find me, and we'll start filming!" After Zhou Wenchang finished speaking, he left Marven Ye here.

Ye Wenxuan walked up to those staff members with a smile and smiled.

Looking at these horses, every one looks very good.Each one is a solid color, and it looks like a good horse at first glance, and it is worth a lot of money.

Marven Ye glanced over, and his eyes were attracted by a white horse covered in snow.Ye Wenxuan stepped forward to watch it carefully, the more he watched it, the more he liked it.

He said to the staff: "This horse is very good, can I choose it?"

Facing Ye Wenxuan's question, the staff said with some embarrassment: "It is possible, but..."

Seeing the stammering of the staff, Ye Wenxuan was a little curious.

"But what?" Marven Ye asked.

"It is a thoroughbred horse, a very famous horse. It is extremely fast, and it is a mount that many people dream of, but it is very wild and difficult to tame. Ye Daxing should change to another one. It will be bad if it hurts you. !" Suddenly a voice came from behind, but Ye Wenxuan could hear a kind of teasing from the tone.

Marven Ye looked back and saw a man riding a black horse.Looking down at Ye Wenxuan from a high position, his eyes were a little proud.

Ye Wenxuan was taken aback, isn't this the Meng Ge who plays Tuo Lei?

Meng Ge looked at Ye Wenxuan at this time, his heart was full of disdain.It's really ignorant that a pampered star still wants to tame a famous horse like a thoroughbred.

This Ma Mengge also fell in love with him, and even tried to tame him.But in the end it ended in failure. Now that Ye Wenxuan wanted to try, he couldn't help but sneer.

Ye Wenxuan heard the other party's mocking words, glanced at him lightly, ignored him, and walked straight to the thoroughbred horse.

Tuo Lei saw that Marven Ye ignored him, that kind of indifference.His haughty heart couldn't bear it all of a sudden, and he looked at Ye Wenxuan with his back turned to him with gloomy eyes.

"Hmph, you're overthinking your capabilities, just wait for embarrassment!" Tuo Lei murmured in his heart.

Ye Wenxuan came to the front of the white horse and took the rope from the staff.

Ye Wenxuan got on the horse neatly, without any muddle, just like an experienced old herdsman.

The white steed under Ye Wenxuan's crotch felt that someone was riding on it, and it was originally quiet and quickly became irritable.

Shaking in place, running back and forth, stopping in a hurry.He wanted to throw off the person on it, so as not to let him ride on his body.

Ye Wenxuan didn't panic, and clasped his legs firmly on both sides of the horse's belly.No matter how manic the following was, Marven Ye remained motionless.

With a faint smile on his face, there is a feeling that the enemy is moving and I am not moving.

Meng Ge on the side looked at Ye Wenxuan dumbfounded, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Such a violent shaking did not make him fall, could it be that his eyes were dazzled!

After about 5 minutes, the steed under Ye Wenxuan's crotch gradually became a little tired, not as energetic as before.

Ye Wenxuan's smile grew stronger, he stroked the mane on the white horse, and murmured, "You've been dating for so long, now it's time for me!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Wenxuan's legs began to increase strength slowly, gradually getting stronger and stronger.

The steed under his crotch gradually stopped moving, and it was not until it hissed that Ye Wenxuan withdrew his strength.

Judging from the experience in Marven Ye's mind, this is a sign that it has been tamed.He smiled and said, "I'll call you Xiaobai from now on, let's get along well for a while."

Xiaobai flicked his tail as if he could understand Ye Wenxuan's words.

Ye Wenxuan laughed loudly, holding the horse rope with his left hand and the whip with his right hand.

"Drive!" Ye Wenxuan took the horsewhip and lightly whipped Xiaobai, exerting a little force on his legs.

Feeling the master's voice, Xiaobai threw off his legs and rushed out of the place quickly.

"Hiss..." Xiaobai let out a long cry, and his speed soared.

The resonant sound of the horse's crowing attracted many staff members.

Zhou Changwen frowned just now, wondering who is so bold to ride a horse here.

But after seeing Marven Ye, a smile appeared on his face.

Xiaobai's speed was getting faster and faster, like a white lightning bolt on the grassland.

Ye Wenxuan felt the whistling wind in his ears, and the heroic feeling of a man was born in his heart.

As if returning to the rivers and lakes where chivalry was rampant, the casual feeling of the children of the rivers and lakes permeated my heart.

"Haha..." Ye Wenxuan laughed loudly, accelerated continuously, and galloped quickly on the grassland.

The endless grassland can be carnival to the fullest, Ye Wenxuan is super excited to play.

Zhou Changwen in the distance saw Ye Wenxuan's galloping horse, his expression moved slightly.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Wang. You two took a picture of Ye Wenxuan and recorded it. This will be a good promotional material in the future, take a picture!" Zhou Changwen shouted.

Ye Wenxuan, who ran around, returned quickly on horseback.

When returning to the set, Ye Wenxuan yanked the horse rope.Xiaobai let out a long hiss, and raised his front legs.

Under the sunlight, Marven Ye looked like a returning warrior, extremely handsome!
 Today is still the third watch, and there will be another watch tonight.If you like it, you can click to collect it and give it a ticket. Of course, it would be even better if you can give it a reward.grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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