Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 126 "Flowers and Boys" planning case!

Chapter 126 "Flowers and Boys" planning case!

Ran Yirou wrote a lot on the form, Ye Wenxuan felt that there was nothing wrong with these, they were just the most basic setup of a company, no matter what kind of company it was, these departments were inseparable.

The first is the finance department, which is in charge of the company's capital flow, investment management, employee salary settlement and other financial management.This is the inevitable department, so no doubt about it.

The second is the personnel administration department, which is in charge of the company's personnel management, job transfer and other personnel work.

The third is the planning and information department, which is a key department that entertainment companies need.Need to manage public opinion, public relations, copywriting planning, business processing and other trivial but critical things for an entertainment company.

The fourth is the legal department, which can also be said to be an important department for the company's external rights protection, and it is also indispensable.

Ran Yirou didn't write any more about the rest, as for the positions of manager and makeup artist.Since Ye Wenxuan is the only artist in the company at present, there is no further recruitment.It is not too late to recruit when there is a need in the future, otherwise recruiting now is a waste of money and raising a bunch of idlers.

Marven Ye thought for a while, took out a USB flash drive from his trouser pocket.

"Sister Yirou, is the computer ready for use?" Marven Ye waved the USB flash drive in his hand and asked Ran Yirou.

Ran Yirou was curious about Ye Wenxuan's intentions, but nodded and said, "It's ready to use, what's the matter?"

Marven Ye smiled mysteriously and quickly turned on the computer.

Open the folders in the USB flash drive, and one of the folders has a line of small characters written on it.

"Flowers and Boys" plan!

Yes, this is Marven Ye's entertainment program that is going to be the company's first shot.It was also a very popular entertainment program in the previous life. In this developed entertainment world, there has never been a similar program.

This program faithfully records the bits and pieces of a group of celebrities when they travel abroad, including funny and humorous things, and you can also see the characteristics of foreign scenery and so on.

It is a very relaxing variety show, suitable for people of all ages to watch.When the ratings were broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV in the last generation, it was once ahead of the ratings at that time, and the word-of-mouth was overwhelming.

Moreover, in the previous life, Ye Wenxuan made up for many of the audience's requirements and shortcomings, making this plan more complete and satisfying the psychological needs of more audiences.

"Sister Yirou, let's take a look. This is the first job in our company, and it is also the first project since you became the general manager. You need to list another working group for me, including the photographer, lighting engineer, and sound engineer. , post-production editors, etc. have been fully equipped for me. The company will start operating this project immediately after opening, you can take a look."

Ye Wenxuan quickly stated his plan, and he left the computer to let Ran Yirou take a look at the plan.

"System task - luxurious lineup! Task requirements: The host needs to invite at least eight first-line stars to participate in the recording for the filming of "Flowers and Boys", and four of them need to be super first-line stars."

"Mission reward: ten high-tech photography balls, and a gift pack of intermediate skill books."

"High-tech photography ball: a photographic equipment developed in the next 20 years, which can be suspended in the air and freely follow the shooting target without human control. 360-degree recording without dead ends, the size is a sphere with a radius of three centimeters, small and convenient. Price: 2000 million popularity points!"

"Intermediate skill book gift pack: It contains four intermediate skill books, and the types of skill books are not limited."

"Work hard, Sao Nian, use your powerful lineup to blind the eyes of the world!"

Just as Ran Yirou was looking at the plan, a series of prompts came from her mind.

Digesting the information in his brain, Ye Wenxuan's eyes were mixed with joy and worry.

The good news is that this reward is too generous. This high-tech photo ball is simply the best partner for entertaining outdoor variety shows.With these photo balls, you can get rid of many operations that could not be done before.

And one popularity value is as high as 2000 million, ten is [-] million popularity value.This is simply an astronomical figure, not to mention that there is an intermediate skill book gift pack at the back.

But what worries me is the requirements of the mission, not to mention the four super first-line stars.Even if the participation of eight first-tier and above stars will make Marven Ye's head hurt, how much does it cost for eight above-tier stars?

Take Marven Ye as an example, participating in a variety show like this would be impossible without an appearance fee of 600 million.

As for those top-notch celebrities, they should be worth at least tens of millions of dollars.

This is just a variety show like "Flowers and Boys", so the pay is generally lower.

If it was a variety show like "Run, Brother", there would be more than [-] million first-line stars alone.Don't even think about those top-tier stars, the price is simply terrifying.

Of course, if you pay more, you will get a lot more, so it's not that Ye Wenxuan didn't want to make "Run, Brother".

Just simply... no money!
So I can only lower the requirements, first launch a "Flowers and Boys" to test the waters.And this one is also very easy to shoot, it's just that the stars go out to play for half a month and record it truthfully.

Ye Wenxuan is also faintly expecting now, once the task is really completed.Then this lineup is really explosive, the Jedi is super luxurious!However, this candidate is really troublesome, Ye Wenxuan silently thought about the first-line stars around him, to see if he could come up with so many.

Ran Yirou was fascinated by Ye Wenxuan's plan. Ran Yirou had never heard of this type of variety show.

It's actually a celebrity documentary about going on a trip, Ran Yirou thinks about it and thinks this idea is very good.

It includes not only the aspect of tourism, but also the daily life of stars.

After reading all the plans, Ran Yirou turned around.

Looking at Marven Ye who was in a daze silently, he stretched out his right hand and waved it in front of Marven Ye's eyes.

"Hey, Marven Ye! Why are you in a daze!" Ran Yirou called out to Marven Ye in a low voice.

Called by Ran Yirou, Ye Wenxuan recovered from his thoughts.

"Sister Yirou, how is it? Isn't it very manipulative?" Ye Wenxuan asked with a smile.

Ran Yirou looked at Marven Ye in surprise.

"You have such a long head, you can come up with any ideas. You are simply a monster. I think your show will definitely bring out a trend if it is launched. It will definitely become popular, I think it will be no problem."

Being praised by Ran Yirou, Ye Wenxuan felt a little embarrassed and patted his head.

"Haha, it's okay. Sister Yirou, you should hurry up and make preparations. I will be in charge of finding stars, and you will be in charge of the preparations for the director team."

Ran Yirou nodded, and asked casually: "How many stars are you going to find, and what level?"

"Not too many, not too many, just four first-tier stars, four super first-tier stars."

Ran Yirou nodded.

"Well, eight are really not many, just right, wait... what level are you talking about?!"

Ran Yirou's expression was dull...

 Ask for a ticket!I don’t know much about the company, so don’t criticize me, and I don’t have any experience in this area, so don’t hold on to the details, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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