Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 127 Zhongcai Recruitment Fair!

Chapter 127 Zhongcai Recruitment Fair!
Seeing Ran Yirou's expression, Ye Wenxuan nodded with a smile, his expression was very beating.

Ran Yirou put her hand on Ye Wenxuan's forehead, and muttered to herself, "I don't have a fever, how can I be so stupid..."

Listening to Ran Yirou's words, a row of black lines appeared on Marven Ye's forehead.

"Sister Yirou, I don't have a fever, what I said is serious." Ye Wenxuan said with some dumbfounding.

"Do you know what you're talking about? As far as the star lineup you mentioned just now, the remuneration for the stars alone will reach 6000 to 8000 million! This does not include production fees and many other expenses. If the production is estimated according to what you said This time, nearly [-] to [-] million will be invested, and it is estimated that your funds will bottom out in the future!"

Ran Yirou calculated the account for Ye Wenxuan with her fingers, and wanted Ye Wenxuan to give up this idea.

"Hey, it's all right. Sister Yirou, just do as I say, trust me, you won't fail." Ye Wenxuan looked at Ran Yirou seriously, his dark eyes were extraordinarily bright, full of vigor and enthusiasm. confidence.

This kind of look immediately touched Ran Yirou's heart, and now she couldn't say anything that she wanted to persuade Ye Wenxuan.

Opening her mouth, Ran Yirou gave up.

"Okay, okay, then you can do it like this. I'm going home, see you tomorrow at Zhongcai's gate at eight o'clock!" Ran Yirou picked up her bag and left in anger, leaving Ye Wenxuan here alone.

Looking at Ran Yirou's back, Ye Wenxuan smiled.

Knowing that this is Ran Yirou's compromise, Ye Wenxuan knows Ran Yirou's character too well after being together for almost a year.The arrogant Ran Yirou, this is embarrassing...

Ye Wenxuan used the computer to continue to perfect his plan, making it fuller little by little.


The next day, Ye Wenxuan came to Zhongcai University early.

Central University of Finance and Economics, referred to as Central University of Finance and Economics, China University of Finance and Economics, or CUFE in English.The Central University of Finance and Economics is a national key university directly under the Huaxia Ministry of Education, with economics, management and law as the main body, and multi-disciplinary development in literature, philosophy, science, engineering, education, and art. The cradle of management experts".

Therefore, Ye Wenxuan regarded this place as the first stop. Many graduates here have very high professional knowledge.Really high-quality and talented graduates, their professional knowledge can support Ye Wenxuan's high-speed development needs in the future, so that they will not be eliminated by the big strides.

So Ye Wenxuan regarded this place as the main recruitment location. Ye Wenxuan waited for a while and soon saw Ran Yirou, Xu Rou, Nie Qian, Carter and others rushing over.

"Oh, boss. You came so fast. I haven't seen you for a long time. Boss, you look so handsome!" As soon as Carter saw Marven Ye, he gave a little flattery.

Seeing Carter flirting with him, Marven Ye smiled.

Carter is really a powerful person. Marven Ye's rights defenses these times are all independently supported by Carter himself.Don't look so unscrupulous now, but once you get to the court, the Jedi is an overpowering existence.

And the person is also very nice, there is nothing wrong with him, and he treats his friends very warmly.Ye Wenxuan decided to temporarily hand over the establishment of the legal department to Carter as the director, to see if he can be competent.

"Okay, don't be shy. Let's go in quickly, let's set up the venue first, and it will start at 08:30." Ye Wenxuan led a group of people into Zhongcai.

When entering the door, Ran Yirou showed her access card to prove her identity.

A group of people are all in suits and leather shoes, and they look like people from job fairs.The security office didn't dare to neglect, and quickly arranged for people from the school's student union to lead Ye Wenxuan and his party to the designated location.

The location of the recruitment is in a birch forest in Zhongcai, with straight and tall birch forests on both sides.There is a wide road in the forest, and now it is full of sheds.

Each shed occupies a large area, with a row of tables in front of the shed.

The table is a convenient place for people to hand in their resumes, and the shed behind it is a place for companies to interview.

Each of the sheds is very good, and it can be seen that Zhongcai attaches great importance to this job fair.

When Ye Wenxuan and the others arrived, many companies were already setting up their venues.

Ye Wenxuan and his group came to the venue of his company, with a sign of Times Entertainment on it.

Several people began to quickly arrange the scene, writing all the positions that they would need to recruit in a while, and displaying the salaries and benefits one by one.

At 08:30 in the morning, Zhongcai's job fair officially started.A large number of people from outside rushed in at once, instantly turning the originally cold birch forest into an extraordinarily lively place.

In front of Ye Wenxuan's shed, Carter, Nie Qian, and Xu Rou sat outside and were in charge of recruiting resumes and the first-level screening, while Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou were in charge of interview questions inside.

The first test is Carter, everyone who handed in their resumes.Carter will communicate with each other in English, if the other party can answer fluently.Great, you can proceed to the next round of interviews.

If you are unqualified, sorry, our company is not suitable for you, and you don't even need to submit your resume.

This request is a rule set by Ye Wenxuan, because it is an entertainment company.In the future, I will naturally meet people in the entertainment industry and meet many foreign friends.If your English is not good enough, do you still need Marven Ye to prepare a translator in the company?
In the future, Ye Wenxuan will need to deal with many foreigners in the copyright of foreign covers of Ye Wenxuan's songs, foreign publication of novels, film and television dramas, foreign introduction of variety shows, etc., so English is an indispensable skill.

But now many people don't pay much attention to spoken English, so very few can pass the test.And although Ye Wenxuan and his remuneration are well written, they are all at the top level in the industry.But there is no reputation and everyone doesn't know it, so there are still relatively few choices.

So after more than an hour, a total of five resumes were passed. Compared with the mountains of resumes in other companies, it is a bit shabby.


Qi Qiaoqiao is a graduate student applying for a job for the first time today, majoring in resource management.After going around the job fair here, Qi Qiaoqiao found that the remuneration of many companies is very low and the requirements are very high.The probationary period is recorded for half a year, and the salary during the probationary period is very low.

This is not a good choice for Qi Qiaoqiao who is in urgent need of money.My family is not very rich, and I have a younger brother who is about to go to high school, but I haven't paid for the tuition until now, and my family is very anxious.

At this time, Qi Qiaoqiao saw the company Times Entertainment, looking at the above treatment and benefits, as well as the company's environmental photos.Qi Qiaoqiao's heart was moved!
Although it is a new company, Qi Qiaoqiao has a different idea from others.The new company represents the vitality and the future. Compared with those old companies that have a lot of right and wrong, this is undoubtedly a suitable place for grassroots girls like Qi Qiaoqiao to develop.

Generally, as long as you work hard, new companies will never treat you badly.This is also necessary to establish a good atmosphere for the new company, and every company has gone through this way.

Qi Qiaoqiao has worked very hard and studied hard since she was a child.The spoken language is naturally fluent, and Carter was amazed at her fluent spoken language, and gave her a thumbs up.

After passing, Qi Qiaoqiao stood at the door waiting for the interview, but she didn't know that this decision would benefit her forever...

 I wonder if you like the program "Flowers and Boys"?The author has been searching for information recently, trying to write this paragraph so that everyone likes it.

  The author is working hard, I don’t know if you can give me your votes to support me~
  Finally, I would like to thank the readers of Longmai for their rewards, the triple hit is very powerful.There are also rewards for those who are desperate and not playful, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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