Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 128 The Excitement of Zhongcai Students!

Chapter 128 The Excitement of Zhongcai Students!
Qi Qiaoqiao quietly waited for the interview for about an hour.Finally, eight interviewees were gathered.

Under the leadership of Xu Rou, eight people stood in a row and walked into the shed to start the interview.

The eight people are all fresh graduates, and they still have a little awe of the job fairs in the society and the people in the company.

The eight people followed Xu Rou into the shed with their heads down, not even daring to look around, for fear of leaving a bad impression on the interviewers.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou looked at the appearance of the eight people in front of them, shook their heads slightly, a little funny.

Ran Yirou tapped on the table lightly, her voice was cold.

"Welcome to Times Entertainment applicants. I believe that some of you will feel lucky for your wise choices in the future. Hello, I am your interviewer Ran Yirou, who is also the general manager of Times Entertainment. The person next to me That is your future boss, Mr. Ye Wenxuan!"

Qi Qiaoqiao heard Ran Yirou's words, and slowly raised her head to see Ran Yirou.Then when she saw the man beside her, her eyes were full of disbelief.

Not only her reaction, but also the reaction of others.

"Oh my god! Marven Ye! The boss of this company is actually Marven Ye!"

"Oh my god, I actually met Marven Ye. If Xiaomei finds out about this, she will definitely be jealous of me!"

"Master Wenxuan! I have read his books seven or eight times. If you succeed in the interview, you must ask the master when a new book will be released!"


All eight of them started discussing in low voices, their faces full of irrepressible excitement!

Ran Yirou smiled helplessly, she had expected this situation a long time ago.But there was no other way, Ye Wenxuan had to come, so he had to let nature take its course.

"Hi everyone, I'm Marven Ye. Times Entertainment is my company. If you succeed in the interview, you will be my employees in the future. Don't get excited, you will see me every day in the future." Marven Ye said with a smile.

With a slightly magnetic voice, coupled with Ye Wenxuan's handsome face, and the aura that comes with being in the entertainment industry for a year, the whole person is very attractive.

Originally, some of them had the attitude of trying and making one more choice, and they were not very caring.But now everyone has a lot of energy and really wants to join Marven Ye's company.

Ran Yirou opened the file, looked at the eight people in front of her seriously, with indifferent faces.

"The interview starts now, please take a seat."

"First question, please introduce yourself to each of you." Ran Yirou said calmly, with a lot of momentum on her body.The aura of the strong woman who used to hang out in America's Hollywood once again permeated Ran Yirou's body, and it was still very stressful for these fresh graduates.

This first question is basically a question that many companies will ask. It is very common, and it can also tell the quality of a person.

You can observe whether the candidate's language is fluent, orderly, well-organized, and how well he speaks.

Qi Qiaoqiao was the first to speak, but Qi Qiaoqiao was obviously well prepared.

Standard standing posture, chest up and head up, with a faint smile on his face.

"Hello interviewer, hello Mr. Ye. My name is Qi Qiaoqiao, and I..."

Answering one by one, Ran Yirou asked questions one after another.From time to time, people left the shed, and the original eight people gradually became fewer.

Everyone who left looked a little downcast, and one girl was crying.For everyone who left, Marven Ye would get up and hug them, and encourage them.For everyone who interviews their company, they have given sufficient respect.

The interview progressed slowly, and Ye Wenxuan listed more than 50 questions.It can be seen how high Ye Wenxuan's requirements are on his employees, rather than lacking in excess is Ye Wenxuan's bottom line.

There were very few people outside Ye Wenxuan's company's recruitment shed, but now the number of people has increased exponentially, and many people have come to apply for the job.

There was news that this company was run by Ye Wenxuan himself.And Ye Wenxuan was acting as the interviewer inside, there were pictures and the truth, and more and more people confirmed this fact.

So everyone rushed to submit their resumes to Ye Wenxuan's company.

Not only because of Ye Wenxuan's influence, but also because of Ye Wenxuan's affirmation.Everyone knows that Ye Wenxuan absorbed nearly 5000 million in just half a year last time!
Moreover, Ye Wenxuan's company's salary and working environment are top-notch in the industry, regardless of the prospects, the salary is top-notch, and many of the people I will meet at work in the future will be people from the entertainment industry.

The status and status are also very high, which naturally attracts countless people to submit their resumes.

The busy Carter and Xu Rou circled around. There was a long queue in front of the table of the three, and countless people were looking forward to it.

The busy people had no choice but to transfer Li Yuxin, Wu Jiedong, and Zhang Qichang to help, even with Carter as the person who passed [-]% of the first pass.People waiting for the interview still lined up in a long queue, waiting quietly.

Time passed little by little, and the sky gradually became dark.There was a long fiery red glow in the sky, and it was almost six o'clock in the evening.

Finally, in the shed in front of Ye Wenxuan's company shed, there were finally no interviewees.Eight people didn't even eat lunch from morning to night.I just drank some water in a hurry, and when I was hungry, I just ate some bread while working.

Marven Ye came out of the shed and stretched his waist a lot.

His eyes swept over the six people lying in front of the table, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Get up, let's call it a day. Everyone has worked hard today, let's go to dinner tonight, report what you want to eat~" Ye Wenxuan smiled and shouted to these people who were pretending to be dead.

Nie Qian stood up from the stool all of a sudden, her eyes lit up.

"Really! Boss, you can eat anything! I want to eat hot pot!" As soon as Nie Qian heard that there was something delicious, she forgot all her tiredness and pain.

Carter glanced at Nie Qian and muttered.

"Food, I feel like I'm going home and sleeping on my comfortable big bed. I've been talking all day, my throat is going to smoke!"

Nie Qian heard Carter's muttering, and ran up to Carter's face.

"Carter, think about it. After a thirsty throat all day, drink a large glass of iced sour plum soup. With spicy and delicious hot pot shabu-shabu skewers, delicious shrimp slippery, Sichuan-style hot pot, think about the taste... "After speaking, Nie Qian put on a longing expression and a funny face.

Carter didn't care at first, but was described by Nie Qian in this way.He swallowed hard, his stomach growling a little.

"Uh... I suddenly feel that it might be more comfortable to go home and sleep after eating!" Carter said hehe.

Nie Qian showed a triumphant expression and came to Ye Wenxuan's side.

"Boss, does what you just said count?"

Ye Wenxuan watched Nie Qian play tricks, and waved his hand.

"Let's go, call Sister Yirou. Let's go from Sichuan and Sichuan!"

"Haha...Long live the boss!"

"Let's go, get off work! Go eat."

"By the way, call Brother Tianlei!"


(End of this chapter)

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