Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 130 Invitation to Join!

Chapter 130 Invitation to Join!
After the opening, Ye Wenxuan, as the host, naturally invited everyone to dinner.

At the dinner table, everyone was drinking and drinking.He also shared his "Flowers and Boys" project and invited several teachers and friends to join.

Most of these people owed Ye Wenxuan favors, and they still haven't repaid them.So Ye Wenxuan's opening is also the first project since the company opened.Although the schedule was very full, I still agreed.

Sister Yiying, brother Peng Yue, and teacher Liu Tian all agreed, without even mentioning the salary.But people didn't mention Marven Ye, of course he couldn't pretend to be stupid, everyone was paid tens of millions of dollars.

Li Guanghe and Kodak also agreed, because Ye Wenxuan briefly talked about his plan.This refreshing variety show is fun to listen to, and it is estimated that the ratings will not be very low.

Whether it is out of interests or to help good friends, the two of them naturally have no problem.Now most of China's variety shows are music shows, and they are developing very well.So many film and television stars really don't have any variety shows to participate in, but variety shows are especially popular with audiences.

Li Guanghe and Kodak immediately agreed, no problem.

Ye Wenxuan now counted the number of people in his mind, three super first-line stars, three first-line stars.There is still a first-line and a super-first-line, what can I do.

Ye Wenxuan couldn't help turning his attention to Leng Mengfei and Zhao Fei'er, and Ye Wenxuan smiled and moved closer to the two of them.

"Fei'er, Sister Mengfei. If you two are interested, please help me. It's only half a month, so it won't waste your time too much."

Leng Mengfei looked at Ye Wenxuan with great interest, and a hint of teasing appeared on her cold face.

"Wenxuan, you have to know that my sister and I have never participated in variety shows. Why do you think that my sister will agree to you?"

When Ye Wenxuan heard Leng Mengfei's words, a trace of joy appeared on his face.Relying on his understanding of Leng Mengfei, if Leng Mengfei didn't want to agree, he wouldn't say it in this tone.

"Sister Mengfei, how can you agree after all? I will do my best to satisfy you!" Ye Wenxuan patted his chest and asked.

The smile on the corner of Leng Mengfei's mouth grew wider.

"It's very simple, help me write a title song. My album will be uploaded soon, but I don't have a favorite title song yet. If you help me write a song, I will agree. I can also work with my company I have an explanation, otherwise my sister is very busy." Leng Mengfei and I even showed a hint of playfulness at the end.

Yiying looked at her friend differently, a little unbelievable that such an expression would appear on her face.

Marven Ye agreed without saying a word, good guy.Finally got together four super first-line stars, and which one is left will be easy to handle.

Ye Wenxuan shifted his gaze to Zhao Fei'er, Zhao Fei'er was the dream goddess of many men in China.If she can be dragged into the water, the ratings will definitely be a strong guarantee.

Zhao Fei'er picked her delicate willow eyebrows, and said with a coquettish smile, "Little Ye Zi, as long as you agree to take a photo album with me, I will agree to you."

When Marven Ye heard this, he was about to agree.Seeing Wang Shiyu sharpening a knife with a fork, Marven Ye shuddered.

"This... this seems... think about it." Ye Wenxuan said stammeringly, not daring to look at the two women.

Zhao Feier looked thoughtfully at Wang Shiyu who was beside Ye Wenxuan, and a bewildered smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The slender fingers tapped on the table, and said quickly in his mouth: "Since you said so, I will take it as you and you agree. Don't worry about any time, as long as you take pictures with me. You can manage the rest with me." Just talk to people"

Zhao Fei'er responded quickly, and settled the matter.

Ye Wenxuan's face was filled with joy, so the mission requirement was fulfilled.

Wang Shiyu pouted her mouth, feeling unhappy.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Wang Shiyu's cute appearance, and whispered, "Shiyu, what's the matter with you."

"I want to participate in this show too!" Wang Shiyu raised her head and said fiercely.

Zhao Fei'er's behavior just now made Wang Shiyu feel dangerous, so she was worried that Ye Wenxuan would go out with her to record a show, and wanted to go with her.

Ye Wenxuan thought for a while, and played this project after recording it.At that time, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" probably had just finished airing, and Wang Shiyu was at least a second-tier star at that time, and coupled with the inflated popularity of the past, it is estimated that he could barely reach the first-tier popularity.

This can't help but attract some ratings for the show, and it can also consolidate Wang Shiyu's popularity, allowing her to advance to the front line.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible it became, Ye Wenxuan nodded.

"No problem, exactly nine people. Four men and five women are just right, so it's settled."

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's reply, Wang Shiyu's face was filled with joy.Don't forget to look at Zhao Feier, unexpectedly Zhao Feier is also looking here.The eyes of the two women met, one was bright and clear, and the other was charming.

There seems to be a rivalry between the two, and neither of them backs down.

Zhao Fei'er looked at Wang Shiyu, her heart tightened.He glanced at Marven Ye beside him without leaving any trace, feeling a little nervous.

It is estimated that these two people are already together, and he is already a big step behind this girl.But as long as I'm not married, I still have a chance. I, Zhao Fei'er, won't give you such a good man for nothing.

Zhao Fei'er secretly made up her mind that he is such a person.Go back and fight for what you think is right. It can be called stubbornness or persistence.

Wang Shiyu also felt a sense of crisis, not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking about it.Such a beauty in the world seduced Ye Wenxuan, so he naturally became vigilant in his heart, and he must not let her take advantage of it!
Ye Wenxuan naturally didn't know that the two women were competing in secret.Accompanied by the guests who came, the meal lasted for more than three hours before the battle ended.

Everyone was drunk and each was picked up.


The next day Marven Ye got up very early and took a shower.

Came to the company early, only seven o'clock in the morning.Many employees also came to the company one after another. Seeing Ye Wenxuan, they all said hello to the boss.

Ye Wenxuan also responded kindly one by one, returned to his office, and processed the documents on his desk.

Ye Wenxuan couldn't stay for a few days, and the crew couldn't leave for too long.Ye Wenxuan can stay for a few more days at most, and the matter must be dealt with immediately.

Marven Ye pressed the phone button.

"Call Carter over here." Marven Ye ordered.

Within 3 minutes, Carter appeared in front of Marven Ye.

"You draw up eight contracts right away. You were there at the dinner yesterday, so you should know who they are. I've also agreed with you on the treatment and so on. After you draw up the contract, hurry up and make two more trips. Deal with it."

Carter nodded one after another, and Ye Wenxuan started to do it immediately after giving the order.

Marven Ye turned on the computer and began to compose the music.This is to fulfill Leng Mengfei's request and create a title song for her.

Of course, it wasn't created for her in vain, 500 million for a song.As long as the other party is satisfied, it will be directly deducted from her salary.In other words, it only needs to pay 500 million, which is undoubtedly good news for Ye Wenxuan.

The song Ye Wenxuan prepared for Leng Mengfei was "Red Bean", one of Faye Wong's famous songs in the previous life. Leng Mengfei and Faye Wong's voices are very similar.It's all that kind of cool voice, giving people a strange audio-visual feast.

Ye Wenxuan believes that this song will definitely impress Leng Mengfei. The song that was popular for many years in the previous life should also bloom its own brilliance in this world.

As soon as he thought of it, Ye Wenxuan started to compose the music silently...

(End of this chapter)

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