Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 131 "Red Bean"

Chapter 131 "Red Bean"
Ye Wenxuan worked for about an hour before finishing all the lyrics and music of the song "Red Bean".

Stretching, Marven Ye turned around the comfortable chair.Picking up the slightly cold tea on the table and looking at the lush forest outside, Ye Wenxuan's originally sour eyes recovered a bit.

Ye Wenxuan was bored and opened the tasks in the system to see if there were any unfinished tasks.

At present, there are only two tasks that have not been completed, one is the young master, and the other is the planning task of "Flowers and Boys".

The planning of "Flowers and Boys" has basically been completed, and we are waiting for the task to end.

As for this young master, Ye Wenxuan's eyes flashed a gleam.

"Xu Rou, come in." Ye Wenxuan pressed the phone and called Xu Rou from outside to come in.

Xu Rou is at the desk next to Ye Wenxuan's office. She used to be an assistant, but now she has been promoted to be an assistant to the president.

Xu Rou heard Ye Wenxuan calling her, and walked quickly to Ye Wenxuan's office.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Xu Rou stood in front of Marven Ye's desk, waiting for Marven Ye's order, in a black white-collar dress with hip wrap.

"Tell me about the current news about Chinese arts on the Internet, who is the most famous and popular?" Ye Wenxuan asked.

Xu Rou nodded, walked out quickly, returned to her desk and took out a folder.Then he quickly returned to Marven Ye's office.

"Boss, there is a lot of hustle and bustle on the Internet. A few days ago, traditional martial arts failed many times one after another, which revived the flames of those in the fighting world. Now the most famous person on the Internet is Ichiro Miyamoto from the Japanese country. Many martial arts masters."

"Moreover, there is a tendency to underestimate the Chinese martial arts, and his karate skills are exceptionally superb. But his strikes are very hot, and everyone who fights with him is seriously injured by him."

"Right now, many voices in the country ask you to fight to show off the prestige of our country. Boss, if you make a move now and win the battle, you will definitely win a lot of fame."

Xu Rou looked at the information on the file, which she sorted out before.

Japanese people, karate!
So when Marven Ye heard that Ichiro Miyamoto was so arrogant, he made up his mind.

"Do you know where his martial arts field is?" Ye Wenxuan asked Xu Rou with a trace of coldness on the corner of his mouth.

Xu Rou nodded and responded, "I know."

Ye Wenxuan leaned out slightly, and said in a low voice: "You make arrangements now, we're like this..."


At this time, in a luxurious lounge of Starlight Media, Leng Mengfei's manager was listening to her manager's non-stop complaints.

"Mengfei, how can you agree to such a thing. You have to know how busy you are now, the schedule is full, how can you spare half a month for that side." Zhang Man, Leng Mengfei's manager, sat Beside Leng Mengfei, he said with a sad face.

Leng Mengfei didn't pay attention to it at all, and continued to fix her manicure.

"Push it when it's full, and make time for me if you don't have time. I don't want to listen to the process, I just want the result."

Leng Mengfei's faint voice pierced through, without the slightest ripple.

Zhang Man was not surprised, she was already used to such things.

"It's not that I don't want to push it for you. How can I explain it to the company? You are not afraid. If I dare to do this, I will be fired!" Zhang Man said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Leng Mengfei stopped what she was doing.She tilted her head slightly, revealing her flawless side face.


Zhang Man didn't understand what it meant, and asked blankly, "Where are you going?"

"Anyone who disagrees can go to someone. I don't need you to tell me that it is Vice President Li."

After speaking, Leng Mengfei picked up the small bag on the side and walked outside.

Zhang Man didn't dare to say anything, and followed Leng Mengfei to the outside.

Leng Mengfei walked out of the lounge and walked directly to Vice President Li's office.Along the way, many artists, stars and staff saw Leng Mengfei, they all stopped and respectfully called Sister Mengfei.

But Leng Mengfei ignored it at all, and many people were not surprised.They are used to it, but they still have to express what should be expressed.

If there are too many greetings, you can always get a familiar face, no, when you go out for activities in the future.At least it is enough for Leng Mengfei to know that he and her are in the same company.

Under Leng Mengfei's strong aura, the people in front gave way one after another.

Arriving at Vice President Li's office, Leng Mengfei politely knocked on the door and entered.

As soon as she entered the room, Leng Mengfei was taken aback. There were still two people in Vice President Li's office.And she is also very familiar with it. The company is now promoting a female singer named Chang Qian.

She took the route of a jade girl, with a sweet voice.Many people like her very much, and she is an excellent newcomer in the circle.In just three years, the popularity status has reached the first-line status.

But Leng Mengfei ignored it and came to Vice President Li's side.

Seeing Leng Mengfei's sudden visit, Li Dejun didn't quite understand her reason for coming.

"Leng Mengfei, why are you here suddenly?" Li Dejun immediately asked with a smile in a kind tone.

Leng Mengfei's position in the company is definitely second to none, she is the only queen in the whole company, she is definitely a strategic existence.

Leng Mengfei shook her head.

"Vice President Li, you should finish the matter in front of you first. I'll talk about it later, and I'll sit down for a while." Although Leng Mengfei was cold and arrogant, she was definitely not an impolite person with her nostrils turned upside down.

On the contrary, she is a person who pays attention to rules and manners, so she still understands the principle of first come, first served.

Li Dejun nodded, and turned his gaze back to Chang Qian and her manager.

"The song you mentioned just now, we really don't have enough resources right now. We really can't satisfy you, just wait a little longer. Now the company is doing its best to create Leng Mengfei's album, and there are no other resources for you." Li Dejun explained.

When Chang Qian saw Leng Mengfei coming, she was a little cautious and didn't dare to speak.

But her agent doesn't care about that.

"Vice President Li, you have prepared so many songs for the cold weather queen. Why don't we just have one? We don't ask too much, just give us the song "Love in the Rain"."

"What? You want "Love in the Rain"? Bai Xue, are you dreaming? That's our Meng Fei's pre-selection title song!" Zhang Man happened to hear this sentence, opened the door and looked at Bai Xue coldly and said.

"Anyway, your Leng Mengfei doesn't like this song, she's always dissatisfied. Why don't you give it to us, we like it very much!" Bai Xue argued.

"Who said we don't like it, we..."


The two gradually quarreled, you come and go, the momentum is very strong.

Li Dejun was a little annoyed and patted the table.

"Okay! Stop talking." Li Dejun scolded softly.

Li Dejun lost his temper slightly, and both of them turned off their flames.

"Vice President Li, you said that our family, Changqian, has been working for the company for a while. What's wrong with sharing a song with us? You are really chilling like this." Bai Xue finally said something in a low voice, with a very resentful expression on her face.

Li Dejun is also caught in a tangle...

 Thank you Fenmeng and 3244 for your rewards, thank you!

  Why are you all silent? The book review area is so deserted...

(End of this chapter)

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