Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 132: Everyone Shocked at Starlight Media!

Chapter 132: Everyone Shocked at Starlight Media!
Just when Li Dejun was at a loss as to what to do, a cold voice broke the oppressive atmosphere in the room.

"I can give the song to Chang Qian, but the company has to agree to my request." Leng Mengfei held the phone in his hand, with a smile on his face.

Just now Ye Wenxuan's song was sent to her mailbox, and she saw Ye Wenxuan's email with the song attached.

The more Leng Mengfei watched, the more excited she became. This song was simply tailor-made for her.It is several times stronger than that "Love in the Rain", Leng Mengfei can't hold back the excitement in her heart now.Want to go to the music room and play right away.

Li Dejun was delighted when he heard Leng Mengfei's voice.

"What request? Tell me?"

The most difficult thing for Li Dejun is Leng Mengfei's side, for fear of angering Leng Mengfei.However, the ordinary artists of the company represented by Chang Qian also have to take into account, which is why he has such a headache.

"Give me a half-month schedule and agree to Times Entertainment's invitation. And the salary is 500 million." Leng Mengfei walked up to Li Dejun and said flatly.

Li Dejun frowned immediately when he heard this request.

"It's not impossible to agree, but isn't a salary of 500 million yuan too small? Your worth should start at a minimum of 1000 million yuan."

"I just watched Ye Wenxuan's tailor-made title song for me. It is definitely a song above his level. Does Vice President Li think Ye Wenxuan's song is worth 500 million yuan?" Leng Mengfei had a rare expression on her face With a slight smile, it can be seen that Leng Mengfei is definitely in a great mood right now.

Marven Ye's song?
Li Dejun was taken aback, how hard to find Ye Wenxuan's songs is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

He never wrote a song for anyone but his friends.

"Although Marven Ye's songs are very precious, not every song by Marven Ye is worth 500 million. So... so I think we need to review it. If it is really worth 500 million, I have no objection. But if it doesn't meet... "

Li Dejun didn't continue, but everyone understood.If the price doesn't meet the price, Marven Ye will be asked to increase the price.

When it came to interests, Li Dejun didn't dare to make any concessions, no matter who it was.

Otherwise, with such a big loss, the board of directors would not let him go.

Hearing Li Dejun's words, Leng Mengfei raised her eyebrows.

"Are you questioning my level of appreciation?"

Leng Mengfei's face was cold, and her already cold temperament became even colder.

"Forget it, I'm going to the music room to try this song. If you want to test it, come quickly, I'm not in the habit of waiting for others."

Leng Mengfei dropped this sentence, turned around and left.

Li Dejun looked at Leng Mengfei's back and heaved a sigh of relief.He hurriedly called the musicians in the company to let them go to the music room, and hurried to the music room himself.

Only Chang Qian and her agent Bai Xue are left in Nuo Da's office.

With a happy face, Bai Xue smiled and said to Chang Qian: "Haha, Qianqian. The song "Love in the Rain" should be yours. With this song, your popularity will probably rise again. First-line The peak is estimated to be within reach”

Chang Qian was not so happy, her expression was a little gloomy.

"What can I do? Leng Mengfei got Ye Wenxuan's original song. When the time comes to compete with me, and with her original popularity, I guess I will be crushed by her. Then a few people will notice me Woolen cloth!"

Chang Qian is unwilling, her position in the company is now very embarrassing.There was a Leng Mengfei on top of her pressing her down, and there was nowhere to turn over.Only by defeating her once can he truly have the right to speak and get the attention he deserves in the company.

"Let's go, let's go too. I want to see if Marven Ye's songs are as amazing as rumored by the outside world, why are they worth 500 million!"

After Chang Qian finished speaking, she ran out and went straight to the music room.


Starlight Entertainment's music room was built by Starlight Entertainment with a huge amount of money.All kinds of equipment inside are the world's top equipment, all imported from foreign countries, and the value is high.

That is to say, Leng Mengfei can use it at any time. If ordinary people don't have the approval of the company, they won't be able to use it at all.

But at this moment, there are quite a few people gathered in the music room, about a dozen people.

Vice President Li Dejun, Chang Qian, her manager, and seven or eight senior musicians from the company.Among them are lyricists, composers, music producers, etc., all of whom are relatively well-known in the music circle.

Leng Mengfei was standing in the soundproof room inside the music room, familiarizing herself with the lyrics.There are several people outside who are constantly busy making accompaniments.

Those musicians who were called temporarily were whispering at the moment.

"Marven Ye's new song, it is said that Leng Mengfei will pay 500 million yuan. I don't know if it is worth the price!"

"Although Ye Wenxuan's songs are hard to buy, 500 million is still a bit high to me. These are all rumors from outside, so don't take it seriously!"

"Ye Wenxuan's talent has been certified by the market. All the songs he handles are not bad, and they are all popular for a while. The income is even more profitable, so 500 million is not an exorbitant high."

"I agree with what Lao Zhao said, you don't look at Leng Mengfei's eyes. How can a song that can make her excited be an ordinary song, believe it or not, just listen to it for a while."


Listening to the previous discussion, Chang Qian looked at Leng Mengfei with even more jealous eyes.

When will he be able to take her place and truly gain the highest status.

In about 10 minutes, the accompaniment was made.But it's just a sample, not a real accompaniment.

The real lossless accompaniment can't be downloaded if it takes less than two days to make it.

But since it's just an audition, the demo is enough.

The staff outside signaled to Leng Mengfei that she could start.

Leng Mengfei put on earphones, stood in front of the recording microphone, and was about to start her first audition.

The soothing piano sounds slowly, and the prelude of the music seems to bring people back to the days when they were in love, warm and sweet.


Haven't fully experienced the climate of snowflakes blooming yet

We tremble together to understand better

what is tenderness
I haven't walked through the deserted sand dunes holding hands with you yet
Maybe learn to cherish from now on
forever and ever


Leng Mengfei's voice was a little diffuse, but the form was scattered but the spirit remained.Accompanied by Leng Mengfei's cold voice, there was a strong emotion in it.

As soon as Leng Mengfei's voice came out, it attracted people from outside. When those professional musicians heard Leng Mengfei speak.

The body stood up slightly, with a serious expression, listening to Leng Mengfei's singing seriously.


Haven't boiled red beans into lingering wounds for you
Then share it together to understand better

the sorrow of lovesickness

I haven't fully felt the tenderness of waking up to kiss

Maybe you only pursue it when I'm by my side
lonely freedom

sometimes sometimes

I will believe that everything has an end
meet and leave sometimes

Nothing is immortal

When Leng Mengfei sang the second stanza, the cold voice raised the pitch a lot.However, the expression of emotion is more natural, and Ye Wenxuan's delicate and lingering lyrics are more touching.

Leng Mengfei closed her eyes and covered the headset with her hands.His face was full of intoxication and enjoyment, and he sang extremely smoothly.

When the musicians outside heard Ye Wenxuan singing the second verse, they got goose bumps all over their bodies.

The faces of the musicians also showed a look of indulgence, forgetting their original intention of coming.The quality of the song was originally to be tested, but what they have to admit now is.

They can't taste this song at all, both the lyrics and music are far beyond their level.The two are perfectly matched together, perhaps only the top musicians in the circle can appreciate it.

But since I can't appreciate it, it doesn't mean I don't know the value and grade of this song.

Absolutely is Ye Wenxuan's pinnacle work, and definitely ranks among the top few of his works.


sometimes sometimes

I will believe that everything has an end
meet and leave sometimes

Nothing is immortal
But I sometimes

I would rather choose nostalgia than let go

Wait until the scenery is clear

Maybe you will accompany me to watch the water flow


At the end of Leng Mengfei's singing, she was a little obsessed with the atmosphere created by her voice.

Leng Mengfei's voice fell slowly, and gradually fell into calm.

From the peaceful beginning to the climax in the middle of the whole song to the calm at the end, everything is so logical without any violation.

Chang Qian looked at Leng Mengfei with her eyes closed in the recording studio, her eyes were full of envy.There was also a huge wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

No wonder, no wonder...

No wonder Leng Mengfei dismissed the original song when she saw the song sent by Ye Wenxuan, Chang Qian suddenly felt that the extremely precious song "Love in the Rain" is now like garbage.

That's right, compared to this song, it's rubbish!

 "Red Bean" singer: Faye Wong.Lyricist: Lin Xi.Composer: Liu Zhongyan.

  The third one is here!
(End of this chapter)

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