Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 133 Songryu Gymnasium!

Chapter 133 Songryu Gymnasium! (First update!)

Even when the music fell, Leng Mengfei was still immersed in the world of music.Still maintaining the previous movement, covering the headset with both hands.


That's right, it's enjoyment, Leng Mengfei feels that singing this song is enjoyment!
It took about five seconds for Leng Mengfei to recover from the music, her eyes were full of excitement, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

Just like a white lotus blooming, it is so cold, but it is so glamorous and touching.

Leng Mengfei made a gesture to the outside, meaning to do it again.

The musicians outside looked at each other with shock and disbelief in their eyes.

" definitely Marven Ye's pinnacle work! Another love song!"

"Yeah, it sounds so good. How did Ye Wenxuan's head look like? I really want to twist him off to have a look. He's so talented!"

"At first I thought Leng Mengfei's contempt for "Love in the Rain" was a little exaggerated, but now it seems that compared with Ye Wenxuan's song, it is indeed rubbish."

"Hey... If I can write such a classic piece of music, I will have no regrets in my life..."


Li Dejun listened to the praise of the musicians around him, but did not make a sound.

Although he is not a professional evaluator, she still has the ability to appreciate music.It is definitely a good song, at least my company does not have such super high-quality songs.

"I want to ask, what is the value of this song, is it worth 500 million!" Li Dejun still had to ask, this is a must.

When the musicians heard Li Dejun's words, they looked at each other and shook their heads with smiles in their eyes.

"Is it worth it? Vice President Li, let me tell you this, let alone Leng Mengfei's title song, even if an artist higher than her releases an album, this song will be fine."

"Yeah, if you release the video just now. I believe that 500 million people will ask for it after flipping through it. Now our company owes that kid Marven Ye a favor."

The two musicians said to Li Dejun with a smile, they were very affirmative about this song.

Li Dejun was a little shocked by such an answer, and couldn't help turning his gaze back to Leng Mengfei.


Ye Wenxuan, who is far away in the north of Beijing, the whole company is busy now.

How does Ye Wenxuan think he can maximize his reputation?Of course it's kicking the pavilion!

That Miyamoto Ichiro has set up many martial arts fields in China, the largest of which is in Dalian, which occupies a very large area surrounded by mountains and rivers.

And he himself stayed in the martial arts field in Dalian for a long time, teaching his disciples.

In just one day, Ye Wenxuan contacted all matters.

He flew to Dalian with his own team, and at this time, there was a sudden surge of wind and clouds on the Internet.

Suddenly all the promotions on the homepage of iQi Video were replaced, and all of them were news about Ye Wenxuan's upcoming trip to Dalian.And the iQi video will broadcast the whole process live. From the current video, it can be clearly seen that Marven Ye on the plane is resting with his eyes closed.

Originally, Aiqi was one of the best in China's online video, and naturally had a lot of traffic.Now when many people see this video, they all feel like they have been beaten with chicken blood.

Calling my friends on the Internet to come and watch, the Internet that was supposed to be cold on Wednesday suddenly became hot.


"Teacher, I have enteritis, I have to ask for leave to go home..."

"Boss, the water pipe in my house is leaking, I need to ask for leave..."

"Fourth. Ye Wenxuan challenged Japan's Miyamoto Ichiro. Today's class is missed. Please help me."

"Daughter-in-law, I won't go to dinner today, I want to watch the live broadcast!"


Today, many schools and enterprises suddenly find that they don't know what's going on. There are six or seven times more people asking for leave today than in the past.And the number of people is still increasing, climbing steadily.

This also led to a sudden surge in the traffic of the originally slightly deserted iQi Video, and the speed is still increasing rapidly.

Countless people stayed at home holding their computers and started watching the live broadcast, waiting for Ye Wenxuan to vent their anger on them.

In the past few days, Miyamoto Ichiro has been clamoring endlessly on the domestic Internet.He has defeated many domestic boxers one after another, whether it is traditional martial arts or modern fighting, there are people who will challenge him.But without exception, all failed miserably.

It's not that the technology is bad, it's just that the body is too different.

Ichiro Miyamoto is 1.9 meters tall and weighs nearly 260 kilograms.The body is full of muscles, and it looks like a little giant, which is very attractive.

If you fight with him, you will be injured if you touch him, and you will die if you touch him.It is simply a monster of human nature, and those masters who beat him have no temper at all.

So this time the people in Huaxia are even more sulking than Xu Dong was last time, which can be understood as domestic factional disputes.

But this time it is a battle of national honor, and everyone supports only one person.

That is their hope - Marven Ye!

The plane quickly passed through the atmosphere, and it took only one hour from Beijing to Dalian.

After getting off the plane, many people gathered outside, including reporters and fans, all waiting at the airport.

Seeing Marven Ye come down, deafening cheers rang out.

Marven Ye waved to them with a smile, but he didn't stop.Go to the VIP passage and leave quickly.

Ye Wenxuan was surrounded by seven or eight cameramen, all of whom were live broadcasters sent by iQi Video.

A huge and advanced live broadcast truck outside is also running at full capacity, recording Ye Wenxuan's situation truthfully, and then passing it on to thousands of households.

Marven Ye got into the nanny car and drove quickly to Ichiro Miyamoto's martial arts field.

It has been almost two hours since the live broadcast started, and more and more people are starting to watch the live broadcast.

The number of people is increasing, from just over 100 million at the beginning to more than 5000 million, and the number is still rising.

The road condition is good and there is no congestion.Marven Ye and his party soon arrived at Ichiro Miyamoto's martial arts field.

Miyamoto Ichiro's martial arts field is located on a seaside, where there are lush greenery.The martial field occupies a very large area, and looks like a small manor from the outside.

The sky is clear and blue, the sea is also rolling with waves, and there are seagulls passing by from time to time.At first glance, it still looks like a paradise, but the plaque on it makes Ye Wenxuan very annoying.

Songryu Gym!

As for the reason why Ye Wenxuan was bored, the main characters on the plaque were Wa Guo characters, and there was a line of small characters below the Wa Guo characters, which were Hua Xia characters.

Clear contempt is also an insult.

Ye Wenxuan has heard a little about Songliu Gymnasium. Songliu is the largest karate school in Japan.

It has been passed down for more than 100 years, and disciples of Songryu can be seen everywhere in the karate civilization of Japan today, which shows how influential Songryu is.

It seems that this Miyamoto Ichiro should also be a disciple of Matsuryu, I don't know how much he has learned.Ye Wenxuan thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, Ye Wenxuan had already changed into his clothes in the car. He was still wearing a white outfit, with traditional martial arts cloth shoes underneath.

A white leg wrap was wrapped around Marven Ye's calf.There are also protective belts on the arms, and a white loose martial arts suit on the body.

Wherever the whole person stood, he was extraordinarily energetic. If those people behind Ye Wenxuan were ignored, others would think they had crossed.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the gate of Songliu Gymnasium with serious eyes.He raised his leg and walked towards the door, and the people behind followed quickly.

Walk into Songliu Gym, there is a huge fighting blanket inside.

Fighting blankets are made of high-tech chemical fibers, very expensive but also very easy to use.

Sitting on the fighting rug at the moment were men wearing Japanese Taoist uniforms. Everyone was sitting on their knees, their upper bodies were straight, their eyes were not squinting, and their bodies were very imposing.

Ye Wenxuan looked at this situation, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Why does this scene look so familiar? It’s kind of like the scene of Ye Wen’s martial arts competition in the movie "Ip Man" from the previous life...

(End of this chapter)

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