Chapter 137 Great Harvest! (Fifth update!)
After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he ignored Ichiro Miyamoto behind him and walked slowly to the audience.

Ye Wenxuan walked very lightly, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a face of determination and indifference.Coupled with the pure white martial arts uniform on his body, and that monstrous majestic aura, in an instant, he was an extremely handsome figure, which was magnified countless times before he knew it.

Ye Wenxuan's figure at this moment was deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Looking at the young man in white, many people were so excited that they couldn't control it, as if some sustenance in their hearts was tied to Marven Ye.

Those shadows of martial arts and chivalry in the past slowly climbed onto Ye Wenxuan's face at this moment, and the blur in his heart was no longer blurred, but became clearer.

If Ye Wenxuan noticed the progress board of the young master at this moment, he would find that the stagnant fan value had grown at an extremely frightening speed.

The 500 million mark, which was so far away, has been broken through in an instant, and the speed is still rising rapidly.

Marven Ye had just stepped off the stage when he heard a series of system prompts in his head.

"The system task - the task of the young master is completed, and the rewards will start to be distributed!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Shaolin Xiaohuan Pill!"

"System task-promote national martial arts. Task details: The host participates in the World Martial Arts Competition and wins the championship. Task reward: A lottery draw for treasures in the mall, and a Great Returning Pill!"

"System task - luxury lineup task completed. Reward issued."

"Congratulations to the host for getting ten high-tech photography balls and a gift pack for an intermediate skill!"

A series of system prompts made Ye Wenxuan stunned for a moment, but then he was overjoyed.

When I stepped off the stage, I was not in the mood to face the congratulations from the crowd, and I just said that I am very tired.He walked quickly back to the nanny car, lay on the sofa and pretended to sleep.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's appearance, the rest of the people had no doubts.The two of them had been fighting for so long, and their physical strength must have been exhausted, so they didn't bother Ye Wenxuan.

Ran Yirou and others returned to the car, while Huang Tianlei drove to the hotel.Ye Wenxuan planned to stay in Dalian for one night today, and didn't plan to travel back and forth anymore.

Ye Wenxuan was lying on the sofa at the moment, a little surprised.

Looking at the few things lying in the system, I was very pleasantly surprised.

Xiao Huan Dan is a black and shiny pill as big as a longan, lying in a white jade box.Ye Wenxuan knew from the appearance that this elixir was extremely precious, and it must have extraordinary efficacy.

Then there are ten high-tech photo balls, each with a shiny silver exterior.There are dense pinholes on the ball, Ye Wenxuan guessed that it should be a camera, and each small hole exudes a bright light, which looks like a high-tech product.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the ten photo balls in his heart, his eyes were full of love.These ten photo balls are simply the most precious thing to Marven Ye.

With them, some variety shows in the previous life must have been shot even better.

For example, "Run, Brother" and "Extreme Challenge" will be much more convenient, and if you make a movie in the future, it will also have many uses, it is simply infinite.

Ye Wenxuan turned his attention to the last intermediate skill gift pack, and was also very happy.

Don't take it for granted that it is an intermediate gift pack, you must know that different skills require different popularity values.Maybe this intermediate skill needs 1 popularity points, and that may require 100 million popularity points.

So Ye Wenxuan hoped that he would be able to draw a few rare and expensive mid-level skills in a while. If he only got four 1 popularity points, he would really want to cry.

Thinking of this, Marven Ye muttered silently.

"Amitabha, Sanqing is above, Sun Wukong is equal to heaven, and the Jade Emperor blesses you."

Ran Yirou who was by Ye Wenxuan's side suddenly saw Ye Wenxuan suddenly laughing, muttering, a little surprised.

"Why does this kid talk in his sleep while sleeping, and why does he smile so obscenely. This kid can't be having a dream, little pervert!"

Ran Yirou muttered slightly, shook her head, and stopped paying attention to Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan didn't know at the moment that his own wretched smile had been discovered, and he was also labeled as a pervert.

Oh no, it's handsome, handsome smile!
Ye Wenxuan opened the middle-level gift bag in the consciousness space, and saw four secretaries floating in front of his eyes after a burst of light.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the cooking intermediate skill book, popularity value: 20 popularity points!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the dance intermediate skill book, popularity value: 100 million!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the piano intermediate skill book, popularity value: 80 popularity points!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the photography intermediate skill book, popularity value: 10 popularity points!"

"Congratulations to the host for accidentally obtaining a [-]% discount card for the skill book!"

Marven Ye was very pleasantly surprised, and two million-level expensive skill books were released.It is definitely worth the money, and the remaining two skill books are also very practical skill books, not the kind of weak skill books.

Ye Wenxuan directly clicked to absorb, and the four skill books shot into Ye Wenxuan's mind like a stream of light, and a huge amount of information poured into Ye Wenxuan's mind.

It took about half an hour for Ye Wenxuan to wake up slowly.

After absorbing four skills at once, Ye Wenxuan's head is a little dizzy now.But the harvest is really not small, these four skills have made Ye Wenxuan a lot.

The level of intermediate skills is above the professional level and below the high level.It's not brilliant, but understanding is no problem.

For example, this intermediate cooking skill basically makes Ye Wenxuan's level almost the same as that of a professional chef, with superb skills.

With the intermediate level of dancing, Ye Wenxuan's dancing skills immediately improved.At least it won't be embarrassing when dancing with others, and it won't be embarrassing to dance with others.

But what is this [-]% discount card for skill books...

"I'm very worried about the host's IQ. It literally means a [-]% discount on skill books..."

The system suddenly made a sound, Marven Ye, who hadn't been ridiculed by the system for a long time, once again felt the hatefulness of the system.

"Is there a time limit?" Marven Ye asked uncertainly.

"Yes, because it was accidentally released. So the time is only one day, and the discount card will be invalid after one day..."

Ye Wenxuan let out a long breath, it's okay, it's okay, thanks for asking.Otherwise, it would be a big loss, and the same is true for this system. How dare you not tell me such a big thing!Ye Wenxuan secretly complained in his heart.

"You didn't ask, why should I tell you..."

"I don't know if you don't tell me..."

"If you don't ask me, how will you know that you don't know!"


Marven Ye's face turned green with anger, but he held back.

Marven Ye should think about what to buy first, otherwise it would be a waste.

Now Ye Wenxuan's popularity value is more than 700 million. This is what he has worked so hard to save for a period of time, and he is not willing to spend it.

After thinking for a while, Marven Ye finally made a decision, that is to buy it!
(End of this chapter)

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