Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 138 "The Grandmaster of Tai Chi" Movie Invitation!

Chapter 138 "The Grandmaster of Tai Chi" Movie Invitation!

Ye Wenxuan moved his eyes to the lavender skill book in the skill book, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

Master Dance Skill Book: Selling for 3000 million popularity points!
Yes, Marven Ye intends to use this discount card for this this time.

In his last life, Ye Wenxuan was very envious of those stars who were good at singing and dancing, but Ye Wenxuan never learned to dance in his last life.

The devil's dance steps from the previous life, the space walk comparable to God's dance steps, mechanical dance, devil dance, anti-gravity tilt, etc., made Ye Wenxuan coveted for a long time.

This time, Ye Wenxuan planned to do it all at once. With the 900% off discount card, Ye Wenxuan could save about [-] million popularity points, which is undoubtedly very cost-effective.

As promised, Ye Wenxuan immediately clicked to buy.In an instant, the original popularity value of more than 700 million was gone immediately, and only 600 million popularity points were left.

Seeing the lavender skill book lying in the system backpack, there are many mysterious and mysterious runes printed on it, exuding a soul-stirring charm.

However, Ye Wenxuan has no intention of learning right now, master-level skills, it is estimated that the input knowledge is more than the sum of the previous four intermediate-level skill books.

So Marven Ye withdrew from the consciousness space and sat up from the sofa.

Ye Wenxuan glanced outside, the sky was getting dark, and the street lights on the side of the road were turned on one by one.The bustling city has also become full of traffic, and the gorgeous lights are gradually turning on.

"Are you awake?" Ran Yirou glanced at Ye Wenxuan and asked casually.

Ran Yirou was browsing the news on the Internet with a tablet computer in her hand, a faint dimple appeared on her quiet and graceful face, obviously she was in a good mood right now.

Ye Wenxuan rubbed his head, and asked sleepily: "What time is it, we haven't arrived yet?"

"It's almost seven o'clock, but you can really sleep. You have slept for more than an hour. Don't worry, we will be there soon." Ran Yirou glanced at her watch.

Marven Ye let out a breath and stretched himself.

"Sister Yirou, you seem to be in a good mood? What's the matter, you won the lottery." Ye Wenxuan asked with a smile, and moved to Ran Yirou's side.

Ran Yirou put the tablet in Ye Wenxuan's hand and pouted.

"Look, you are really a big favorite now. Now all the news on the Internet is that you defeated Ichiro Miyamoto, and now those people on the Internet are no longer dissatisfied with you. Now everyone faintly thinks that you It is the No.1 martial arts today!"

Ye Wenxuan browsed the news on the tablet, and said stinkingly: "Sister Yirou, what you said is wrong. What do you mean by faintly being No.1, it is clearly No.1!"

Ran Yirou rolled her eyes when she heard Ye Wenxuan's words.

"When you say you're fat, you're still out of breath, how embarrassing!"

Ye Wenxuan laughed to himself and didn't refute Ran Yirou.

Ye Wenxuan looked at it for a while, and Ran Yirou suddenly made a sound.

"Wenxuan, all the contracts we sent out have been signed. The stars have already signed the contracts, and Starlight Media is very satisfied with the song you gave to Leng Mengfei, and asked for a salary of 500 million. This It’s equivalent to selling 500 million copies of one of your songs!”

Marven Ye let out an oh, not surprised by the news at all.

The song "Red Bean" that Ye Wenxuan gave to Leng Mengfei won two awards, the Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards and the Top Ten Strong Song Golden Melody Awards in the previous life. It is one of the classic songs of Faye Wong in the previous life.

While the two were chatting, the car finally stopped.

Ye Wenxuan got off the car, smelling the slightly damp air, Ye Wenxuan felt refreshed.

Dalian is a coastal city, and it is hot and uncomfortable in August.At this time, it would be more comfortable only at night, Marven Ye felt very comfortable.

"Everyone, get out of the car, let's go eat quickly, I'm very hungry now!" Marven Ye called out to the people in the car loudly.

A group of people quickly came to the hotel to check in. Ye Wenxuan and others put their luggage in the room and went to the hotel restaurant to order a lot of food.

Especially Ye Wenxuan's meal was enough for several people, and the rest of the people watching were afraid that he would burst his stomach.

After dinner, the group went back to their rooms to rest. Today is a very busy day.Coupled with the excessive mental tension, now that I have relaxed so suddenly, I suddenly feel a little tired.

Ye Wenxuan returned to the room, took a comfortable hot bath, sat on a chair in a bathrobe, took out the computer and continued writing novels, speeding up the typing.

Tomorrow I will go back to the Condor Shooting crew again, after all, as the protagonist, I cannot leave the crew for too long.

Just as Ye Wenxuan was typing, Ran Yirou suddenly broke in.Surprised, he ran to Ye Wenxuan's side.

"Wenxuan, good news!"

Ran Yirou's words made Ye Wenxuan a little puzzled, and asked suspiciously.

"What's the matter, Sister Yirou, what good news can make you so excited!"

Ran Yirou calmed down the excitement in her heart, and said happily: "Just now the famous director Kang Xin sent me an invitation, wanting you to act as the second male lead in his new movie "The Great Master of Tai Chi". This movie was decided the year before last. Now the filming is about to start. Kang Xin just changed people temporarily and asked you to play the role."

"Don't think it's bad for the male number two. In fact, this character is also very likable. This drama mainly promotes Chinese Kung Fu, especially those boxing skills that have been passed down for a long time. The investment of this drama is as high as [-] million, and it is very popular. All the actors are veteran actors, famous actors, and some martial arts champions to shoot."

"And your character is a famous martial arts master who has practiced Taijiquan to a great extent. You are definitely a very attractive character in the play, and your role is not much less than the protagonist."

Ran Yirou talked a lot, and the more she talked, the more excited she became.

Ye Wenxuan also had a happy look on his face, Director Kang Xin.He is definitely a well-known director in Huaxia today. If Huaxia's current directors had to be ranked in one place, director Kang Xin would definitely rank among the top ten.

Moreover, director Kang Xin is quite famous internationally, and many of his films have won international awards.

Marven Ye had some vague guesses.

"Sister Yirou, do you think Director Kang Xin of this movie wants to compete for those international awards? Or does he want to export it to the outside world?"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's question, Ran Yirou was a little surprised.

"Okay, you kid is promising. You can think of this so quickly, you have a very keen sense of smell!"

Ye Wenxuan raised his eyebrows, and responded with a smile: "Of course, I am also a big boss with a net worth of over [-] million, so naturally my sense of smell should be sharper!"

"Okay, don't be poor. Just tell me if you're interested?"

"Of course, but what about my schedule?" Ye Wenxuan nodded, but he was still a little worried about whether his schedule could be arranged.

Ran Yirou waved her hand.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will arrange the schedule for you. It would be a pity if you don't seize such a good opportunity, so don't worry!"

"Okay, then this matter is up to you."

The two discussed the itinerary for the next few days, and Ran Yirou left Ye Wenxuan's room and regained her calm...

(End of this chapter)

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