Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 139 Re-Chapter Crew!

Chapter 139 Return to the crew!

The next day, Ye Wenxuan and others got up early in the morning and went straight to the airport, boarding the plane to LS.

Ye Wenxuan will be on the set today, and when it is almost noon, Ye Wenxuan stepped on the land of LS again.

Back to LS Ye Wenxuan went straight to the location of the crew without stopping.

The group arrived at the crew's location after about half an hour's drive, and it was almost twelve o'clock at noon.

At this time, everyone was already eating lunch, gathering together in twos and threes.

Ye Wenxuan walked around casually, but the conversation between the two made him stop, and his originally smiling face gradually became gloomy.

Ye Wenxuan cast a slight glance at the two people, and saw two people wearing the armor of the soldiers who performed in groups, with their backs to Ye Wenxuan, chatting while eating.

Ye Wenxuan quietly got behind the two of them, without disturbing them, and listened silently.

"Old Wang, tell me why this Condor Shooting crew is so picky. Look at the box lunch here, which is four yuan. After eating, you are not even half full. Look at other crews, the time is good There’s still some meat at the time, and there aren’t even many dishes here!”

"Yeah, it's so stupid. It's too much. I can give you discounts on meals. I'm not human. After I finish my work today, I won't do anything. I will change the crew and suffer from this bird's anger every day. !"

"Me too, let's go together."

"Okay. By the way, do you know what happened to Mr. Hong Feng who injured Wia two days ago? Let me tell you, there seems to be a bit of talk in it." The originally rough voice suddenly lowered.

"What are you talking about? Tell me quickly. I'm also very curious. Why did such a strong rope break? Fortunately, it's okay, otherwise it would be a big problem."

"Ha, I heard. It seems that Teacher Hong Feng was injured because of a problem with the props. However, this matter was suppressed by the director, so he didn't publicize it. It is probably because the director was afraid that others would know, so he banned it." Let's spread the word to each other!"

"I'll go! How dare you discount such a thing as hanging Wia? You really want money like crazy!"


Marven Ye in the back stopped listening, and his face was so gloomy that he would die.

He actually caused so many things when he was not around, discounted meals, and even discounted props.

Ye Wenxuan really wanted to come in front of those in charge and yell, why don't you go to heaven!
Now that Ye Wenxuan thinks about it, he is afraid that there will be an accident in Wei Ya.If something really happened to Hong Feng, Marven Ye would be the important person in charge and would go to court!
Ye Wenxuan's eyes were a little hazy, originally he planned to go directly to the crew to report, but now he changed his mind.

Ye Wenxuan walked back to Ran Yirou's place.

Ran Yirou, Nie Qian and the others were chatting, and they were all in a very good mood.However, Ran Yirou saw Ye Wenxuan walking back with a gloomy expression, and the smile on his face also gradually subsided.

Ran Yirou knew that whenever Ye Wenxuan had such an expression, it meant that he was angry!

"What's wrong? What happened?" Ran Yirou asked hastily.

Marven Ye shook his head slightly.

"We'll talk about it later."

Ye Wenxuan turned his head to look at Xu Rou, and ordered: "Let Carter bring people from their legal department and people from the financial department."

Xu Rou was slightly taken aback, wondering what happened to Ye Wenxuan.

"Boss, is it now?"

"Immediately, immediately! Tell them to come over as soon as possible!" Ye Wenxuan's tone was a little impatient, and his tone became much sharper, and his voice became louder.

Those who were still whispering on one side immediately shut up.

Ye Wenxuan's employees present did not dare to say anything, and looked at Ye Wenxuan cautiously.

This is the first time Marven Ye has made such a big fuss, and now Marven Ye has a majestic expression on his face, which makes them tremble a little.

Xu Rou was choked by Ye Wenxuan's tone, realized the seriousness of the matter, and nodded in agreement one after another.

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he ignored everyone and returned to his nanny's car, and Ran Yirou also returned to the car.

The people below all lowered their heads, and only dared to raise their heads when Ye Wenxuan got into the car.

Nie Qian patted her small chest and walked up to Xu Rou.

"Sister Rou, are you okay? What's wrong with the boss, why are you so angry. "

Xu Rou shook her head with a wry smile. She was a little scared when Ye Wenxuan choked her just now.

"I'm fine, Xiaoqian. But the boss called Carter and the accountant over. It seems that this problem is not small, otherwise Carter wouldn't be dispatched."

Nie Qian nodded thoughtfully, and had some guesses in her heart.

"Sister Rou, it's scary that our boss got angry just now. This seems to be the first time our boss got angry. It scared me!"

Xu Rou looked at the nanny car beside her, feeling a little emotional.

"Hey, when I met the boss for the first time, the boss was still a little young and cautious. But in just half a year, his aura has become stronger and stronger."


In the car, Ye Wenxuan said in a deep voice what he heard just now, and told Ran Yirou everything.

After hearing this, Ran Yirou's eyes were burning with anger, but she still calmed down.

"Wenxuan, why don't we ask Shiyu here. She has been on the set all the time, so she should know some inside information. After all, just listening to those two people's words is not completely credible, after all, people's words are scary."

Ye Wenxuan nodded, called Wang Shiyu and asked her not to tell anyone that he was back.

When Wang Shiyu heard that Ye Wenxuan was back, she was naturally very happy.He trotted all the way over and came to Ye Wenxuan's car.

Naturally, the two of them would be bored when they met, but Ye Wenxuan was really not in high spirits today.

Ye Wenxuan told Wang Shiyu exactly what he heard just now, and asked her if it was true.

After Wang Shiyu finished listening, she hesitated, but she still nodded.

"Wenxuan, it's not just the group performers. Even the lunch boxes of us protagonists and supporting actors have been discounted. Now there are some voices of dissatisfaction among the crew."

Ye Wenxuan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard Wang Shiyu's words.

Even the food of the protagonist and supporting roles is also discounted?This is simply not going to heaven.

This is almost shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

"What else, you can talk about it, it will be convenient for me to settle it together!"

Wang Shiyu stretched out her small hand and rubbed Ye Wenxuan's eyebrows.

"Don't frown, it's not good-looking. Come on, have fun, or I won't tell you."

Wang Shiyu said with a smile, to relax Ye Wenxuan's mood.

Seeing Wang Shiyu's naughty look, Ye Wenxuan felt warm in his heart.

"Okay, I'm fine. Tell me quickly, or your husband's money will be taken away by others, and when you run out of money, how can you support you, a fat little paper!"

"Hmph, you're fat!"

"Hurry up and talk."

"Don't talk!"


After waiting for two hours, Carter arrived late with six or seven people.Ye Wenxuan in the car also understood the situation more or less.

Ye Wenxuan wore a pair of big sunglasses, and with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen people walked towards the crew aggressively.

Ye Wenxuan was very angry, he wanted to let some people know that if the hand is stretched too far, it will be chopped off!
(End of this chapter)

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