Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 140 Talented Student!

Chapter 140 Talented Student!
Ye Wenxuan took the lead at the front, and the people behind followed Ye Wenxuan one by one.

Ye Wenxuan was very high-profile this time, basically everyone knew that Ye Wenxuan was back.

Some people greeted Ye Wenxuan quickly when they saw Ye Wenxuan, but this time Ye Wenxuan was not as kind as before.

The face under the big sunglasses was as cold as frost, exuding an aura that strangers should not get close to, coupled with the aggressiveness of the people behind.

Even a fool can see that Ye Wenxuan's visitor is not friendly, and some people quickly retreated, paying attention to the development of the situation from a distance.

Ye Wenxuan went straight to Zhou Changwen's position, not to trouble Zhou Changwen.But this matter cannot be bypassed by the director, and the director must be brought with him to deal with it.

Zhou Changwen is not the planner of this matter, he is a famous director.Naturally, he would not do such a disgraceful thing, and Ye Wenxuan is already a little bit concerned about this matter.

It seems that several assistant directors below have united to deceive the top and the bottom.Played a trick to deceive the sky and cross the sea, and profited from it.

Zhou Changwen was filming a movie right now, his eyes focused on the monitor screen.

Ye Wenxuan came behind Zhou Changwen and did not disturb Zhou Changwen.Ye Wenxuan still respects Zhou Changwen very much. After all, the other party's character and Ye Wenxuan are really good, and he gave himself enough face when he opened the business.

The filming of one scene was finished very quickly, and it went smoothly, and one scene was over.With joy on his face, Zhou Changwen inadvertently turned around and found Ye Wenxuan.

"Hey, Xiaoye is back. That's great. If you don't come back, I'll go to Beijing to arrest you!" Zhou Changwen patted Ye Wenxuan on the shoulder, looking in a good mood.

Ye Wenxuan smiled slightly, but he didn't make a sound, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Zhou Changwen was taken aback, and looked at the group of people behind Ye Wenxuan.There were also crowds of onlookers from afar looking at this place with strange eyes, Zhou Changwen frowned slightly.

"Xiaoye, you are..."

Marven Ye put his arms around Zhou Changwen.

"Director Zhou, let's go into the room and talk, there are too many people here, it's hard to say..."

Ye Wenxuan said it very euphemistically, but Zhou Changwen has been in the circle for so many years, why can't he understand the meaning of Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan is telling him that this matter is not suitable to be exposed, and also implying that this matter is embarrassing to him!
Zhou Changwen nodded and followed Ye Wenxuan into the room.

"Wow, do you know what's going on? Marven Ye looks so aggressive."

"I don't know, the visitor is not kind!"

"I think Ye Wenxuan has a good character. He is not the kind of person who seeks trouble. I have some guesses about this matter."

"What's the matter, Bai Lao, tell us about it."

"Hmph, some people are too long, this time it's going to be unlucky!"


The people around were talking and speculating about each other.

Ye Wenxuan, Zhou Changwen and others came to a room, and a group of people sat down in a circle.

"Xiaoye, tell me something." Zhou Changwen said in a deep voice, leaning slightly on the chair.

"Director Zhou, now I'm not talking to you as an actor. Now I'm talking to you as the biggest investor and producer of this show." Ye Wenxuan also said seriously.

Zhou Changwen nodded, did not speak, and waited for Ye Wenxuan's follow-up.

"Actually, I came early today, but I heard some rumors on the way. It's like this..." Ye Wenxuan told Zhou in detail what he heard, what he saw, and the comprehensive analysis. Chang Wen.

Zhou Changwen's face became more and more ugly, every time Ye Wenxuan said something.It was as if Zhou Changwen had been slapped hard on the face, extremely ashamed and indignant.

"Director Zhou, that's all. I don't know where the crew's accounts are now. I want to review the accounts."

"Check it out, Xiaoye. I'm really ashamed. The people below dare to do this kind of thing without telling me. I really don't know. Of course, I am also responsible for this matter. Don't worry, I will never cover up anyone. I will never object to a person who should be sued, who should be fired, or who should be fired."

Zhou Changwen stood up with a sonorous and forceful tone.The face is also very angry, and anyone who is treated like a fool will be angry.What's more, a famous director like Zhou Changwen is the most concerned about face.

If this got out, Zhou Changwen would definitely be ridiculed by people in the circle.It would be a shame to laugh at him for his ineffective command.

"I'm going to call all the assistant directors over, and ask them to bring the financial books by the way, let's wait."

After Zhou Changwen finished speaking, he called several assistant directors and asked them to bring the account book.


Not far from the crew, several assistant directors gathered together, with uncertain expressions on their faces.

"Brother Dong, what should we do about this matter? Could it be that Marven Ye discovered something?"

One of them asked the oldest of the three, with a look of confusion on his face.

The man named Brother Dong had a cigarette dangling from his mouth.With a disapproving face, he casually put the ledger on the table into the bag.

"Hmph, just that brat Marven Ye. That's just a little bit of talent. If he doesn't make a good movie, he has to invest. What kind of account book finance does he know, show him what he can know. I asked professionals to tamper with this account book Yes, most people can't find it out at all."

"After a while, we insisted that we didn't know anything. By the way, bring Lao Guo with him. He is the finance of the crew, and he is also in charge of this account book. We can share it together when it is beneficial. When something goes wrong, the cat will be behind. Let him come too, as he also studies financial management and has a lot of professional knowledge.”

The rest of the people were slightly relieved when they heard Brother Dong's words, packed their clothes and walked towards the crew.


About 10 minutes later, a few people arrived.

The leader Dong Ge, his full name is Dong Shaojie.I have followed Zhou Changwen for several years. From Zhou Changwen's point of view, there has been no flaws, and I believe him more.

As soon as he entered the room, Zhou Shaojie was completely different from his behavior just now, and hurried to Zhou Changwen's side.

"Director Zhou, we're here, what's the matter?"

After speaking, he saw Ye Wenxuan again, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Yo, Brother Ye is here too. Why didn't you tell me when you came back, brother treats you to dinner."

Dong Shaojie has to say that he is really an old fritters, and this time he came in with a clear priority.Moreover, his speech is impeccable, and his flattery is even more proficient.

But Ye Wenxuan naturally knew that it was all fake, don't look at this old boy so enthusiastic now.I guess I don't know how to scold Ye Wenxuan in private.

Faced with Dong Shaojie's flattery, Ye Wenxuan gave a half-hearted smile.

"Brother Dong, bring me the account book first. I want to check the account!"

Dong Shaojie slapped his forehead, pretending he didn't know anything.

"Hey, look at my head. I forgot what this trip was for, and here, the ledgers are all in this bag."

After Dong Shaojie finished speaking, he gave the account to Ye Wenxuan, without any fear at all.

Ye Wenxuan didn't reach out to pick it up, but moved his chin, motioning for the people behind to pick it up.

Only then did Dong Shaojie notice the group of people behind Marven Ye. He saw a group of people in suits and leather shoes, and half of them were wearing glasses.Everyone looks like those white-collar workers.

Dong Shaojie's eyelids twitched wildly, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Check it carefully for me, and write down any mistakes!" Ye Wenxuan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, boss."

Dong Shaojie couldn't sit still looking at the four or five people behind him who were carefully counting them.After a haha, he came to Ye Wenxuan's side.

"Brother Ye, who are these people? They look very professional!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wenxuan's mouth, and there was a slight mockery in his eyes.

"They're my company's financial people, and..."

Ye Wenxuan took a sip of the mineral water in the bottle, and said casually: "They are all top students from Beijing University of Political Science and Law and Zhongcai...!"

(End of this chapter)

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