Chapter 142 Kiss scene!

Half an hour later, Ye Wenxuan and his party came out of the room.Just now Dong Shaojie and the others confessed all their actions, and Ran Yirou turned on the recorder to record everything the other party said.

The next thing is naturally to call the police, and then Carter and others follow the police through this procedure.Of course, Ye Wenxuan will not break his promise and strive to give them a lighter sentence.

This is the end of the matter, as soon as this kind of thing happens.Zhou Changwen is not in the mood to continue filming today, so everyone will have a day off.

Ye Wenxuan naturally saw Zhou Changwen's depression, so he took Zhou Changwen out for a drink.It can be regarded as a relaxation of the relationship. After all, such a thing happened, it is impossible for the two of them to pretend that nothing happened at all.

One day passed in the blink of an eye, and the next day we started working normally and filming was going on normally.

Today's scene is an embarrassing scene between actors, kiss scene!
What was filmed was the kiss scene between Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu, especially when Wang Shiyu knew about the scene that was going to be filmed today, she was so ashamed that she had already become obsessed, and Ye Wenxuan couldn't find it.

But when it was time to shoot today, Wang Shiyu still came out.Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu stood in front of Zhou Changwen, Wang Shiyu was a little shy and did not dare to look at Ye Wenxuan.

Zhou Changwen looked at Wang Shiyu and Wang Shiyu with a smile.

"Shi Yu, why are you so shy? After a while, the two of you are filming in a wrong position, and you are not really close. Don't be shy, just relax."

Upon hearing this, Wang Shiyu stared at Zhou Changwen with wide eyes, astonished.

"Misplaced shooting? No, Ye Wenxuan told me yesterday..." Wang Shiyu seemed to understand something at this point.

The beautiful eyes instantly looked at Ye Wenxuan full of "murderous look", and he gritted his teeth.

"Ye... Wen... Xuan!!!"

"How dare you lie to me! Don't run away, you are dead!"

Seeing the bad situation, Ye Wenxuan slipped away quietly. Seeing Ye Wenxuan running away, Wang Shiyu naturally couldn't let him escape, so he hurriedly chased after him.

Last night Ye Wenxuan lied to Wang Shiyu that there would be a kiss scene today, and the director asked for a real kiss.If he insisted on rehearsing, Wang Shiyu was so ashamed that he didn't even dare to meet Ye Wenxuan.

Since the last time they kissed at night, Wang Shiyu never asked Ye Wenxuan to kiss again.The euphemistic name is to watch Marven Ye's performance, which made Marven Ye depressed for a long time.

This time Ye Wenxuan lied to Wang Shiyu, watching her shy expression and snickered for a long time, but his lie was still exposed by Zhou Wenchang.

Zhou Changwen watched the two shuttle back and forth on the set, not only shook his head, but also had smiles in his eyes.As people who have experienced it, he has seen the situation of both Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu, and has some guesses about their relationship.

However, this kind of thing is the most taboo for celebrities to ask, and Zhou Changwen will naturally not make such a low-level mistake.

The two had been arguing for a long time, and seeing that the set had been set up, they returned to the set.

The two nodded to Zhou Changwen, indicating that it was time to start.

This scene was filmed on a strange rock, with a beautiful view, and behind it is a large sparkling lake.The surroundings were lush and beautiful, Marven Ye and Wang Shiyu stood on the rocks.The man is handsome, and the woman is as beautiful as a flower.It is simply a beautiful landscape painting, fascinating.

"No.80 nine games, the first one, action!"

Ye Wenxuan's temperament slowly subsided, and he suddenly turned into a naive young man, a little naive.

"Rong'er, don't leave, I can't leave you."

Ye Wenxuan looked at Wang Shiyu affectionately, although his face was naive, but there was deep affection on his face and deep friendship in his eyes.

At this moment, Wang Shiyu was not as eccentric as before, and sat on the rock a little quietly.Wrapping his hands around his legs, he didn't look at Ye Wenxuan, but looked at the sparkling lake.

Ye Wenxuan saw that Wang Shiyu ignored him and hurriedly climbed up the boulder, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Rong'er, do you know that I didn't know what it means to love someone until I met you. Before I knew how to practice martial arts, others said I was stupid. Hehe, although you also said I was stupid, but I know that you are sincere to me Good man, besides my mother, you are the only one who treats me best. Rong'er, I really can't live without you, really!"

Ye Wenxuan didn't show any naivety at the moment, the expression on his face was fascinating, and his whole person was even more charming.

Listening to Ye Wenxuan's narration, Wang Shiyu turned her head, her eyes already filled with tears.

There was a happy smile on his face.

"Brother Jing, do you really love Rong'er, do you really believe in Rong'er!"

Ye Wenxuan nodded vigorously, and said loudly: "I love you, Rong'er, I really love you!"

Wang Shiyu wept with joy, and slowly closed his eyes, with a look of resigned picking.

Ye Wenxuan leaned forward slowly, but when he was about to kiss the corner of Wang Shiyu's mouth.Ye Wenxuan suddenly changed his mind, changed direction, and swallowed Wang Shiyu's small mouth all at once.

Wang Shiyu's eyes opened suddenly, staring wide open, full of surprise.

But as soon as she opened her eyes and saw Ye Wenxuan's smiling eyes, she understood what was going on, but she didn't wait for her to react.

Zhou Changwen, who was sitting outside the court, watched the scene in the court, raised his eyebrows, and then couldn't help being happy.

"These two actually did a fake show for real. It would have been nice to borrow a seat to shoot, but who knew they actually kissed each other. Haha, the effect is better this way, but Ye Wenxuan's female fans will be sad." Zhou Changwen mumbled to himself He was mumbling, but his face was full of smiles, and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

The people around didn't feel anything wrong, thinking it was Zhou Changwen's request, so they all took the film seriously, and there was no problem.But seeing Wang Shiyu being kissed by Ye Wenxuan still broke many hearts.In terms of appearance, Wang Shiyu is definitely the most beautiful flower in this entertainment circle full of beauties, and her own temperament is even more fresh and refined, she is definitely a big beauty.

There are many people in the crew who secretly like Wang Shiyu, and there are some unrealistic fantasies in their hearts.

Although I know that it is impossible for me, I still can't help but look forward to it.But seeing Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu kissing, I still felt very sad, and many people were secretly sad.

Marven Ye didn't go too far, he only kissed for about half a minute before letting go.

Looking at Wang Shiyu who was blushing, Ye Wenxuan secretly laughed and licked his lips shamelessly.

An angry Wang Shiyu pinched Ye Wenxuan quietly with her small hands, and whispered viciously: "Hmph, I want you to look good when I go back at night!"

Ye Wenxuan chuckled, and helped Wang Shiyu get off the stone to prevent her from getting hurt.

"How about Director Zhou, have you passed this one?" Ye Wenxuan led Wang Shiyu to Zhou Changwen, asking as he walked.

Zhou Changwen gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "It's over, very good."

"Haha, okay, then I'm going to prepare for the next scene, you go ahead." Ye Wenxuan followed Zhou Changwen with a smile and went down to change clothes.

The scenes accumulated a while ago always have to be paid back, so Ye Wenxuan fell into a life of frequent filming.Basically, every scene is related to Ye Wenxuan, but Ye Wenxuan is not impatient at all, and he is not playing big cards at all.

It made many people in the audience want to watch it with admiration, and those veteran actors also had a good impression of young people like Ye Wenxuan.

Not arrogant or impetuous, have both ability and political integrity!
(End of this chapter)

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