Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 143 Birthday Surprise!

Chapter 143 Birthday Surprise!

Time flies, the filming of "Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been going on smoothly, half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

The shooting location of the crew has already left LS, and came to Jiangnan water town to continue filming.

It was getting late, and fiery red clouds filled the sky.The evening breeze blows, blowing the willow branches beside the tree with the wind.

The crew is taking a late break, Ye Wenxuan is leaning on his head at the moment and his eyes are staring straight.

"Hun Dan, where is my meal, where is my meal..."

"I'm going to starve to death if my meal doesn't come..."

Ye Wenxuan looked at those group performers who were eating delicious food, Ye Wenxuan's stomach protested louder.

Ran Yirou, Nie Qian and the others covered their mouths and laughed.

"Boss, why don't you just wait for a while, so anxious. Why are you so hungry, we haven't eaten, and we're not like you." Nie Qian said with a smile.

Ye Wenxuan glanced at Nie Qian resentfully, then shook his head.

"I've been filming for a whole day, and you don't know how much I eat. If I don't come again, I will go on strike."

"Hey, wait a little longer. I think it will be here soon." Wang Shiyu glanced at Ran Yirou quietly, and persuaded softly.

Ye Wenxuan had no choice but to nod weakly, and continued his daze mode.

Wang Shiyu and Ran Yirou stood together, the three of them gathered together and talked quietly.From time to time, he glanced at Ye Wenxuan, with malicious intentions, as if there was a conspiracy plotting.

The sky gradually darkened, the sun gradually disappeared completely on the horizontal plane, and the quiet crew was also shrouded in darkness.

Ye Wenxuan waited for 10 minutes and still didn't wait for the meal, feeling a little impatient.Looking at the dark crew outside, I was a little puzzled.

"Sister Rou, why don't you turn on the lights today? It's so dark." Ye Wenxuan asked.

"I don't know." Ran Yirou shook her head, expressing that she didn't know.

Ye Wenxuan is a little confused, why are you showing weirdness everywhere today...

Suddenly a voice came from afar.

"Ye Wenxuan, Director Zhou is looking for you."

Ye Wenxuan didn't know what Zhou Changwen wanted him for, but he responded immediately.

"Okay, I'll be right over." After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he wanted to walk to the middle of the set.

Walking to the middle of the set, Zhou Changwen looked at Marven Ye with a smile on his face.

"Director Zhou, what do you need from me?"

Zhou Wenchang shook his head, but did not speak.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly lit up.Colorful lanterns were all over Marven Ye's surroundings, and Wang Shiyu was seen walking towards Marven Ye pushing a huge four-tiered birthday cake with nineteen candles stuck on it.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

People around gathered around, Marven Ye was surprised to find out.There were not only the crew members, but also many fans wearing Marven Ye's authoritative clothes, with fluorescent horns on their heads.

"You..." Ye Wenxuan was astonished.

His heart was full of emotion, Ye Wenxuan remembered that today is his birthday.However, Ye Wenxuan has long forgotten about the busyness of the past few days, and unexpectedly everyone gave him a surprise.

Wang Shiyu pushed the birthday cake trolley in front of Ye Wenxuan, smiling like a big crescent moon.

"Wenxuan, today is your birthday, have you forgotten it? Just guess, this is a surprise prepared for you by all of us." Wang Shiyu said with a smile.

Ran Yirou pointed to Marven Ye's fans around.

"Wenxuan, this is the president of fan clubs all over the country. There are 89 people in total. I paid for all their expenses. I think this is the first birthday since debut. It should be celebrated with your fans who love you the most. .”

Ye Wenxuan looked at the excited faces around him, and the blessings from the heart, Ye Wenxuan was very moved now.

"Sister Rou, you did the right thing. You don't need to say more about the company's expenses this time. This is what I should do as their idol."

Marven Ye came to the center and put his palms together.

"Thank you very much for celebrating my birthday. I am sincerely grateful. It has been almost a year since my debut, and time flies. I have been injured, questioned, and suppressed in the past year. I have felt uncomfortable and sad. , and even some want to give up."

"But because of your existence, my fans, my friends, and my colleagues. We fought side by side, you gave me the greatest encouragement, you gave me the strongest support. Thank you, I hope ten years later , 20 years later, or even 30 years later, there will be your existence, I love you, I really love you!"

In the end, Ye Wenxuan even choked up a little.With clasped hands, he kept bowing and thanking the people around him, and what he said was from the bottom of his heart.

When the fans around heard their idol's heartfelt words, they were so moved that they all cried.

Ran Yirou wiped away her tears and stepped forward.

"Okay, today is a good day. Let's not be so sad, come here, let's cut the cake. After that, we will have an outdoor BBQ. Today, the director Zhou will have a holiday for one night. Everyone has a good time!"

"Haha, yes. Let's not be sad today, let's be happy!" Marven Ye also said loudly.

"Haha, cut the cake, cut the cake."

"I will definitely take a photo with Xuanxuan, sign an autograph, and hug!"

"Xiao Nizi, your meeting is beautiful. Among so many support clubs, you don't have many people. You should work hard!"

"Hurry up, post it to Moments, my friends must be so envious!"


Zhou Duo's fans became active, with excitement in their eyes.

Holding a knife, Ye Wenxuan personally cut the cake for everyone present, whether it was the crew, actors, stage managers, or fans present.As long as there were people present, Ye Wenxuan personally delivered the cut cakes to him.

Although everyone didn't receive much, they all felt warm in their hearts.

It was only then that Ye Wenxuan discovered that many barbecues had already been arranged behind the crew.

Stoves, meat skewers, beer and many other things are all available, and someone has already started grilling, so everyone can eat wherever they go.

Ye Wenxuan, who was already hungry, quickly took some food to comfort his stomach.Coupled with ice-cold beer, everyone laughed and laughed, and Ye Wenxuan was in a good mood.

Everyone came and went, and the atmosphere gradually increased.

Some people play games, some fight wine.Of course, there were people performing. Anyway, the atmosphere was very good, and Marven Ye was naturally surrounded by people.

Taking photos and signing Marven Ye did not refuse anyone who came, and they all satisfied the other party's request one by one.

As the atmosphere was getting thicker, Ran Yirou suddenly picked up the microphone.

"Today is Marven Ye's birthday, do you think we asked our birthday star to sing us a song!"

"Clap your hands if you agree, come, let Marven Ye hear your voices!"

Ran Yirou's proposal made everyone present cheer.

"Xuanxuan here is a song, we want to listen to it!"

"We want to listen too!"

"Marven Ye, come one!"

"Marven Ye, come one!"

"Marven Ye, come one!"


Everyone started clapping the table, and the slogans gradually became unified.

Marven Ye smiled wryly, held up the beer, and blew a bottle of wine.

"Okay! I am happy today, I have satisfied everyone's request. Sister Yirou, come, get me a guitar..."

 Guess what new song Ye Wenxuan will sing this time~

(End of this chapter)

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