Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 145 Marven Ye's Guinness Record!

Chapter 145 Marven Ye's Guinness Record!
In the early morning of the second day, the sunlight filled the entire room, as if covering the big white bed with a golden holy garment.

Ye Wenxuan opened his eyes, stretched his waist, and started from the bed.

It was almost twelve o'clock when we got back to the hotel last night, and Marven Ye went to bed as soon as he got back to the hotel.Although he celebrated his birthday yesterday, today's filming task must be completed truthfully and cannot be discounted.

Marven Ye tidied up and came out of the room.

It happened that Wang Shiyu who was opposite also came out of the room, compared to Ye Wenxuan's situation.Wang Shiyu was different, like a lazy little cat, with a sleepy face.Ye Wenxuan didn't need to guess and knew that this girl must have been woken abruptly by the countless alarm clocks he had set.

Ye Wenxuan walked up to Wang Shiyu and pinched her little cheek.

"Shi Yu, hey, wake up. Go to dinner, we're going to film after dinner, hurry up, time is running out."

Wang Shiyu pouted her small mouth, with a face full of reluctance, and said coquettishly.


Marven Ye looked around and saw no one.Hugging Wang Shiyu around her waist, she kissed her face heavily.

"Let's go, it won't be good for others to see."

Ye Wenxuan put Wang Shiyu down and took Wang Shiyu to the restaurant for dinner.

When we came to the restaurant, there were crew members in twos and threes eating breakfast.Some people would greet Ye Wenxuan proactively when they saw Ye Wenxuan, and Ye Wenxuan also responded with a very kind smile.

Marven Ye took some food and walked to his own people.

"Sister Yirou, Xiaoqian, Brother Tianlei. You are all here, you all got up early."

"We didn't drink much yesterday, so we had nothing to do, so we got up early." Nie Qian responded to Ye Wenxuan with a smile.

Ye Wenxuan saw Ran Yirou eating breakfast while reading the news on a tablet.

"Why, working so hard." Marven Ye asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that our handsome Ye Da successfully landed No.1 on the Weibo hot search list again. Your fans are so wild, you know. Up to now, your video yesterday has been reposted 700 times." More than ten thousand, and the speed is still rising rapidly." Ran Yirou pointed at the tablet.

"Yes, boss. Yuxin's side is already crazy busy. The ten people on that side have been working overtime since last night, and didn't take a shift until after two o'clock in the evening. The posts on the Internet and your fan club are crazy , I have to say that your song yesterday was really good to hear and explode. And that song was given to your fans, so the meaning is even more different." Nie Qian also came over with an exaggerated expression.

Ye Wenxuan was also surprised by this, curious Ye Wenxuan took out Ran Yirou's tablet and started browsing.

Yesterday's video was posted by Li Yuxin on his Weibo instead of Ye Wenxuan. The video was recorded by the crew's camera, absolutely high-definition.The words Ye Wenxuan said from the beginning to the end were recorded completely and without mistakes, and the effect was very good.

The number of retweets and comments below will skyrocket by tens of thousands of Ye Wenxuan every few minutes, and the number keeps rising.


"Emperor Wen is mighty! I love Emperor Wen!"

"Xuanxuan is amazing, this song really touched me."

"I made the right choice at the beginning. The first idol who seriously pursued stars was Ye Wenxuan. I'm very happy that I didn't follow the wrong person. My choice was right and I don't regret it!"

"A good Chinese idol, this song is really the best gift for us."

"The years are quiet and the road is long. If you don't go, I won't leave!"

"In terms of how idols treat their fans, Xuanxuan is definitely among the best. It's a pity that I couldn't go to the scene, and I will work hard next year."


Ye Wenxuan browsed through the comments one by one below.The corner of the mouth unknowingly raised a smile, fans like it is the best compliment to Ye Wenxuan.

"When did the title of Emperor Wen come, why don't I know?" Ye Wenxuan asked curiously.

"This Emperor Wen was the title shared by more than 80 presidents of fan clubs yesterday. They thought it was domineering, so as soon as they spread, all the fans agreed with this title." Ran Yirou explained.

Ye Wenxuan's face was a little strange, and he said in a low voice: "Uh... Emperor Wen is a little bit crazy, isn't it good..."

"Hey, boss. With your talent now, you can accept the title of Shangwen Emperor!" Nie Qian persuaded.

"Okay..." Ye Wenxuan could only agree, and of course even if he disagreed, the title could be considered settled.

Ye Wenxuan didn't say much after that, he browsed the news while eating breakfast.


Life gradually returned to the right track, Ye Wenxuan filmed normally every day.His role in this play is gradually drawing to a close.

But his video is still spreading rapidly. In just half a month, the number of times the video has been forwarded has reached more than 3000 million, and it is still rising at a high speed every day.

The fans decided to give Marven Ye a gift back to repay Marven Ye's love for them.

They decided to break a Guinness World Record for Marven Ye!

The broken Guinness record is the world Guinness record for the most Weibo retweets. The previous record was 700 million retweets created by Hua De'an last year.

Now Ye Wenxuan's Weibo retweets are only short of 300 million, and it is about to be broken. It is estimated that it will only happen in the last week.

We all work hard towards this goal and work together.

But everyone didn't just forward it, everyone wrote on this video about the changes and life brought about by him since they fell in love with Ye Wenxuan.

Everyone's feelings are different, but without exception, they are very inspirational.Infected and changed by Ye Wenxuan's positive and hard-working attitude towards life.

Gradually more and more people joined this activity, and the amount of forwarding was like a snowball.

Ye Wenxuan had already uploaded the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" to Yunding Music, and the number of downloads exceeded 800 million in just one day.

Ye Wenxuan now has more than 3000 million fans on Weibo, which is already equal to that of veteran first-line idol stars like Li Guanghe.Moreover, the fan activity is far higher than those first-line stars, and Ye Wenxuan doesn't have any water in it.

In order to build momentum, some celebrity companies will make a lot of zombie fans for their artists, which looks very good-looking from the outside.

But no one knows the actual popularity. Basically, about [-] to [-]% of the stars in the circle may be zombie fans, and the rest are real fans.

Six days later, the Guinness Book of Records official website released a new Guinness World Record.

"Congratulations to Mr. Ye Wenxuan for winning the Guinness Book of Records: The most retweeted TM message on Weibo!"

(End of this chapter)

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